- Panels
Possible Panels
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Event -
Education -
Volunteer - [Planning]
International Online Conference on:
How Might We Build a
Culture of Empathy and Compassion?
Permanently Ongoing
Become a
Conference Volunteer
Here's an
opportunity to contribute to building a culture of empathy and
compassion. Here are some ways you can help the movement by volunteering
to support, organize and facilitate this online conference. Check back
for updates as we develop this process. Help build the empathy team.
Help fill the national and worldwide 'empathy deficit'.
Join the empathy volunteer team
now. Meet others with your values, learn how to empathize and
connect more deeply, feel the satisfaction of contributing to
global transformation and well being, learn about this new way of
holding conferences using the latest cutting edge technology.
There's a wide variety of ways you can contribute. |
"Empathy is the only human superpower - it can shrink distance,
cut through social and power hierarchies, transcend differences,
and provoke political and social change." Elizabeth Thomas
Steps To Volunteering
Join the Volunteer
Work Group on Facebook
Join this Facebook Volunteer Event Page
Invite your friends to the page.
2. Fill out this Google
Document Form
Add Your: Name, Email, Facebook
link, Skype contact, Linkedin, Comments, etc to this form
3. Like the
Facebook Empathy
Center Page for ongoing conference updates.
4. Join Weekly
Volunteers Planning Call on Skype
Follow the link and sign up on the Facebook Event Pages
Calls every Monday and Saturday.
8-9 people max per call.
All times are San Francisco, California, Pacific Standard Time (PST)
see the
time converter
We can add calls as needed.
See the meeting agenda
and minutes Document.
- Saturday, 10 am
- Monday, 1 pm
- Saturday 10 am Transcription Team Skype Call
2012-02-11 -
Saturday 1 pm
- Monday, 10 am
- Saturday, 10 am Transcription Team Skype Call
2012-02-18 -
Saturday 1 pm
- Monday, 10 am and 1 pm
-Saturday, 10 am
-Saturday, 1 pm
Volunteer Panel Discussion
- Monday, 10 am
2012-03-03 - Saturday, 10 am
2012-03-10 - Saturday - 10am
2012-03-17 - Saturday - 10am
Weeky call - Saturdays, 10am
5. Email
Edwin Rutsch
for more information.
I look forward to talking with
Some Volunteer Positions and Skills We Need
For Panels
Volunteer for organizing specific sub conferences. be
the team leader for; building a
culture of empathy and compassion in;
General Organizing
Empathy Teams
Find Sponsors
Fund Raising
Publicity - Public Relations
Writing, Editing, Graphic Design
Technical computer skills especially with video, Skype,
Google hangouts, etc
Web Development Skills
Intern at the Empathy Center
Other - add your ideas here and create
your own role
Screen shot from
- Saturday, 10 am

Screen shot from the
- Monday, 1 pm
