1.C Communities
Session Date and Time: Oct 5, 2010, 2-3:30 pm
There are communities of color engaged in
this work. How do we connect and relate authentically to these

notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if
appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
P/V Items (Important
principles or values): They should be our foundation and guide any of
this work, rather than "action items."
Important to decide
what position/role to play. Being conscious with intention.
Be prepared to
follow instead of leading. Self-awareness around pushing agenda, pace,
Enter into work from
different experiences or perspectives, ex. Oscar Grant and actions.
Awareness about privilege in relationship to police. Those inciting
violence vs. communities/people with history of police
Decisions: (Yes/No/Abstain/Commit moving it fwd). Listed in order of
number of votes
Building conscious
relationships with communities, see what’s out there. Some examples:
Solidarity AZ, immigrant work; school budget cuts, Oscar Grant. Start
with learning about, meet up leader people of color-led struggle
Holding awareness
that resources are not evenly distributed. Taking
personal/organizational action to ameliorate this (help others with
places people meet, copying literature, tech access, etc.) (8/0/0/8)
Political education
and learning circles around movement building. Alliance building built
upon place authentic self (7/0/0/7)
Individual work: Choose
people of color professionals, business; form/participate in movements
led by people of color; immerse in people of color art, theatre,
literature, cinema; in education/ counseling recognize own
biases/privilege; be able to talk about racism (7/0/0/7)
White privilege and
solidarity work. Reaching up/ listen white privilege as comes up too.
Curriculum of diversity
education focused around compassionate politics in different
communities (rituals, customs, traditions) (4/2/0/1)
Develop metaculture,
inclusive, multicultural. “Something to hold onto” (4/3/0/1)
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