Empathy Outline -


Teaching Empathy As a Way of Being
Empathy is a way of being not an specific techniqu
The Awesome empathy training


While learning about empathy is helpful in deepening understanding, it is best to experience empathy at a visceral felt level. In this training we will combine experience and understanding.


We automatically empathize. It can be shut down or expanded.

Blocks - How shut down?
We can regulate our empathy


See people as an outgroup

 (Cikara & Van Bavel, 2014) Cikara, M., & Van Bavel, J. J. (2014). The neuroscience of intergroup relations: An integrative review. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 9, 245–274. doi:10.1177/1745691614527464




Motivations to be more empathic?
(empathy is a biological need)

Empathy: A Motivated Account Jamil Zaki Stanford University

Implications for Interventions

How, then, could one intervene to increase empathy?
Empirically supported attempts to do so have come in at least four forms.


(having empathic teachers as a role model. who are the empathic teachers?)


(Setting an intention)



There are many definitions of empathy.
 (Wispé, 1986) The distinction between sympathy and empathy: To call forth a concept, a word is needed. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 50, 314–321. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.50.2.314


There are many subprocesses of empathy.


 have some common


Empathy Can Be Learned
Understand why empathy can be learned, fostered, exercised and strengthened.

The brain can be rewired.

Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity, is an umbrella term that describes lasting change to the brain throughout an animal's life course.



People say that empathy can not be learned.  Maybe as a young person you can learn empathy but as you get older the brain is fixed and it can not be changed. Those that didn't learn empathy when they were young can not learn it when they get older.

" it seems to me that the horse is out of the barn long ago on teaching adults empathy and compassion. This teaching has to start in childhood. It must be taught by parents and teachers from the beginnings of our playground and classroom associations. By the time we are grown, we have suffered so much of life's stuff that our emotions are hardened and we are simply surviving. Many feel victimized themselves when they lash out at others. We need to keep better track of what's going on in our schools. To me that's plain and simple. The way I see it, only those adults who are able to make the conversion to follow Christ and His teachings with a changed heart and mind, will be able to understand empathy and compassion. Otherwise, it's like trying to feed a robot tomato soup." Gina Hofen

the brain is 'plastic', ie can be rewired and can be reshaped, so learning or deepening empathy is very doable. It helps to have an empathic guide for that.



Effects of believing Empathy can not be learned
Believing Empathy can not be learned and deepened will inhibit your from trying. This is according




RSA type.
4 min.



Stories of people that learned to deepen their empathy.


5 minute.



5 minute.



5 minute.



5 minute.


Text of Video Text of Video Text of Video Text of Video


"An empathic way of being can be learned from empathic persons. Perhaps the most important statement of all is that the ability to be accurately empathic is something which can be developed by training.

Therapists, parents and teachers can be helped to become empathic. This is especially likely to occur if their teachers and supervisors are themselves individuals of sensitive understanding.

Statement References

  • (Aspy, 1972) Aspy, D. Toward a technology for humanizing education. Champaign, Illinois: Research Press, 1972.

  • (Aspy and Roebuck,1975) Aspy, D. & Roebuck, F. From humane ideas to humane technology and back again, many times. Education, 1975, 95, No. 3, in press.

  • (Bergin and Solomon, 1970)
    Bergin, A.E., & Solomon, S. Personality and performance correlates of empathic understanding in psychotherapy. In J.T. Hart & T.M. Tomlinson (Eds.), New directions in client-centered therapy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970, 233-236.

  • (Blocksma,1951) Blocksma, D.D. An experiment in counselor learning. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Chicago, 1951.

  • (Guerney, Andronico and Guerney, 1970) Guerney, B.G., Jr., Andronico, M.R., & Guerney, Louise F. Filial therapy. In J.T. Hart & T.M. Tomlinson (Eds.), New directions in client-centered therapy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970, 372-386.

It is most encouraging to know that this subtle, elusive quality, of utmost importance in therapy, is not something one is "born with", but can be learned, and learned most rapidly in an empathic climate."

Carl Rogers
Empathic: An Unappreciated Way of Being



Academic Experts Talk about Empathy Being Learnable.


Academic expert.
5 minute.


5 minute.



5 minute.




5 minute.


Text of Video Text of Video Text of Video Text of Video



Reference to studies.


Criticisms of this statement and responses

Groups empathic
write up thoughts, insights,  issues and concerns






Jobs You Can Get with Empathy Training



RSA Animations



Understand the Definitions of Words

Creating a shared meaning.

Become aware of the meaning of empathy and how it compares to other phenomena like compassion, sympathy and pity,


Visual Models of Empathy
Need some visual models of empathy like the model from the HCD.

Empathy is divergent.

Mirror Neurons
Learn about mirror neurons and how they work. Mirror neurons



Learning Empathy Outline



Read to learn Empathy




Learning Empathy by Reading Books and Literature


What books convey a deeper understanding an aptitude of empathy


Giving children books that convey empathy


Children's Books which Teach Empathy by Cindy Vine
September 16, 2010

"There is so much we can teach our children through books. Especially, if you choose a book that has a message. Empathy should not be a difficult attitude to develop in our children. There are books which cover empathy for children in kindergarten right up to secondary. There are books which deal with cancer, divorce, refugees, war victims, children with special needs, what it's like to get old. You name it, there is a book that will deal with that subject. The thing is, is that to get the message across, you need to read the book as well, so that you can discuss it with your child. Reading could be a share-time in your family. You need to talk about the book, how do you think so and so felt?  If we encourage our children to develop empathy for others, we can create a world where everybody fits in and is accepted regardless of what they look like or where they come from. "



Books That Teach Empathy
"Teaching kids empathy is one of the most important jobs of being a parent. These great books for all ages help make it easier by celebrating friendship, difference, and the importance of caring for one another."



Stand in My Shoes: Kids Learning About Empathy 1st Edition
by Bob Sornson Ph.D.
"When Emily asks her big sister what the word empathy means, Emily has no idea that knowing the answer will change how she looks at people. But does it really matter to others if Emily notices how they're feeling? Stand in My Shoes shows kids how easy it is to develop empathy toward those around them. Empathy is the ability to notice what other people feel. Empathy leads to the social skills and personal relationships which make our lives rich and beautiful, and it is something we can help our children learn. This book teaches young children the value of noticing how other people feel. We're hoping that many parents read it along with their children."



Good Books to Teach Preschoolers Empathy
by Esther Carlstone

"Helping children develop empathy is one of the most valuable lessons a parent can teach. Preschoolers are at the perfect age to start learning to walk in another person's shoes as they will soon be sitting in classrooms filled with all kinds of people -- some similar and some different. Reading books together that highlight compassionate characters, or sharing tales that model empathy, is an effective way to open up a discussion about this important trait and what it really means."


Steps you can take.



Learning Self- Empathy


Perspective Taking
People see from their perspective

Different Perspectives and Showing Empathy

perspective hacking






Empathy is a way of being not an specific technique





Person Centered Approach


Empathic Listening


The power of empathy: how being heard calms the body. 01/06/15

How Focusing differs from Mindfulness

Focusing is empathic connection.

Humans are social animals and need others for emotional connection and well being.



Role playing



Mindfulness - Meditation



Human-centered design


Nonviolent Communications




User Centered Design

Empathy: Design tool and outcome p6
"it’s clear that there is room to explore the techniques available to us from our own discipline and others that could offer closer empathy with our users and a better understanding of their context and needs, which should help us make better products. "