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International Online Conference on:
How Might We Build a
Culture of Empathy and Compassion?
Permanently Ongoing
short url

Hosting a panel is serious business
Panel Process - Step by Step
Here is a step by step guide to producing/moderating/facilitating and taking part in a panel.
We are developing it now in real time, so stay tuned as we expand and
refine it. The process is basically very easy..
Please keep a record of your process of being on this panel so that we
can use this to improve the process. We are continuously developing and
refining this step by step online guide and manual. We'll be making a
video version of this as well.
Send us your questions,
comments and suggestions.
( ) Decide to be a Panel
Producer and Moderator This is a great opportunity to be part of a cutting edge conference
and to help promote the values of empathy and compassion, as well as,
all the values that flow from from standing in some else's shoes and
looking through someone else's eyes. The world needs the values of
caring, community, hope, responsibility, peace, integrity,
nonviolence, freedom, fairness justice, etc. if we are to survive and
In this conference there is no need to spend money with travel, hotel
rooms, lumpy beds, transportation, bad food and who knows what else.
From the comfort of your home or office you can take part in these
panel discussion with fellow 'empathy experts' around the world!
We hope you will join the movement to build a culture that nurtures,
fosters, supports and encourages these values.
So, you want to Produce and Moderate a panel - here's what to do.
Producer is responsible; for bringing the panel
together, inviting participants, scheduling, etc.
Moderator moderates the panel.
You can do both or have separate people do each.
( )
Google Hangouts Step by Step Guide -
Specific page about how to use Google Hangouts, which is the
technology we use for the video part of the circles. Please follow the
instructions to set up Google hangouts
( )
the latest version of Skype (5 to 10 minutes)
( ) It's important to have the latest version
since a current version is needed to do group conferencing
( )
( )
Skype Support Step by step guides
( )
If you
have trouble see the skype support page
( ) Talk with
Edwin Rutsch
Line Up Your Panelists
( ) Find 3 other empathy
related 'experts' to be on your panel.
Fill out the info for each panelist
( ) Name:
( ) Skype name and id:
( ) Affiliations:
( ) Facebook page:
( ) Website:
( ) A very short 2 or 3
sentence bio:
( ) Contact panelists and confirm a Date and Time
for the panel
( ) Talk with
Edwin Rutsch to confirm
( ) Review process of panel
( ) Panelists Preparation Being well prepared up will help the panel proceed smoothly
( )
Check that your video
( )
Check your bandwidth.
( )
Use a head set or ear buds to reduce
( )
Check audio
( )
Set volume in Skype (know how to adjust your audio volume in
Skype) (pending)
Hosting the Panel
We meet at the time specified and discussion the topic
Edwin will call each person on skype and invite them
into the group call
Edwin records the discussion
Post Panel
Video is processed and
uploaded to Youtube
video is added to
conference website
We promote the panel discussion to our
40,000 supporters of the Center for Building a Culture of Empathy.
Think about doing another panel (return
to step 1)
Have the same panel address a new
Each Panelist can become a moderator of
a new panel.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Is there a cost associated with the
A: There is no cost. Skype is free and attendance is free. The
panel discussions are free to view on Youtube.
If you are a panelists you my need to purchase a microphone and webcam.
If you would like to help finance and donate to the project let us know.
Q: As a panelist how much time is involved?
A: For moderators there is the time involved in scheduling your
The panel itself is one hour, with a pre 10 to 15 minute setup to make
sure all the technology is working correctly and 20 to 30 minute
post discussion to debrief how the panel went and to add comments and
suggestions for refinement.
Q. I am interested yet need to know
more how to set up communication and interaction for a panel. I don't
understand technology very well. What is Skype, how does it work?
A. If you have a computer it is fairly easy to set up Skype. We will try
to help you along the way. We will try to set up a conference technical
help desk and create this manual and video explanations of how the
technical process works.
Suggestions from Participants
I think providing several more instructions in advance, such as:
We will be using video so be sure to
sit in a place, dress, etc. in a way that you are comfortable.
Answer the specific question
Stay aware of the fact there are others
on the panel and be careful not to monopolize time.
For moderator - ask one question
at a time and direct the question to one specific panel member at a
time. Providing questions in advance is a great idea. When doing so it
is likely that panel members took time to prepare for those. So, as
much as possible direct the questions accordingly and limit asking
"anything else you may add" to all other panel members when one
speaker has said a lot on a topic and/or it's his/her area of
expertise and there are other great questions to cover