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International Online Conference on:
How Might We Build a
Culture of Empathy and Compassion?
Permanently Ongoing
Sub Conference: Empathy Pathologies:
(Sociopathy, Psychopathy, Narcissism, Schizophrenia, Personality
Disorders, etc.)
Tim McGregor: How to Build a Culture of Empathy with Sociopaths,
Psychopaths, Narcissists
Tim McGregor has worked as a practitioner in the UK addiction
treatment sector for over 20 years. Tim founded
Substance Misuse
Solutions Ltd,
that involves consultancy work and commissioning advice on drug and alcohol
treatment. He is coauthor with Jane McGregor of
The Empathy Trap: Understanding Antisocial Personalities.
Jane is
a lecturer at the Institute of Mental Health, University of
Nottingham, UK. |
"Sociopathy affects an estimated 1-4% of the population,
but not all sociopaths are cold-blooded murderers. They're best described
as people without a conscience, who prey on those with high levels of
empathy, but themselves lack any concern for others' feelings and show no
remorse for their actions. Drawing on real life cases, The Empathy Trap
explores this taboo subject and looks at how people can protect themselves
against these arch-manipulators."
Sub Conference: Pathologies: Sociopathy |
Abigail Marsh:
Psychopathy, Fear & How to Build a Culture of Empathy
Abigail Marsh is a
professor at Georgetown University. Her area of
expertise includes social and affective neuroscience, particularly
understanding emotions such as empathy and how they relate to aggression,
altruism, violence and psychopathy. Her
research is aimed at understanding aspects of human social interactions,
emotional functioning, and empathy using cognitive neuroscience methods,
with a particular focus on emotion and nonverbal communication. |
Her research also includes studies with adolescents
and adults that incorporate neuroimaging, cognitive and behavioral testing, and
pharmacology techniques. Abigail also teaches a course titled
Altruism, & Aggression. The course addresses such
questions as; Are humans innately selfish or empathic? What do we mean
when we say empathy? Do selfish or empathic behaviors succeed best in the
long term? What is a psychopath?
Sub Conference:
Pathologies |
Sam Vaknin: How to Build a Culture of Empathy with
Psychopaths & Narcissists
Sam writes and speaks about
psychopathy & narcissism. He's the author of
Malignant Self
Love: Narcissism Revisited. He describes himself as a person devoid of empathy.
"I do not possess empathy: I am a thrice-diagnosed psychopathic
Narcissists and psychopaths lack empathy. This deficiency renders them
emotionally and cognitively crippled. They exploit, manipulate, and abuse
other people because they are unable to relate to them otherwise.
He says there are two type of empathy, one is 'cold empathy', it's
metaphorically like a library of books with no emotion. Psychopaths &
Narcissists have this quality of empathy but do not see (or care) how their
actions affect others.
Sub Conference: Pathologies:
Psychopathy & Narcissism |