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International Online Conference on:
How Might We Build a
Culture of Empathy?
Permanently Ongoing
We are now holding our ongoing online
international conference on the question of,
'How Might We Build a Culture of Empathy
and Compassion?'
We are developing a conferencing platform
for an ongoing series of
interviews and panel discussions
(empathy circles) with
empathy and compassion experts
from all fields and walks of life. The panels take place using
Skype and Google hangouts video conferencing and are recorded
and placed on Youtube
for viewing at any time.
Date: Ongoing
We envision a global culture of empathy and compassion, in a world where people
experience the joy of being connected to each other and interconnected
with all life.
The 'How Can We Build a Culture of
Empathy and Compassion?' conference will contribute to building a global culture of empathy and
compassion by bringing interested people from various world
communities together to
synergy, build awareness and grow momentum,
support and motivate one another
ideas and strategies
network and develop partnerships
plans for empathic action.
more to come....
Sub Conferences
We explore a wide variety of questions and host a series
of sub conferences. You can add questions for panels to explore here on
our Facebook Questions page:
are some panel topic questions you would like to pose for the
Conference? Here are some of the Sub Conference topics.
Join the Organizing and Volunteer Team
1. See the Volunteers Page
out this Form - Fill out the form to volunteer
to help out with creating the conference.
Sign up on
Facebook and see some of our Volunteers.
Propose and Moderate
a Panel Discussion
You can host (facilitate/moderate) a panel which consists of 5 people
and lasts one hour. List your name as moderator and find 3 people you
would like to have on your panel. Find people that have some
expertise with empathy or compassion.
The panel can
meet a couple of times and pose different questions: The first panel
will address the question: How Can We Build a Culture of Empathy and
Compassion? Since this is a new format and technology, we will
be developing and improving the format as we go along.
Pease fill out the following.
Sponsoring Organizations
The conference is hosted by the Center for
Building a Culture of Empathy. Would your organization like to take part
in this event? There are different levels of involvement. You
join the planning team
take part in the logistics
connect us to other organizations that may be
interested in taking part
help publicize the conference
host a panel
attend the conference
financially support the conference