Individual Video Clips and Sources
Here are video clips and resources of Barack and Micelle Obama talking about
empathy. The first row of images link to edited video clips of Obama
talking about empathy, the second row has short excerpts of the text. The
other columns have the source of the video and text, as well as, transcripts
of the entire speeches and interviews, etc.. (areas in red are material
that's still needed)
Year-Month-Day - Speech Title |
Comments on Empathy |
Source Video |
Reference Material, Notes,
and Comments |
1995-07-18 - Barack
Obama Promotes Empathy: In Book - Dreams of My Father |
Nor do I pretend to understand the stark nihilism
that drove the terrorists that day and that drives their brethren still. My
powers of
empathy, my ability to reach into another's heart, cannot penetrate
the blank stares of those who would murder innocents with abstract, serene
And it is that truth, a truth that they surely sense but can't admit and, in
fact, must refuse if they are to wake up tomorrow, that has forced them, or
others like them, eventually to shut off access to any empathy they
may once have felt. |
Text Source
Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source:
Notes: This listing
2001-09-19 have been
edited into one video clip on Obama's reactions to the terrorist attacks. |
2001-09-19 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: 9-11 Terrorists
Attack Caused by Lack of Empathy
Hyde Park Harold Article |
We must also engage, however, in the more
difficult task of understanding the sources of such madness. The essence of
this tragedy, it seems to me, derives from a fundamental absence of
empathy on the part of the attackers: an inability to imagine, or
connect with, the humanity and suffering of others. Such a failure of
empathy, such numbness to the pain of a child or the desperation of a
parent, is not innate; nor, history tells us, is it unique to a particular
culture, religion, or ethnicity. |
Text Source -
Empathy Section
Video Source: |
2002-01-21 - Martin Luther King Day - Chicago IL
- Rockefeller Memorial Chapel |
You know, the principle of empathy gives broader meaning, by
the way, to Dr. King’s philosophy of nonviolence...
It seems like we got an empathy shortage, an empathy deficit.
More serious than the federal budget deficit. We've become so cynical that
it almost seems naive to believe that we can understand each other across
the gulf of race, or class or region or religion...
An empathy shortage. That's what the principle of empathy
does, its calls us all to task. The heartless conservative, the patronizing
liberal, the powerful and the powerless. The oppressed and the oppressor. No
one is exempt from finding common ground, because when no one is exempt it
forces all of us to examine our own actions, our own belief systems. It
shakes us out of our complacency and protects us from our own blindness our
own self-righteousness. Our own fanaticism.
Text Source -
Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source:
Google - Youtube |
2004-07-27 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: DNC 2004 Keynote
Address - Boston MA |
If there is a child on the south side of Chicago
who can't read, that matters to me, even if it's not my child. If there's a
senior citizen somewhere who can't pay for their prescription drugs, and has
to choose between medicine and the rent, that makes my life poorer, even if
it's not my grandparent. If there's an Arab American family being rounded up
without benefit of an attorney or due process, that threatens my civil
liberties. It is that fundamental belief - I am my brother's keeper, I am my
sister's keeper - that makes this country work. It's what allows us to
pursue our individual dreams and yet still come together as one American
family. E pluribus unum. "Out of many, one." |
Text Source
Local Copy
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ americanrhetoric
Notes: Empathy is not mentioned but he
alludes to it. |
2004-11-01 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy with
Oprah Magazine |
Barack: That's great. I often say we've got a
budget deficit that's important, we've got a trade deficit that's critical,
but what I worry about most is our empathy deficit. When I speak to
students, I tell them that one of the most important things we can do is to
look through somebody else's eyes. People like bin Laden are missing that
sense of empathy. That's why they can think of the people in the
World Trade Center as abstractions. They can just crash a plane into them
and not even consider, "How would I feel if my child were in there?"
Oprah: We Americans also suffer from an empathy deficit, because we
often feel that the woman in Bosnia or Afghanistan who loses her child is
somehow different from us.
Barack: They become abstractions.....
Barack: Those slash-and-burn tactics have become the custom in Washington
politics. But we will not play that game. People don't want to hear folks
shouting at each other and trying to score political points. They want to
solve problems. I'm determined to disagree with people without being
disagreeable. That's part of the empathy. Empathy doesn't just extend to
cute little kids. You have to have empathy when you're talking to some guy
who doesn't like black people.
There's a level of viciousness in politics because power is at stake.
Fortunately, most of my past mistakes are ones that people already know
about. That's one of the nice things about writing a book. |
Text Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
Notes: |
2004-11-23 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Charlie Rose
Show |
Barack: When I see the empathy deficit that
damages so much of our politics.
Charlie: What is the empathy deficit?
Barack: The inability of people to stand in other folks shoes. .. It's
hard to empathize with people who have different values than you. |
Text Source - Local Copy -
Empathy Section\
Video Source:
(need transcript)
2004-11-23 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Dreams Father
Book Signing - NY NY |
How do we expand a sense of empathy and
allow each and every one of us to...
.. Excuses for that, and that's where my empathy stops. I can't get into
that mindset... |
Text Source
Local Copy
- Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ c-span,
@ c-span
Notes: need full text |
2005-04-12 - Visit to Walter Reed Army Medical
Center |
Throughout these visits, I was extraordinarily
impressed with the deep care, attentiveness and professionalism of the staff
at Walter Reed. They considered these young people to be part of their
families and are able to maintain a powerful balance between
empathy for those in their care and a cheerful insistence on the ability
of these wounded soldiers to recover from their injuries. |
Text Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
Visit to Walter Reed Army
Medical Center (need
video) |
2005-06-22 - What it takes be full-grown man? |
One of the values that I think men in particular
have to pass on is the value of
empathy. Not sympathy,
empathy. And what that means is standing in somebody else's shoes, being
able to look through their eyes. You know, sometimes we get so caught up in
"us" that it's hard to see that there are other people and that your
behavior has an impact on them. And sometimes brothers in particular don't
like to feel empathy, don't like to think in
terms of "How does this affect other people?" because we think that's being
soft. There's a culture in our society that says we can't show weakness and
we can't, therefore, show kindness. That we can't be considerate because
sometimes that makes us look weak. |
Text Source -
Local Copy
Empathy Section
Video Source:
(need video)
Notes: not sure where is this from? It could be
confused with
- Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Fathers Day
Apostolic Church Chicago, IL |
2005-09-11 - Barck Obama on George Bush and
Katrina. |
Stephanopoulos asked: “How do you explain why President Bush
didn't seem to get this early on?”
said Obama “You know what, it's hard to explain. I mean, it's
puzzling, given his immediate response during 9/11 that he did not feel a
greater sense of empathy towards the folks that were experiencing this
enormous disaster,” |
Text Source - Local Copy - Empathy
Video Source: (need video)
Notes: |
2005-09-22 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Confirmation of
Judge John Roberts |
That last mile can only be determined on the
basis of one's deepest values, one's core concerns, one's broader
perspectives on how the world works, and the depth and breadth of one's
empathy... |
Text Source
Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source: @
Notes: |
2006-01-13 - Obama wraps up Middle East trip |
As you travel through the Middle East what keeps on striking home to me is
how similar everyone is, and yet the degree to which we can find differences
to fight wars over. It requires a great deal of empathy, I think,
between various sides to overcome this history and live in peace. |
Text Source
- Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
(need video)
Notes: |
2006-01-26 - Barack Obama on Confirmation
of Samuel Alito - Senate Debate on Empathy |
And when I examine the philosophy, ideology, and
record of Samuel Alito, I'm deeply troubled.... when you look at his
record - when it comes to his understanding of the Constitution, I have
found that in almost every case, he consistently sides on behalf of the
powerful against the powerless; on behalf of a strong government or
corporation against upholding American's individual rights. |
Text Source -
Local Copy
Video Source:
c-span (16:00 hr.)
no empathy comments, but Obama says Samuel Alito always sides with the
200?-??-?? - Barack
Obama Promotes Empathy from Books and Literacy |
The biggest deficit that we have in our society and in the world right now
is an empathy deficit. We are in great need of people being able to
stand in somebody else's shoes and see the world through their eyes.
And the great power of books is the capacity to take you out of yourself and
put you somewhere else. And to suddenly say, “Oh, this is what it’s like” –
maybe not perfectly – but it gives you some glimpse of “This is what it is
like to be a woman”, or “This is what it is like to be an African-American”.
Or “This is what it is like to be impoverished in India”. Or “This is what
it’s like to be in the midst of war”.
And so much of what binds us together in society and allows it to function
effectively depends on it. And so much of what is wrong with how we
interact, and so much of what is wrong with our politics has to do with the
absence of that quality. And so it’s books more than anything else that are
going to give our young people the ability to see other people. And that
then gives them the capacity to act responsibly with respect to other
people. |
Text Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ youtube
date ???
(need full transcript and where is this speech from?) Obama talks about the empathy
deficit and how literacy and reading can help .July
27, 2007 |
2006-05-?? - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Building with
Books Keynote |
For a group of young people that have served countless hours and helped
hundreds and dozens of people, what they are learning is the ability
to see the world through somebody else's eyes, and to stand in somebody
else's shoes. And that strikes me as the most important quality that
we need in America right now and around the world right now If you think about so much of the conflict, the war, the cruelties that
we have been witnessing, so much of if it seems to have to do with the
inability of people to recognize themselves in somebody
else. |
Text Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ youtube - part 1
@ youtube - part 2
(need full transcript) Says Building with Books program helps kids develop empathy.
part 2 |
2006-06-02 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: U Massachusetts
Boston Commencement |
My third piece of advice is to cultivate a sense of empathy - to
put yourself in other people's shoes - to see the world from their eyes. Empathy is a quality of character that can change the world. |
Text Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ c-span .flv (new)
@ c-span
.rm (new)
Notes: |
2006-06-16 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Northwestern
Commencement |
The world doesn't just revolve around you.
There's a lot of talk in this country about the federal deficit. But I think
we should talk more about our empathy deficit. |
Text Source 1,
Source 2 -
Local Copy
Empathy Section
Video Source: @ youtube
(Challenges Grads to Cultivate Empathy.)
2006-07-12 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Campus Progress
Conference |
The last piece of advice is to cultivate a sense
of empathy. There's a lot of talk in this country about the federal deficit.
But I think we should talk more about our empathy deficit - the ability to
put ourselves in someone else's shoes; to see the world through those who are
different from us - the child who's hungry, the laid-off steelworker, the
immigrant woman cleaning your dorm room.
The fact that you're here and participating in Campus Progress means that
most of you have already done this better than most ever will. But as you go
on in life, cultivating this quality of empathy will become harder, not
easier. There's no community service requirement in the real world; no one
forcing you to care. You'll be free to live in neighborhoods with people who
are exactly like yourself, and send your kids to the same schools, and narrow
your concerns to what's going in your own little circle. Not only that - we
live in a culture that discourages empathy. A culture that too often tells us
our principle goal in life is to be rich, thin, young, famous, safe, and
entertained. A culture where those in power too often encourage these selfish
impulses. |
Text Source
Local Copy
Empathy Section
Video Source:Notes:
@ youtube
@ livevideo (problems with clip)
@ c-span (new)
Campus Progress Annual Conference |
2006-08-11 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Xavier University
Commencement |
You know, there's a lot of talk in
this country about the federal deficit. But I think we should talk more
about our empathy deficit - the ability to put ourselves in someone
else's shoes; to see the world through the eyes of those who are different
from us - the child who's hungry, the steelworker who's been laid-off, the
family who lost the entire life they built together when the storm came to
town. |
Text Source -
Local Copy
Empathy Section
Video Source:
xavier (new) (not good quality)
2006-09-17 - Barack Obama on Empathy: Book Audacity of Hope |
Like most of my values, I learned about empathy from my
mother. She disdained any kind of cruelty or thoughtlessness or abuse of
power ....Whenever she saw even a hint of such behavior in me she would look
me square in the eyes and ask, "How do you think that would make you feel?"
... I find myself returning again and again to my mother's simple principle
-- "How would that make you feel?" -- as a guidepost for my politics. ...
It's not a question we ask ourselves enough, I think; as a country, we seem
to be suffering from an empathy deficit."
Text Source -
Local Copy
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ fora.tv
- author
in Chapter 2 on Values |
2006-10-18 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Oprah Show |
My mother taught me empathy—the basic concept of
standing in somebody else's shoes and looking through their eyes. If I did
something messed up, she'd just say, 'How would that make you feel if
somebody did that to you?' That ends up being, I think, at the center of my
politics, and I think that should be the center of all our politics. If we
see a child who's languishing in an inner-city school, how would we feel if
that was our child?" |
Text Source -
2nd - Local
Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source: @
2006-10-19 - Larry King Interview With Barack Obama |
Your first book, "Dreams From my Father," contained a lot of eloquence and
emotion about your dad but there are some wonderful passages in "The
Audacity of Hope" about your mom. I'm going to read an example.
"Like most of my values, I learned about
from my mother.
She disdained any kind of cruelty or thoughtlessness or abuse of power,
whether it expressed itself in the form of racial prejudice or bullying in
the schoolyard or workers being underpaid. Whenever she saw even a hint of
such behavior in me, she would look me square in the eyes and ask, 'How do
you think that would make you feel?'"
OBAMA: She was
somebody who although was nor formally religious had an extraordinarily
powerful sense of what was right and what was wrong and how to treat other
people. And, as I write in the book, you know, most of the values that I
think still guide my politics are values that I got from her. And her spirit
still I think motivates me in a lot of what I do. |
Text Source - 2nd - Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
Notes: |
2006-10-19 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Charlie Rose Hour |
There are a set of common values that we hold as
Americans that need to be excavated, that we need to affirm. That
Republicans, Democrats, independents can all buy into.. ... |
Text Source -
Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source: @
no comments about empathy in this
interview, but looking for shared
values |
- Larry King Live |
Larry King quotes from Audacity of Hope: "Like most of my values, I learned
about empathy from my mother" |
Text Source -
Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
(need video)
Part One - on CNN but ends before empathy section.
on Youtube Part Two?? Where is it?? |
2006-12-04 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: K.I.D.S. Fashion
Delivers Gala
Speaking at the December 4, 2006 gala for K.I.D.S./Fashion
Delivers, Barack Obama describes how Americans must overcome the country's
deficit in empathy to address the needs of populations at risk in our
society. |
If we hope to meet the moral test of our times,
we’re going to have to talk more about the empathy deficit—the ability to
see ourselves when we choose to empathize with the plight of others. It is
time for a sense of empathy to infuse our politics in America.
It is time for a sense of empathy to infuse our politics in America.
K.I.D.S. has spent over 20 years making this a reality. Now it is time for
the rest of us to catch up. |
Text Source - Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source:
need transcripts. a lot on empathy
2007-03-04 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Selma Speech |
There is an empathy gap. There is a gap in terms
of sympathizing for the folks in New Orleans. It's not a gap that the
American people felt because we saw how they responded. But somehow our
government didn't respond with that same sense of compassion, with that same
sense of kindness. And here is the worst part, the tragedy in New Orleans
happened well before the hurricane struck because many of those communities,
there were so many young men in prison, so many kids dropping out, so little
hope. |
Text & Vid Source
Local Copy
Empathy Section
Video Source: @ youtube
(need full video)
@ barackobama.com
@ c-span (new)
(1&2?) |
2007-05-13 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: This Week George
Stephanopoulos |
I'm not an ideologue. Never have been. Even
during my younger days when I was tempted by sort of more radical or
left-wing politics, there was a part of me that always was a little bit
conservative in that sense, that believes that you make progress by sitting
down, listening to people, recognizing everybody's concerns, seeing
other people's points of views, and them making decisions...
But keep in mind, I'm not interested in bringing people together just for
the sake of bringing people together. I'm not naive enough to think that if
we all hold hands and sing "Kumbaya" that somehow health care gets solved
or, you know, education gets solved. Right now, what we need to make
significant progress on these problems is to be able to build enough bridges
to get things done. |
Text Source -
Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source: @ youtube
2007-05-19 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: New Hampshire U
Commencement |
The world doesn't just revolve around you. There's a lot of talk in this
country about the federal deficit. But I think we should talk more about our
empathy deficit |
& Vid Source -
Local Copy
Empathy Section
Video Source:@ youtube
@ barackobama.com
2007-07-03 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Town Hall Meeting
- Fairfield IA |
somehow we have lost the capacity to recognize
our self in each other. People talk a lot about the federal deficit, but one
of the things I always talk about is we have a empathy deficit in this
country. That people seem to have lost a sense that we are all in it
together. |
Text Source - Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ c-span rm
text, good talk |
2007-07-17 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy:
Planned Parenthood on Judges |
We need somebody who's got the
heart, the empathy, to recognize what it's like to be a young teenage mom.
The empathy to understand what it's like to be poor, or
African-American, or gay, or disabled, or old. And that's the criteria by
which I'm going to be selecting my judges. |
Text Source 1, Text
Source 2 -
Local Copy
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ youtube
moneinamillion.com - full speech
Barack Obama says he appoint Supreme Court justices with "empathy." |
2007-07-09 - Michelle Obama Promotes Empathy - Greenville SC
What he's said time and time again is that this country is suffering from an empathy deficit, and if you don't have it in you to walk in another
person's shoes, it's going to be difficult for us to move through these
problems, that what we need, as a country, is to start caring for one
another in a very deep and fundamental way," |
Source - Local Copy - Empathy Section\
Video Source:
2007-08-08 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Walks in the
Shoes of Oakland |
(Barack Obama
Walks in the Shoes of Oakland Homecare Worker and SEIU member, Pauline Beck.
Empathy in action and service. Was a program of union to have the candidates
walk in the shoes of the workers.) |
Source - Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source: @ youtube
2007-08-19 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy:
Presidential Debate - Des Moines IA
I believe in the power of prayer. And part of what I believe in is
that, through prayer, not only can we strengthen ourselves in adversity, but
that we can also find the empathy and the compassion and the will to deal with the problems that we do
control. |
Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ c-span
2007-09-28 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy:
Presidential Debate Dartmouth |
Part of what we've lost is a sense of empathy
towards each other. We have been governed in fear and division, and you know, we talk about the
federal deficit, but we don't talk enough about the empathy deficit, a sense
that I stand in somebody else's shoes, I see through their eyes. |
Text Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ c-span (new)
2007-09-30 - Michelle Obama Promotes Empathy - National
Congress Black Women |
Barack always says that one of our greatest challenges as a nation is not a
deficit of resources – for we are one of the riches countries in the world;
and it's not deficit of policies, because we have some of the greatest minds
working on these issues. Instead, our greatest challenge is that we are
living in a time when we are suffering from a deep empathy deficit. |
Text Source
Local Copy
Empathy Section
Video Source:
2007-10-15 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Mack Apple
Orchard - Londonderry NH |
Question: Who's your favorite past president?
Barack: Lincoln, ...Stand in their
shoes and have great empathy and great feeling for his fellow man....
Text Source - Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ c-span .flv - (empathy
section) (new)
@ c-span
.rm -
@ youtube (new)
2007-11-14 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Candidates at
Google |
What I've learned about how Democrats lose,
Democrats lose when they are not clear what they stand for. Democrats lose
when they are attacked, and because they don't know where they stand, they
end up getting defensive, instead of going on the offensive......
The problem of the 21st century is the problem of the other, people who are
not like us... people talk about our federal budget deficit, we have a
empathy deficit, we are not able to see world through other people eyes. And
that's what I think I can provide. |
Text Source - Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source: @ youtube
2007-11-28 - Michelle Obama Promotes Empathy - Indianola IA |
... and open-mindedness and faith and empathy, and it's
funny that we live in a...
... we are suffering from the deficit of empathy and that is where
you get back to that... |
Text Source -
Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source: @
c-span .flv
c-span .rm
2007-12-20 - Michelle Obama Promotes Empathy - Fairfield IW |
Barack always says that our greatest challenge
right now a nation is not that we have a deficit of resources, because we are
one of the richest nations in the world. that is true. and it's not
that we have a deficit of policies and plans... the reality is we know what
we need to do...We have the answers, what Barack says we are lacking is the
will, we are suffering from a deficit of empathy. We don't care about each
other. (clapping) |
Text Source - Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source: @
google .flv (new)
2007-12-31 - Michelle Obama Promotes Empathy - Grinnell IA
Because right now we are living in a country
where we are still too divided. Still too divided, We've made some progress.
But we live still in such isolation from one another. And we don't know how
we live. We don't get to talk, we're not connected. As a result we don't know
one another....Still guided by fear, I talk about fear a lot. We're grown to
be a nation that's afraid of everyone and everything.....the problem with
fear is that it clouds our judgment....fear cuts us off...
Barack says that our greatest challenge as a nation is not that we are
suffering from a deficit of resources. We are still one of the riches
nations in the world.... Barack says that right now we are living in a time
where we are suffering from tremendous deficit of empathy. we have lost the
understanding that we have a mutual obligation for one another. We are one
another's brothers and sisters keepers. To live in a democracy we have to
compromise and sacrifice for one another. |
Text Source - Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source: @
c-span .flv
@ c-span
.rm (new)
December 31, 2007?
Obama at the Iowa Veterans Home,
Marshalltown |
"We are suffering as a nation because we suffer a
deficit of empathy |
Text Source - Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
Notes: Monday, |
2008-01-06 - Michelle Obama Promotes Empathy - Plymouth NH
Barack says our greatest challenge is not that we
are suffering from a deficit of resources.....Because what Barack says we are
suffering from right now is a deficit of empathy. We have a deficit of empathy. We
live in a nation where we do have a mutual obligation to one another. Those
aren't just words. |
Text Source - Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ c-span .flv
@ c-span
2008-01-20 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: King Day at
Ebenezer Baptist Church |
I'm talking about a moral deficit. I'm
talking about an empathy deficit. I'm taking about an inability to recognize
ourselves in one another; to understand that we are our brother's keeper; we
are our sister's keeper; |
Text &
Vid Source -
Text B Source 2
Local Copy
Empathy Section
King Day at Ebenezer Baptist Church
Video Source: @
@ barackobama.com
The Great Need of the Hour - Atlanta, GA
2008-01-20 - Barack
Obama Promotes Empathy: King Day at Ebenezer Baptist Church
Excerpt from Obama's speech on January 20, 2008 at Ebenezer Baptist Church.
Accompanied by Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 2 with painting and artwork
2008-01-21 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: King Day At The
Dome |
I'm talking about an empathy
deficit that exists. I'm talking about an inability to recognize
ourselves in each other, to understand that we are our brother's keeper,
that we are our sister's keeper, that, in the words of Dr. King, we are all
tied together in a single garment of destiny. We have an empathy
deficit when we're still sending our children down corridors of shame
instead of corridors of opportunity, not just in South Carolina but all
across the United States of America.
Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source: @ youtube
2008-01-29 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Reclaiming the
American Dream Butler Community College
El Dorado, KS |
This will not be easy. Because the change we seek will
not just come from overcoming the ingrained and destructive habits of
Washington, it will require overcoming our own fears and our own doubts. It
will require each of us to do our part in closing the moral deficit - the
empathy deficit - that exists in this nation. It will take standing in
one another's shoes and remembering that we are our brother's keeper; we are
our sister's keeper. |
Text & Vid Source
Local Copy
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ barackobama.com A(full video
is here)
2008-01-29 Jan A B
(what is the
difference between these 2 speeches?)
El Dorado, KS ? |
2008-01-31 - Michelle Obama Promotes Empathy - Wilmington DE
it's not the plan, this stuff is not rocket
science, we know what we need to do..... What Barack says, is our greatest
challenge is we've lost the understanding that we have a mutual
obligation to one another. It's a simple as that. It begins there......Out
leaders have told us just take care of your own..... But what Barack
understands in that we won't sacrifice for one another in the way we need to
if we not able to see ourselves in one another..... we have to be inspired to
know what we have to do. |
Text Source - Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source:
Notes: no direct use of the word empathy but the 'see ourselves in one
another'. |
2008-03-02 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Westerville OH -
Town Hall Meeting - Supreme Court

(version2) |
the cases that we pay attention to, that we care
about are the 5% of the cases, or the 1% of the cases. And what makes them
hard cases, because there are conflicting values, it's not that they're right
own wrong, but there may be two rights or two wrongs and you've got to try to
resolve them. And there the question is, what's in the persons heart and
their gut and not just what's in head. And what I want is people on the bench
who have enough - empathy, enough feeling for what ordinary people are going
through. That they're not just in a bunch of abstractions up there. |
Text Source - Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ youtube
Notes: Obama is asked about appointments to
Supreme Court and other Appointees, need to transcribe.
Says he will choose Supreme Court Judges with heart and empathy. |
2008-02-03 - Michelle Obama Promotes Empathy - UCLA Rally CA |
We are suffering from a deficit of empathy. We have lost the
understanding that in a democracy we have a mutual obligation... |
Text & Vid Source - Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ c-span
@ youtube
Michelle Obama UCLA Rally
2008-03-13 - Michelle Obama Promotes Empathy - Villanova PA |
Suffering, he says, from a deficit of empathy. This is why I am here..
Text Source - Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ c-span .flv
@ c-span
2008-04-02 - Michelle Obama Promotes Empathy - Carnegie
Mellon - Pittsburgh PA |
What Barack understands is that we are
suffering from a deficit of empathy. Now, see, that sounds simple,
and some people think that all the answers are complex; they require some
mathematical equation, some big, long ten-point plan. What Barack gets is
that we have lost the understanding that we have a mutual stake in one
another. That we have an obligation to sacrifice and compromise for one
another. |
Text Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source: @ youtube (new)
2008-03-18 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Philadelphia - A
More Perfect Union |
This was one of the tasks we set forth at the beginning of this campaign –
to continue the long march of those who came before us, a march for a more
just, more equal, more free, more caring and more prosperous America....
This time we want to talk about the men and women of every color and creed
who serve together, and fight together, and bleed together under the same
proud flag. We want to talk about how to bring them home from a war that never
should’ve been authorized and never should’ve been waged, and we want to talk
about how we’ll show our patriotism by caring for them, and their families,
and giving them the benefits they have earned.
Text Source
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ youtube
Notes: a more
Perfect Union and patriotism means more caring.
2008-03-19 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Anderson Cooper -
Patriotism |
I think is the core of patriotism,
which is, you know, are we caring for each other? Are we upholding
the values of our founders? Are we willing to sacrifice on behalf of future
Text? Source
Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source: @ youtube
(need better clip of this interview, it has
a squashed look) (copy 2)
(need to find link to this) Patriotism
starts with people caring about each other. |
2008-04-01 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Ann Currie
Interview Today Show |
CURRY: Which president do you most want to be
OBAMA: Lincoln.
OBAMA: He never lost sight of the humanity of even those who opposed them.
CURRY: Best thing your mom ever taught you?
OBAMA: Empathy. Making sure that you can see the world through somebody
else's eyes, stand in their shoes. I think that's the basis for kindness and
compassion. |
Text Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source: @ msn
- Michelle Obama Promotes Empathy - North Side High - Fort Wayne IN |
sacrifice and compromise for one another. Barack
has been asking us this whole election, to look at ourselves differently. And
inspiration and hope is all a huge part of that. You know the fact that we
lost site of the fact that we are our brothers and sisters keeps in this
nation. That we have to be prepared to sacrifice something big for the
greater good. And in order to do that, we have to feel some faith and
trust and inspiration in our leadership. I don't think there is anyone else
in this race that is going to be able to unify this country, whose going to
be able to change the way politics is done. Whose going to bring people
together who never thought they had anything in common before. |
Text Source - Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
Notes: no direct mention of empathy but
contains the bring people together comment. |
2008-05-02 - Michelle Obama Promotes Empathy - Town Hall
Meeting - Durham NC |
and this is where Barack gets it. He understands
that our challenge is us. That we have lost a sense of empathy. We
have had leadership that has told us that you can go it on your own. You
don't have to worry about your neighbor. Just make sure your little
world is ok, you don't have to compromise and sacrifice for anybody, just
take car of yourself. |
Text Source - Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ c-span
2008-05-25 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Wesleyan
Commencement |
But during my first two years of college, perhaps because the
values my mother had taught me –hard work, honesty, empathy – had resurfaced
after a long hibernation; or perhaps because of the example of wonderful
teachers and lasting friends, I began to notice a world beyond myself.
Source -
Local Copy
Empathy Section
Video Source: @
@ youtube - ver 2A
at 5:30
2008-05-31 - Barack
Obama Promotes Empathy: Church Resignation |
my faith is part of everything that I do. And I
don't' think there is a clear separation between my faith and how I try to
live my life. And I certainly think that part of my motivation in the work
that I do is a belief in what I consider to be the core precept of
Christianity, in addition of Christ dieing for your sins, is that treating
your brothers and sitters as you'd have them treat you, a sense of empathy,
a belief in the golden rule, and that's what I try to apply to my work and
what I do every day. |
Text Source -
Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ c-span
2008-06-15 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Fathers Day
Apostolic Church Chicago, IL |
The second thing we need to do as fathers is pass
along the value of empathy to our children. Not sympathy, but
empathy – the ability to stand in somebody else's shoes; to look at
the world through their eyes. Sometimes it's so easy to get caught up in
“us,” that we forget about our obligations to one another. There's a culture
in our society that says remembering these obligations is somehow soft – that
we can't show weakness, and so therefore we can't show kindness. But
our young boys and girls see that. They see when you are ignoring or
mistreating your wife. They see when you are inconsiderate at home; or when
you are distant; or when you are thinking only of yourself. And so it's no
surprise when we see that behavior in our schools or on our streets. That's
why we pass on the values of empathy and kindness to our children by
living them. We need to show our kids that you're not strong by putting other
people down – you're strong by lifting them up. That's our responsibility as
fathers. |
Text Source
Local Copy
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ youtube
@ c-span
2008-07-10 - Remarks Joint Event with Senator
Hillary Clinton - NY, NY |
But the Supreme Court also affects women's lives
in so many other ways – from decisions on equal pay, to workplace
discrimination, to Title IX, to domestic violence, to civil rights and
workers' rights. And the question we face in this election is whether we'll
have judges who demonstrate sound judgment and
empathy, who understand how law operates in our
daily lives, who are committed to upholding the values at the core of our
Constitution – or judges who put ideology before justice, with our
fundamental rights as the first casualty. |
Text Source
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
(need video)
Notes: Remarks of Senator
Barack Obama:
Joint Event with Senator Hillary Clinton |
- A&E Biography Barack Obama |
Text Source -
Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source: @
(check for
empathy quotes, are none, it's more historical bio) |
2008-08-16 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Saddleback Civil
Forum Presidency |
WARREN: tell me in a minute why you want
to be president.
OBAMA: You know, I remember what my mother used to tell me. I was talking to
somebody a while back, and I said, the one time that she'd get really angry
with me is if she ever thought that I was being mean to somebody or unfair
to somebody. She said, imagine standing in their shoes, imagine looking
through their eyes. That basic idea of empathy. |
Text & Vid Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ youtube - empathy
@ youtube - full
2008-08-28 - Barack Obama
at the 2008 DNC -
The American Promise
our destiny is inextricably linked. That together, our dreams
can be one.
"We cannot walk alone," |
Text Source
Local Copy
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ youtube
No direct use of the word empathy but the sentiment is used. |
2008-08-28 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: 2008 DNC Tribute
The only time I ever saw my mother
really angry is when she saw cruelty, when she saw somebody being bullied or
somebody being treated differently because of who they were. And, if she saw
me doing that, she would be furious. And she would say to me: "Imagine
standing in that person's shoes. How would that make you feel?" That simple
idea, I'm not sure I always understood when I was a kid, but it stayed with
me. ...
What I want is a family that is transmitting the values I
inherited, the values that Michelle inherited to the next generation: hard
work, honesty, self-reliance, respect for other people, a sense of
empathy, kindness, faith. |
Text Source
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ youtube
Biography Video |
2008-09-17 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy:
Steve Kroft 60 min interview - Elko NV |
That sense of putting yourself in
somebody else's shoes, and seeing through their eyes. And what's
shaped me most powerfully - maybe because I'm half black and half white --
that a big chunk of my childhood, I was sort of an outsider, didn't quite
fit anywhere. |
Text part 1 -
Text part 2 -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ cbsNews
2008-10-20 - Pinay
girl writes to Obama |
If you don't already know what it means, I want you to look up the word
‘empathy' in the dictionary. I believe we don't have enough empathy
in our world today, and it is up to your generation to change that. |
Text Source
Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source:
Pinay girl writes to Obama, gets response |
2008-10-23 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Maya on Her and
Baracks Mother |
Maya says Barack
learned empathy from their mother. Maya,
"She was the most empathetic person I know and she encouraged
that in Barack, I think, and she is the one that gave him his ability to
connect with so many people. " |
Text Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ youtube
2009-02-05 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: National Prayer
Breakfast - Washington DC |
the golden rule, the call to love one another, to understand one
another, to treat with dignity and respect those with whom we share a brief
moment on this Earth. |
Text Source
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ c-span
2009-04-07 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy:
Student Roundtable In Istanbul |
But it will depend on young people like you being open to new ideas and new
possibilities. And it will require young people like you never to stereotype
or assume the worst about other people.
In the Muslim world, this notion that somehow everything is the fault of the
Israelis lacks balance -- because there's two sides to every question. That
doesn't mean that sometimes one side has done something wrong and should not
be condemned. But it does mean there's always two sides to an issue. I say
the same thing to my Jewish friends, which is you have to see the
perspective of the Palestinians. Learning to stand in somebody else's
shoes to see through their eyes, that's how peace begins. And it's up to
you to make that happen.
Text Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source: @
Notes: metaphor of empathy. "stand in somebody else's shoes to see
through their eyes," |
2009-04-23 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: US Holocaust
Museum - Washington DC |
Today and every day, we have an opportunity
as well as an obligation to confront these scourges, to fight the impulse to
turn the channel when we see images that disturb us or wrap ourselves in the
false comfort that others’ sufferings are not our own. Instead, we have the
opportunity to make a habit of empathy, to recognize ourselves in
each other, to commit ourselves to resisting injustice and intolerance and
indifference, in whatever forms they may take, whether confronting those who
tell lies about history, or doing everything we can to prevent and end
atrocities like those that took place in Rwanda, those taking place in
Darfur. |
Text Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ youtube
@ c-span
2009-05-01 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Souter Retirement
I will seek someone who understands that justice
isn't about some abstract legal theory or footnote in a case book. It is
also about how our laws affect the daily realities of people's lives --
whether they can make a living and care for their families; whether they
feel safe in their homes and welcome in their own nation.
I view that quality of empathy, of understanding and identifying with
people's hopes and struggles as an essential ingredient for arriving at just
decisions and outcomes. I will seek somebody who is dedicated to the rule
of law, who honors our constitutional traditions, who respects the integrity
of the judicial process and the appropriate limits of the judicial role. |
Text Source -
Local -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ youtube
@ c-span
2009-05-17 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy:
University Notre Dame Indiana Commencement |
I was not raised in a particularly religious household, but my mother
instilled in me a sense of service and empathy that eventually led me
to become a community organizer after I graduated college. |
Text Source
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ cnn
@ c-span
@whitehouse.gov 16:9
2009-05-22 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: C-SPAN Library
Interview |
And you know, I said earlier, that I thought empathy was an important
quality and I continue to believe that. You have to have not only the
intellect to be able to effectively apply the law to cases before you.
But you have to be able to stand in somebody else's shoes and see through
their eyes and get a sense of how the law might work or not work in
practical day-to-day living. |
Text Source -
Local Copy -
Video Source:
@ youtube
@ c-span
2009-05-26 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Introduces Sonia
Sotomayor |
For as Supreme Court Justice
Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, the life of the law has not been logic, it
has been experience; experience being tested by obstacles and barriers, by
hardship and misfortune; experience insisting, persisting, and ultimately
overcoming those barriers. It is experience that can give a person a common
touch and a sense of compassion, an understanding of how the world
works and how ordinary people live. |
Text Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ youtube
2009-06-19 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy:
Television Correspondents Dinner |
I’m proud of
my nominee, Sonia Sotomayor. And all those who oppose her, to all
those who say that there’s no place for empathy on the bench, I say
this: I completely understand how you’re feeling. When you’re upset,
I’m upset.
Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
- Television Correspondents Dinner
Video Source:
@ youtube
2009-08-31 -
Addiction Recovery Month |
Addiction Recovery Month
During National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, we also pay
special tribute to the dedicated professionals and everyday citizens who,
with skill and empathy, guide people through the treatment and recovery
process. Across America, they are offering a message of hope and
understanding. |
Text Source -
Local Copy -
Video Source:
2009-09-09 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Health Care
Speech to Congress |
That large-heartedness -- that concern and regard for the plight of others
-- is not a partisan feeling. It's not a Republican or a Democratic feeling.
It, too, is part of the American character --
our ability to stand in other people's shoes; a recognition that
we are all in this together, and when fortune turns against one of us,
others are there to lend a helping hand; a belief that in this country, hard
work and responsibility should be rewarded by some measure of security and
fair play; |
Text Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ MSNBC video
(Final) |
2009 09 18 Barack Obama on Empathy Warm Wishes for Rosh
Hashanah |
At the dawn of this New Year, let us rededicate ourselves to that work. Let
us reject the impulse to harden ourselves to others’ suffering, and instead
make a habit of empathy – of recognizing ourselves in each other and
extending our compassion to those in need. Let us resist prejudice,
intolerance, and indifference in whatever forms they may take -- let us
stand up strongly to the scourge of anti-Semitism, which is still prevalent
in far too many corners of our world.
Source -
Local Copy -
Video Source: @ youtube
2009-10-14 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Observes Diwali
we remember those who are less fortunate, .... and at this
sacred time of year let us join together across denominations, religions and
cultures to make a habit of empathy and reach out to those most in
need. To share the blessings we enjoy and to advance the cause of peace in
all corners of our world. |
Text Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ youtube
(last time Obama used the word empathy directly)
2009-10-28 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Human Rights
Campaign Dinner |
For the struggle waged by the Human Rights
Campaign is about more than any policy we can enshrine into law. It's about
our capacity to love and commit to one another. It's about whether or not we
value as a society that love and commitment. It's about our common
humanity and our willingness to walk in someone else's shoes: to imagine
losing a job not because of your performance at work but because of your
relationship at home; to imagine worrying about a spouse in the hospital,
with the added fear that you'll have to produce a legal document just to
comfort the person you love -- (applause) -- to imagine the pain of losing a
partner of decades and then discovering that the law treats you like a
personal acts of
compassion.... families can show the same
compassion in a time of need |
Text Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
at Human Rights Campaign Dinner
Video Source: @ Youtube
2009-10-28 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Hate
Crimes Prevention Act Commemoration |
And at every turn, we've made progress
not only by changing laws but by changing hearts, by our willingness to
walk in another's shoes, by our capacity to love and accept even in the
face of rage and bigotry. |
Text Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ Youtube
2009-12-18 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Press Conference
in Copenhagen |
I think it is going to be very
hard and it's going to take some time. Let me sort of provide the context
for what I saw when I arrived. And I think it's important to be able to
stand in the shoes of all the different parties involved here. In some
ways the United States was coming with a somewhat clean slate, because we
had been on the sidelines in many of these negotiations over several years. |
Text Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ Youtube
2009-12-19 -
Will Smith Interview with Barack Obama |
Smith: You talked about expanding our moral imagination. Would you
Elaborate on that idea?
Barack Obama: When you think about what's happening in the world, on
one hand it's shrinking. The internet, live feeds, Youtube, the internet.
and that means no one around the world should be a stranger. And that should
be be bringing us closer together. Because it reminds us that we are all the
same.... but it's disorientating. People pull back in their own specific
identity, their race, their tribe, their religion, and that is a dangerous
thing because it can splinter
people and cause conflict.
One of the critical ingredients of any effort for
peace is my ability to stand in your
shoes, to see through your eyes, to constantly imagine, ‘What’s it like
being a mother in Bangladesh right now?’ and if the waters were rising
because of climate change.
That kind of ability to imagine ourselves in different
situations helps us connect with those other people, and hopefully that can
be part of what drives us to do better on a whole host of things. |
Text Source - Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source:
2009-12-23 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy: Jim Lehrer
Newshour Interview |
And one of the things that I think Democrats
and Republicans have to constantly do is try to put themselves in the other
person's shoes. If we had a Republican president right now and a
Republican-controlled Senate, and Democrats were doing some of these things,
they'd be screaming bloody murder. And at some point, you know, I think the
American people want to see government solve problems, not just engage in the
gamesmanship that has become so customary in Washington.
It is very important for I think those of us who desperately want
peace, who see war as, at some level, a break-down, a manifestation of human
weakness, to understand that sometimes it's also necessary - and you know,
to be able to balance two ideas at the same time; that we are constantly
striving for peace, we are doubling up on our diplomacy, we
are going to actively engage, we are going to try to see the world through
other people's eyes and not just our own; |
Text Source -
Local Copy -
Empathy Section
Video Source:
Obama on Jim Lehrer Newshour Interview
2010-02-20 - Barack
Obama Promotes Empathy: House Democratic Congress on Healthcare Vote
Now, I can’t guarantee that this is good
politics. Every one of you know your districts better than I do. You talk to
folks. You’re under enormous pressure. You’re getting robocalls. You’re
getting e-mails that are tying up the communications system. I know the
pressure you’re under. I get a few comments made about me. I don’t know if
you’ve noticed. (Laughter.) I’ve been in your shoes.
I know what it’s like to take a tough vote. (at end ladder to
success) |
Text Source -
Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ Youtube
@ Whitehouse
new to sort
Around this time Obama starts talking a lot
about compassion and not mentioning empathy directly, but is using the
empathy metaphor of standing in other's shoes.
2010-02-19 -
Remarks by The President At Town Hall Meeting In Henderson, Nevada
Through their unwavering commitment, they have driven and
inspired countless acts of leadership, compassion,
2010-02-25 -
Presidential Proclamation -- American Red Cross Month
responding to challenges at home and abroad with compassion
and generosity.
2010-03-09 -
Remarks by the President Honoring Greek Independence Day
and for the wisdom and compassion that has always defined
your ministry.
2010-03-10 -
Remarks by President Obama and President Preval of the Republic of Haiti
who represent the true character of our country and who
projected to the world the best face of America -- a face of
and generosity
2010-03-25 -
Presidential Proclamation -- Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A.
To secure a bright future for America, we must instill in our
children a love of learning as well as a spirit of compassion.
2010-04-01 -
Presidential Proclamation - National Donate Life Month
these individuals' lives depend on the compassion of a loved one or
a complete stranger.
2010-04-11 -
Statement by the President on Holocaust Remembrance Day
those who endured the horrors of the Holocaust remind us of
humanity’s capacity for decency and compassion.
2010-04-30 -
Presidential Proclamation--National Day of Prayer
they have driven and inspired countless acts of leadership,
compassion, and service across our country
2010-05-07 - Presidential Proclamation--Mother's Day
Through their unwavering commitment, they have driven and
inspired countless acts of leadership, compassion, and service across our
2010-05-01 - Barack
Obama Promotes Empathy: U Michigan Commencement Ann Arbor MI |
Still, if you're someone who only reads the
editorial page of The New York Times, try glancing at the page of The Wall
Street Journal once in awhile. If you're a fan of Glenn Beck or Rush
Limbaugh, try reading a few columns on the Huffington Post website. It may
make your blood boil; your mind may not often be changed. But the practice
of listening to opposing views is essential for effective citizenship.
So too is the practice of engaging in different experiences with different
kinds of people. For four years at Michigan, you have been exposed to
diverse thinkers and scholars; professors and students. Do not narrow that
broad intellectual exposure just because you're leaving here. Instead, seek
to expand it. If you grew up in a big city, spend some time with some who
grew up in a rural town. If you find yourself only hanging around with
people of your race or your ethnicity or your religion, broaden your circle
to include people who've had different backgrounds and life experiences.
You'll learn what it's like to walk in
someone else's shoes, and in the process, you'll help make this
democracy work. |
Text Source -
Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source: @
@ Whitehouse
new to sort |
2010-05-09 - Barack
Obama Promotes Empathy: Hampton U Commencement Hampton VA |
All of this, I hope, has had the effect of
opening your mind; of helping you understand what it’s like to walk in
somebody else’s shoes. But now that your minds have been opened, it’s
up to you to keep them that way. It will be up to you to open minds that
remain closed that you meet along the way. That, after all, is the
elemental test of any democracy: whether people with differing points of
view can learn from each other, and work with each other, and find a way
forward together. |
Text Source -
Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source: @
@ Whitehouse
2010-06-07 - Barack
Obama Promotes Empathy: Kalamazoo Central High Commencement Kalamazoo MI |
So, graduates, I hope you’ll continue those
efforts. Don’t make excuses. And I hope that wherever you go, you won’t
narrow the broad intellectual and social exposure you’ve had here at
Kalamazoo Central -- instead, seek to expand it. Don’t just hang out with
people who look like you, or go to the same church you do, or share your
political views. Broaden your circle to include people with different
backgrounds and life experiences. Because that’s how you’ll end up
learning what it’s like to walk in somebody else’s shoes. (Applause.)
That’s how you’ll come to understand the challenges other people face.
And this is not just an academic exercise. It’s a way to broaden your ambit
of concern and learn to see yourselves in each other. |
Text Source -
Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ Youtube
@ Whitehouse
2010-08-29 - Barack
Obama Promotes Empathy: Fifth Anniversary Hurricane Katrina New Orleans LA |
And together, we are helping to make New Orleans
a place that stands for what we can do in America -- not just for what we
can’t do. Ultimately, that must be the legacy of Katrina: not one of
neglect, but of action; not one of indifference, but of empathy; not
of abandonment, but of a community working together to meet shared
challenges |
Text Source -
Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ Whitehouse
2010-08-29 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy:
Occasion of Rosh Hashanah |
And as we begin this New Year, it is more
important than ever to believe in the power of humility and compassion
to deepen our faith and repair our world. At a time when too many of our
friends and neighbors are struggling to keep food on the table and a roof
over their heads, it is up to us to do what we can to help those less
fortunate. |
Source - Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ Whitehouse
Notes: |
2010-10-21 - Barack Obama Promotes Empathy:
It Gets Better |
It will mean that you’ll be more likely to help fight discrimination – not
just against LGBT Americans, but discrimination in all its forms. It means
you’ll be more likely to understand personally and deeply why it’s so
important that as adults we set an example in our own lives and that we
treat everybody with respect. That we are able to see the world through
other people’s eyes and stand in their shoes – that we never lose sight of
what binds us together. |
Text Source -
Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ Whitehouse
Notes: |
2010-12-10 - President at Christmas in Washington |
while Christmas is a time to celebrate, a time to sing chorals and exchange
gifts, it’s also something more. It’s a time to rediscover the meaning of
words like “charity” and “compassion” and “goodwill”; to do our part
for our neighbors; to serve God through serving others. So from our family
to yours, happy holidays, everybody. Merry Christmas, and God bless you all.
And God bless the United States of America. Thank you very much. |
Text Source - Local Copy - Empathy
Video Source: @
Notes: |
2010 Presidential Medal of Freedom Ceremony |
When you are among the youngest of nine
children, you develop a strong sense of empathy. When those children are the
Kennedys, you also develop a strong set of diplomatic skills just to be
Text Source - Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source: @ Whitehouse @ C-Span
Notes: |
2011-01-12 - Obama
Remarks - Gabrielle Giffords - Tucson AZ |
But what we can't do is use this tragedy as one
more occasion to turn on each another. That we can not do. That we can not
do. As we discuss these issues, let each of us do so with a good dose of
humility. Rather than pointing fingers or assigning blame, let's use this
occasion to expand our moral imaginations, to listen to each other more
carefully, to sharpen our instincts for empathy, and remind ourselves of all
the ways our hopes and dreams are bound together. |
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2011-02-03 - National Prayer Breakfast - Washington DC |
until that day, we're called to work on behalf of a God that chose justice
and mercy and compassion to the most vulnerable.
Over the past two years, the nature of these obligations, the proper role of
government has obviously been the subject of enormous controversy. And the
debates have been fierce as one side’s version of compassion and
community may be interpreted by the other side as an oppressive and
irresponsible expansion of the state or an unacceptable restriction on
individual freedom. |
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Video Source:
@ Whitehouse @ C-Span
Notes: compassion |
2011-03-10 - White House Conference on Bullying
Prevention |
The fact is, sometimes kids are going to make
mistakes, sometimes they’re going to make bad decisions. That’s part of
growing up. But it’s our job to be there for them, to guide them, and to
ensure that they can grow up in an environment that not only encourages
their talents and intelligence, but also their sense of empathy and
their regard for one another. |
Text Source - Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source: @
Whitehouse @ C-Span
Notes: |
2011-03-07 - Presidential Proclamation--National Volunteer Week |
Last year, nearly 63 million Americans gave of
themselves through service. Their
compassion is a testament to the generosity of the American spirit.
In difficult times, Americans are coming together -- tackling our challenges
instead of ignoring them -- and renewing the principle that we are our
brother's keeper and our sister's keeper. |
Source - Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source: @ Whitehouse @ C-Span
Notes: compassion |
2011-04-13 - Fiscal Policy Speech - George Washington U -
DC |
The America I know is generous and
compassionate; a land of opportunity and optimism. We take
responsibility for ourselves and each other; for the country we want and the
future we share. |
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Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source:
@ Whitehouse
@ C-Span
Notes: Compassion |
2011-04-14 - Presidential Proclamation--Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A. |
The future of our Nation depends on our ability
to instill in future generations the values that will help them write the
next proud chapter of the American story -- a dedication to knowledge and a
sense of compassion for their fellow citizens. As we celebrate
Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A., we recommit to preparing our sons and
daughters to thrive with principle and purpose in the 21st century. |
Text Source - Local Copy - Empathy Section
Video Source: @ Whitehouse @ C-Span
Notes: Compassion |
2011-04-14 - DNC Event at N9NE Restaurant -
Chicago IL (6:25PM) |
Each and every time we’ve had to make a
decision, my guiding principle, that North Star, has been those values that
we talked about during the campaign: I am my brother’s keeper, I am my
sister’s keeper. A belief in an America that is competitive and
compassionate. A belief that there’s nothing we can’t accomplish
if we come together, and that we have to think big in terms of what we need
to accomplish. And if we’re progressive, we’ve got to care about the deficit
just as much as the other side does,..
But how we get there is important. And you’ve got right now one side
that I believe is entirely sincere that says we no longer can afford to do
big things in this country. We can’t afford to be compassionate. |
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Video Source: @ Whitehouse @ C-Span
Notes: Compassion |
2011-04-14 - DNC Event at MK Restaurant -
Chicago IL (7:35PM)?? |
The idea that we are a country of individualists
and freedom-loving people, folks who are self-reliant and entrepreneurial
and understand that we have to earn our way, but also a country that
recognizes we’re in this together, and that those of us who are lucky enough
to be successful want to see other people be successful; and that we want
a country that is reflective of generosity and compassion; and that we
want every kid to be able to be a governor or the head of a big company,
regardless of where they were born, and we want a country that respects
everyone, regardless of their race or their gender or their sexual
orientation. |
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Video Source: @ Whitehouse @ C-Span
Notes: Compassion ,
10 min speech, w. Q&A |
2011-04-14 - DNC Event at
Navy Pier - Chicago IL
(9:30PM) |
our vision for America. We’ve got a big vision for America, of a
compassionate America and a caring America and an ambitious America, not
a small America. It’s a vision where we’re living within our means but
we’re still investing in our future. Where everyone makes sacrifices;
no one bears all the burden. Where we live up to the idea that no
matter who we are or what we look like, no matter whether our ancestors
landed on Ellis Island or came here on slave ships or across the Rio Grande,
we are connected to one another. That I am my brother’s keeper, I am
my sister’s keeper. In this country, we rise and fall together. |
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Video Source: @ Whitehouse
@ C-Span
Notes: Compassion |
2011-05-03 - 2011 Teachers of the Year - Washington DC |
For me,
one of those people was my fifth-grade teacher, Ms. Mabel Hefty. When I
walked into Ms. Hefty’s classroom for the first time, I was a new kid who
had been living overseas for a few years, had a funny name nobody could
pronounce. But she didn’t let me withdraw into myself. She helped me
believe that I had something special to say. She made me feel special.
She reinforced the sense of empathy and thoughtfulness that my mother
and my grandparents had tried hard to instill in me -- and that’s a lesson
that I still carry with me as President.
Ms. Hefty
is no longer with us, but I often think about her and how much of a
difference she made in my life. And everybody has got a story like that,
about that teacher who made the extra effort to shape our lives in important
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Video Source: @ Whitehouse @ C-Span
Notes: |
2011-05-12 - National
Hispanic Prayer Breakfast - Washington DC |
yes, immigration reform is a moral imperative, and so it’s worth seeking
greater understanding from our faith. As it is written in the Book of
Deuteronomy, “Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the
land of Egypt.” To me, that verse is a call to show empathy to our
brothers and our sisters; to try and recognize ourselves in one
That sense of connection, that sense of empathy, that
moral compass, that conviction of what is right is what led the National
Association of Evangelicals to shoot short films to help people grasp the
challenges facing immigrants. It’s what led the United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops to launch a Justice for Immigrants campaign, and the
Interfaith Immigration Coalition to advocate across religious lines. It’s
what led all the Latino pastors at the Hispanic Prayer Breakfast to come
together around reform...
I’m asking you to help us recognize ourselves in one another. |
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Video Source:
Whitehouse @ Youtube
@ C-Span
Notes: |
2011-05-16 - Booker T Washington HS Commencement
- Memphis TN |
And finally, with the right education, both at
home and at school, you can learn how to be a better human being. For when
you read a great story or you learn about an important moment in history, it
helps you imagine what it would be like to walk in somebody else’s shoes, to
know their struggles. The success of our economy will depend on your
skills, but the success of our community will depend on
your ability to follow the Golden
Rule -- to treat others as you would like to be treated.
We’ve seen how important this is even in
the past few weeks, as communities here in Memphis and all across the South
have come together to deal with floodwaters, and to help each other in the
aftermath of terrible tornadoes.
All of these qualities -- empathy, discipline, the capacity to
solve problems, the capacity to think critically -- these skills don’t just
change how the world sees us. They change how we see ourselves. They allow
each of us to seek out new horizons and new opportunities with confidence --
with the knowledge that we’re ready; that we can face obstacles and
challenges and unexpected setbacks. That’s the power of your education.
That’s the power of the diploma that you receive today.
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Video Source:
@Youtube @C-Span
Notes: |
2011-05-29 - Memorial Service Missouri Southern
U - Joplin MO |
What we do know is that in a split-second moment
where there’s little time for internal reflection or debate, the actions of
these individuals were driven by love -- love for a family member, love for
a friend, or just love for a fellow human being.
That’s good to know. In a world that can be cruel and selfish, it’s this
knowledge -- the knowledge that we are inclined to love one another, that
we’re inclined to do good, to be good -- that causes us to take heart. We
see with fresh eyes what’s precious and so fragile and so important to us.
We put aside our petty grievances and our minor disagreements. We see
ourselves in the hopes and hardships of others. And in the stories of
people like Dean and people like Christopher,
we remember that each us contains reserves of resolve and compassion.
There are heroes all around us, all the time.
And so, in the wake of this tragedy, let us live up to their example -- to
make each day count -- (applause) --
to live with the sense of mutual regard -- to live with that same
compassion that they demonstrated in their final hours. We are
called by them to do everything we can to be worthy of the chance that we’ve
been given to carry on. |
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@Youtube @C-Span
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2011-09-21 - Address to the United Nations General Assembly |
each side has legitimate aspirations -- and that’s part of what
makes peace so hard. And the deadlock will only be broken when each side
learns to stand in the other’s shoes; each side can see the world
through the other’s eyes. That’s what we should be encouraging. That’s what
we should be promoting. This body -- founded, as it was, out of the
ashes of war and genocide, dedicated, as it is, to the dignity of every
single person -- must recognize the reality that is lived by both the
Palestinians and the Israelis. The measure of our actions must always be
whether they advance the right of Israeli and Palestinian children to live
lives of peace and security and dignity and opportunity. And we will only
succeed in that effort if we can encourage the parties to sit down, to
listen to each other, and to understand each other’s hopes and each
other’s fears.
Conflict and repression will endure so long as
some people refuse to do unto others as we would have them do unto us. Yet
that is precisely why we have built institutions like this -- to bind our
fates together, to help us recognize ourselves in each other
-- because
those who came before us believed that peace is preferable to war, and
freedom is preferable to suppression, and prosperity is preferable to
poverty. That’s the message that comes not from capitals, but from citizens,
from our people. |
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@Whitehouse @Youtube @C-Span
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2011-12-11 - Christmas in Washington |
every year we celebrate His birth because the story of Jesus Christ changed
the world. For me, and for millions of Americans, His story has filled our
hearts and inspired our lives. It moves us to love one another; to help and
serve those less fortunate; to forgive; to draw close to our families; to be
grateful for all that has been given to us; to keep faith; and to hold on to
an enduring hope in humanity. Service to others.
Compassion to all.
Treating others as we wish ourselves to be treated. Those values aren’t just
at the center of Christianity; those are values that are shared by all
faiths. So tonight let us all rededicate ourselves to each other. And,
in that spirit, from my family to yours, happy holidays. |
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Video Source:
@Whitehouse @Youtube @C-Span
Notes: |
2012-05-13 - Mothers
Day Greeting |
mother was the single most important influence in my life. I saw her
struggles as a single mom. She taught me the values of hard work and
responsibility, but also of compassion and empathy
- being able to look at
the world through somebody else's eye and stand in their shoes.' |
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@Whitehouse @Youtube @C-Span
Notes: |
- First Lady at a Campaign Event |
are basic values. There are the values that we are all trying to pass
on to our kids -- values like hard work, fairness, altruism,
Those are the values that so many of us grew up with, including myself.
So let me tell you guys a little story about me when I was around your age. |
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Video Source:
@Whitehouse @Youtube @C-Span
Notes: |
2012-10-21 - Presidential Proclamation -- National Character Counts Week,
To ensure that each and every American has the chance to fulfill their
promise, we must also teach our children to practice kindness and respect.
Many students across our country have experienced bullying and harassment at
school, online, or in their communities, eroding their ability to thrive and
feel that they belong. This week, let us reaffirm our responsibility to make
our schools and communities safe places that nurture not only our students'
talents and intelligence, but also
sense of empathy
and regard for one another. |
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- Local
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Video Source:
@Whitehouse @Youtube @C-Span
Notes: |
2013 |
2013-05-13 -
Fostering Allies and Advocates through Developing Empathy
(WhiteHouse.gov) |
Dismantling the armor enables the development of true
empathy. Empathy is the ability to feel with another, not just for another.
Empathy involves the willingness to hold another’s pain alongside one’s own.
This kind of empathy forms the basis of authentic relationships and
motivates the transformation of pain into action.
As (then) Senator Obama said in 2006: “Empathy is a quality of character
that can change the world—one that makes you understand that your
obligations to others extend beyond people who look like you and act like
you and live in your neighborhood…. it’s not always easy…. But I hope you
don’t do what’s easy. I hope you do what’s hard.” |
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Video Source:
@Whitehouse @Youtube @C-Span
Notes: |
- Barack Obama Calls for Empathy in Speech in Jerusalem (part 2) |
"But the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination,
their right to justice must also be recognized. And put yourself in their
shoes. Look at the world through their eyes.
It is not fair that a Palestinian child cannot grow up in a state of their
own -- living their entire lives with the presence of a foreign army that
controls the movements, not just of those young people but their parents,
their grandparents, every single day |
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@Youtube @C-Span
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- Jerusalem International Convention Center (part 1) |
I ask you, instead, to think about what can be done to
build trust between people...
where peace begins -- not just in the plans of leaders, but in the hearts of
people. Not just in some carefully designed process, but in the daily
connections -- that sense of empathy that takes place among those who
live together in this land and in this sacred city of Jerusalem. (Applause.)
And let me say this as a politician -- I can promise you this, political
leaders will never take risks if the people do not push them to take some
risks. You must create the change that you want to see. (Applause.) Ordinary
people can accomplish extraordinary things. |
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@Youtube @C-Span
Notes: |
2013-03-22 - Hall of Children - Yad Vashen - Jerusalem
And yet, here, alongside man’s capacity for evil, we also are reminded of
man’s capacity for good -- the rescuers, the Righteous Among the Nations who
refused to be bystanders. And in their noble acts of courage, we see how
this place, this accounting of horror, is, in the end, a source of hope
For here
we learn that we are never powerless. In our lives we always have choices.
To succumb to our worst instincts or to summon the better angels of our
nature. To be indifferent to suffering to wherever it may be, whoever it
may be visited upon, or to display the
empathy that is at the core of our
humanity. We have the choice to acquiesce to evil or make real our
solemn vow -- “never again.”
We have the choice to ignore what happens to
others, or to act on behalf of others and to continually examine in
ourselves whatever dark places there may be that might lead to such actions
or inactions. This is our obligation -- not simply to bear witness, but to
act. |
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Video Source:
@Whitehouse @Youtube @C-Span
Notes: |
2013-04-08 - Statement from the President on Yom Hashoah |
my recent trip to Israel, I had the opportunity to visit Yad Vashem,
Israel’s national Holocaust memorial, and reaffirm our collective
responsibility to confront anti-Semitism, prejudice, and intolerance across
the world. On this Yom Hashoah, we must accept the full responsibility
of remembrance, as nations and as individuals—not simply to pledge “never
again,” but to commit ourselves to
the understanding,
empathy and compassion
that is the foundation of peace and human dignity. |
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Video Source:
@Whitehouse @Youtube @C-Span
Notes: |
2013-05-20 - Morehouse College Atlanta GA |
So your experiences give you special insight that today’s
leaders need. If you tap into that experience, it should endow you with
empathy -- the
understanding of what it’s like to walk in somebody else’s shoes, to see
through their eyes, to know what it’s like when you're not born on 3rd base,
thinking you hit a triple. It should give you the ability to connect. It
should give you a sense of compassion and what it means to overcome
And I will tell you, Class of 2013, whatever success I have achieved,
whatever positions of leadership I have held have depended less on Ivy
League degrees or SAT scores or GPAs, and have instead been due to that
sense of connection and empathy
-- the special obligation I felt, as a black man like you, to help those who
need it most, people who didn’t have the opportunities that I had -- because
there but for the grace of God, go I -- I might have been in their shoes. I
might have been in prison. I might have been unemployed. I might not have
been able to support a family. And that motivates me. So it’s up to you to
widen your circle of concern -- to care about justice for everybody, white,
black and brown. Everybody. |
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@Whitehouse @Youtube @C-Span
Notes: |
2013-05-17 - President Obama Speaks to the People of Northern Ireland |
Because issues like segregated schools and housing, lack of
jobs and opportunity -- symbols of history that are a source of pride for
some and pain for others -- these are not tangential to peace; they’re
essential to it. If towns remain divided -- if Catholics have their schools
and buildings, and Protestants have theirs -- if we can’t see ourselves in
one another, if fear or resentment are allowed to harden, that encourages
division. It discourages cooperation.
Ultimately, peace is just not about politics. It’s about attitudes; about
a sense of empathy; about breaking down the divisions that we create for
ourselves in our own minds and our own hearts that don’t exist in any
objective reality, but that we carry with us generation after generation.
And I know, because America, we, too, have had to work hard over the
decades, slowly, gradually, sometimes painfully, in fits and starts, to keep
perfecting our union.
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@Youtube @C-Span
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2013-06-19 -
President Obama's statement on Trayvon Martin |
But we
are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken. I now ask every American to
respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young
son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to
widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities. We
should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun
violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We
should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent
future tragedies like this. |
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@Whitehouse @Youtube @C-Span
Notes: |
2013-08-28 - Obama
Marks 50th Anniversary March on Washington |
The March on Washington teaches us that we are not trapped by
the mistakes of history; that we are masters of our fate. But it also
teaches us that the promise of this nation will only be kept when we work
together. We’ll have to reignite the embers of
empathy and fellow feeling, the coalition of conscience that
found expression in this place 50 years ago.
And I believe that spirit is there, that truth force inside each of us. I
see it when a white mother recognizes her own daughter in the face of a poor
black child. I see it when the black youth thinks of his own grandfather in
the dignified steps of an elderly white man. It’s there when the native-born
recognizing that striving spirit of the new immigrant; when the interracial
couple connects the pain of a gay couple who are discriminated against and
understands it as their own
That’s where courage comes from -- when we turn not from each other, or on
each other, but towards one another, and we find that we do not walk alone.
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2013-09-04 - President Obama Honors Raoul Wallenberg -
make a habit of empathy - Stockholm |
Days such as this are a time of reflection -- an occasion to consider not
just our relationship with God, but our relationship with each other as
human beings.
And we’re reminded of our basic
to recognize ourselves in each other; to treat one another with compassion;
to reach out to the less fortunate among us; to do our part to help repair
our world. ....
Wallenberg’s life
is a challenge to us all -- to
live those virtues of empathy
and compassion,
even when it’s hard, even when it involves great risk.....
I cannot think of a better
tribute to Raoul Wallenberg than for each of us -- as individuals and as
nations -- to reaffirm our determination to live the values that defined his
life, and to make the same choice in our time.
And so today we say that we will make a
habit of empathy. We will
stand against anti-Semitism and hatred, in all its forms.
We will choose to recognize the beauty and dignity and worth of every person
and every child. And we will choose to instill in the hearts of our own
children the love and tolerance and compassion that we seek. |
Text Source - Local
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Video Source:
@Whitehouse @Youtube @C-Span
Notes: |
2013-09-04 - Barack Obama says Pope Francis has an incredible sense of
empathy |
Pope Francis has “incredible humility, an incredible sense of
empathy to the least of these, to the poor,” ...
“And he's also
somebody who's, I think, first and foremost, thinking about how to embrace
people as opposed to push them away, how to find what's good in them as
opposed to condemn them.” |
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Video Source:
@Whitehouse @Youtube @C-Span
Notes: |
2013-09-04 - President Obama Speaks on the Economy |
And when I think about what I'm fighting for, what gets me up
every single day, that captures it just about as much as anything. Kindness;
empathy -- that sense that I have a stake in your success; that I'm
going to make sure, just because Malia and Sasha are doing well, that's not
enough -- I want your kids to do well also. And I'm willing to help to build
good schools so that they get a great education, even if mine are already
getting a great education.
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Video Source:
@Youtube @C-Span
Notes: |
2013-12-10 - President
Obama Speaks at a Memorial Service for Nelson Mandela |
And finally, Mandela understood the ties that bind the human
spirit. There is a word in South Africa -- Ubuntu -- (applause) -- a
word that captures Mandela’s greatest gift: his recognition that we are all
bound together in ways that are invisible to the eye; that there is a
oneness to humanity; that we achieve ourselves by sharing ourselves with
others, and caring for those around us.
We can never know how much of this sense was innate in him, or how much was
shaped in a dark and solitary cell. But we remember the gestures, large and
small -- introducing his jailers as honored guests at his inauguration;
taking a pitch in a Springbok uniform; turning his family’s heartbreak into
a call to confront HIV/AIDS --
that revealed the depth of his empathy and his understanding. He
not only embodied Ubuntu, he taught millions to find that truth
within themselves.
It took a man like Madiba to free not just the prisoner, but the jailer as
well -- (applause) -- to show that you must trust others so that they may
trust you; to teach that reconciliation is not a matter of ignoring a cruel
past, but a means of confronting it with inclusion and generosity and
truth. He changed laws, but he also changed hearts.
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Video Source:
@Whitehouse @Youtube @C-Span
Notes: |
2014 |
2014-03-27 - A Belief
in Empathy: Barack Obama and Pope Francis at Vatican |
I think the theme that stitched our conversation together was
a belief that in politics and in life the quality of empathy, the
ability to stand in somebody else’s shoes and to care for someone even if
they don't look like you or talk like you or share your philosophy — that
that's critical.
It’s the lack of empathy that makes it very easy for us to plunge into wars.
It's the lack of empathy that allows us to ignore the homeless on the
streets. And obviously central to my Christian faith is a belief in
treating others as I’d have them treat me. And what’s I think created so
much love and excitement for His Holiness has been that he seems to live
this, and shows that joy continuously.
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Video Source:
@Whitehouse @Youtube @C-Span
Notes: |
2014-04-10 -
President Obama Speaks on Civil Rights |
That was LBJ’s greatness. That’s why we remember him.
And if there is one thing that he and this year’s anniversary should teach
us, if there’s one lesson I hope that Malia and Sasha and young people
everywhere learn from this day, it’s that with enough effort, and enough
empathy, and enough perseverance, and enough courage, people who love their
country can change it. |
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Video Source:
@Whitehouse @Youtube @C-Span
Notes: |
2014-04-07 - President
Obama Speaks at the USC Shoah Foundation Dinner |
And none of the tragedies that we see today may rise to the
full horror of the Holocaust -- the individuals who are the victims of such
unspeakable cruelty, they make a claim on our conscience. They demand our
attention, that we not turn away, that we choose empathy over
indifference and that our empathy leads to action. And that's not
always easy. One of the powerful things about Schindler’s story was
recognizing that we have to act even where there is sometimes ambiguity;
even when the path is not always clearly lit, we have to try. |
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@Whitehouse @Youtube @C-Span
Notes: |
Barack Obama Meeting on Ebola |
We also have an obligation to make sure that those children and their
families are safe as well, because ultimately the best thing we can do for
our public health
is also to extend the kind of empathy, compassion and
effort so that folks in those countries as well can be rid of this disease. |
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Video Source:
@Whitehouse @Youtube @C-Span
Notes: |
2014-11-15 -
President Obama at the University of Queensland |
To the young woman tired of the tensions in her community,
who dreams of helping her neighbors see beyond differences -- if she could
just start a dialogue, if she knew how others had walked the same path --
well, America wants to be your partner, because we believe in the activist
that you can be, and the empathy that you can build, and the
understanding you can foster between people. And when you succeed, our world
will be a little more peaceful.
And to the young man who believes his voice isn’t being heard, who dreams of
bringing people like him together across his country -- if he just knew how
to organize and mobilize them -- we want to be your partner, because we
believe in the leaders that you can be, in the difference you can make to
ignite positive change. And when you succeed, the world will be a little
more free.
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Video Source:
@Whitehouse @Youtube @C-Span
Notes: |
2014-11-24 - Remarks by the President at Presentation of the Medal of
Freedom - Meryl Streep
She learned violin, wore a nun’s habit, faced down a charging
lion, mastered every accent under the sun. She inhabits her characters so
fully and compassionately, saying, “It’s the great gift of human beings that
we have this power of empathy.” And off screen, as an advocate for women and
girls, she uses that gift to help others write the life stories of their
choosing, and to encourage greater empathy in the rest of us. So Meryl is
truly one of America’s leading ladies. |
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@Youtube 1
@Youtube 2
Notes: mentioned twice |
2014-12-04 - Barack Obama Christmas Tree Lighting |
But while lighting the tree has entered into the 21st
century, the story that we remember this season dates back more than 2,000
years. It’s the story of hope –- the birth of a singular child into the
simplest of circumstances -– a child who would grow up to live a life of
humility, and kindness, and compassion;
who traveled with a message of
empathy and understanding;
who taught us to care for the poor, and the marginalized, and those who are
different from ourselves. And more than two millennia later, the way he
lived still compels us to do our best to build a more just and tolerant and
decent world. |
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2014-12-07 -
President in Immigration Town Hall -- Nashville, Tennessee |
And in 2005, he started “Welcoming Tennessee,” which connects
long-term residents in the community with new immigrants. And you’d have
dinners and church socials, and at Rotary clubs, and folks got to know each
other and maybe feel some
and see themselves in new arrivals...
And so what happens is, is that once folks are here we kind
of forget that we used to be there. And what I try to do when I talk about
these issues is just try to put yourself in somebody else’s shoes and feel
and recognize that to some degree, if you’re American, somewhere back there,
there was somebody who was a newcomer here too. And it wasn’t always neat
and orderly the way the American population expanded across the West. And if
we have that sense of
then maybe that creates civility. That’s why the kinds of efforts were
seeing here in Nashville just conversations where people get to know
newcomers is so important. |
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2014-12-09 -
President to Senior Leaders of the Federal Workforce |
And for the short time that we're on this Earth, I always
tell my daughters there are two things you need to learn. One is you need
to learn how to love and make connections with people, to show
and be able to stand in somebody else’s shoes, and understand what it is to
be a friend or a spouse or a parent. |
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2014-12-12 - BET Interview With President Obama
And as I said before, I
think it is changing. The good news is, is that when you look at who these
protesters are, they're not all black. You've got -- when you talk to the
white friends of your daughter or my daughter, they’ve got a better attitude
and a clearer mindset and a greater empathy for what’s going on. And I think
each successive generation, as it gets more understanding, more familiarity,
more comfort with people of other races and other cultures, then some of
this dissipates. |
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2015 |
2015-01-28 - President
Obama Speaks to the People of India |
Do we act with
compassion and empathy. Are we measured by our efforts -- by what Dr.
King called “the content of our character” rather than the color of our skin
or the manner in which we worship our God. In both our countries, in India
and in America, our diversity is our strength. And we have to guard against
any efforts to divide ourselves along sectarian lines or any other lines.
And if we do that well, if America shows itself as an example of its
diversity and yet the capacity to live together and work together in common
effort, in common purpose; |
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2015-01-28 - Presidential Proclamation -- Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal
Holiday, 2015 |
Today, we pause to pay tribute to the extraordinary life and
legacy of Dr. King, and we reflect on the lessons he taught us. Dr. King
understood that equality requires more than the absence of oppression; it
requires the presence of economic opportunity. He recognized that "we are
caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of
destiny." In a world full of poverty, he called for empathy; in the face of
brutality, he placed his faith in non-violence. His teachings remind us we
have a duty to fight against poverty, even if we are wealthy; to care about
the child in the decrepit school long after our own children have found
success; and to show compassion toward the immigrant family, knowing that we
were strangers once, too. Dr. King transformed the concepts of justice,
liberty, and equality, and as he led marches and protests and raised his
voice, he changed the course of history. |
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2015-01-30 - Presidential Proclamation: National African American History
Month, 2015 |
Like the countless, quiet
heroes who worked and bled far from the public eye, we know that with enough
effort, empathy, and perseverance, people who love their country can change
it. Together, we can help our Nation live up to its immense promise. This
month, let us continue that unending journey toward a more just, more equal,
and more perfect Union. |
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2015-06-02 -
Barack Obama with Ilana Dayan |
"Well, I think it’s always difficult to put yourself in
somebody else’s shoes. And I think Prime Minister Netanyahu -- I’ve gotten
to know and worked with since almost the beginning of my presidency -- is
somebody who loves Israel deeply." "In my mind,
there is a direct line between the Jewish experience, the African American
experience, and as a consequence, we have, I hope, a special empathy and a
special regard for those who are being mistreated because of the color of
their skin or the nature of their faith. " |
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2015-05-21 - Barack Obama - Goldberg Interview |
“So if you are questioning settlement policy, that indicates
you’re anti-Israeli, or that indicates you’re anti-Jewish. If you express
compassion or empathy towards Palestinian youth, who are dealing with
checkpoints or restrictions on their ability to travel, then you are suspect
in terms of your support of Israel. If you are willing to get into public
disagreements with the Israeli government, then the notion is that you are
being anti-Israel, and by extension, anti-Jewish. I completely reject that,”
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2015-01-30 - President
in Eulogy in Honor of Beau Biden |
Like his father, Beau did not have a mean bone in his body. The cruelty
he’d endured in his life didn’t make him hard, it made him compassionate,
empathetic. But it did make him abhor bullies....
We can love deeply. We can help people who need help. We can teach our
children what matters, and pass on empathy and compassion and selflessness.
We can teach them to have broad shoulders. |
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2015-01-30 - Obama & Marilynne Robinson |
The President: Are you somebody who worries about people not
reading novels anymore? And do you think that has an impact on the culture?
When I think about how I understand my role as citizen, setting aside being
president, and the most important set of understandings that I bring to that
position of citizen, the most important stuff I’ve learned I think I’ve
learned from novels. It has to do with empathy. It has to do with
being comfortable with the notion that the world is complicated and full of
grays, but there’s still truth there to be found, and that you have to
strive for that and work for that. And the notion that it’s possible to
connect with some[one] else even though they’re very different from you. |
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Presidential Proclamation -- Read Across America Day, 2015
The written word provides a window to a larger world. From prose and
poetry, we learn our earliest lessons about tolerance and empathy, and on
the pages of great books, children can see for the first time that their
potential is limited only by the size of their dreams and the power of their
Presidential Proclamation -- National Character Counts Week, 2015
As we celebrate National Character Counts Week, we draw inspiration from
those who paved the way for greater tolerance and empathy among all people,
recognize the efforts and abilities of those around us, and work to carry
forward our common principles and instill them in the hearts and minds of
future generations.
Remarks by the President in Address to the Illinois General Assembly
February 10, 2016 Rather than reward the most
extreme voices, or the most divisive language, or who is best at launching
schoolyard taunts, we should insist on a higher form of discourse in our
common life, one based on empathy and respect, -- which does not mean you
abandon principle. It doesn't mean you're not tough. |
2016-02-10 -
President in Address to the Illinois General Assembly |
Rather than reward the most extreme voices, or the most
divisive language, or who is best at launching schoolyard taunts, we should
insist on a higher form of discourse in our common life, one based on
empathy and respect, -- which does not mean you abandon principle. It
doesn't mean you're not tough.
Rather than paint those who disagree with us as motivated by malice, to
suggest that any of us lack patriotism -- we can insist, as Lincoln did,
that we are not enemies, but friends; that our fellow Americans are not only
entitled to a different point of view, but that they love this country as
much as we do. |
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2016-04-23 - Obama in Town Hall with Young Leaders of the UK |
You know this better than I do, but one of the things that
you see in Northern Ireland that's most important is the very simple act of
recognizing the humanity of those on the other side of the argument, having
empathy and a sense of connection to people who are not like you. That's
taken time, but you're now seeing that. And I think among young people who
are interacting more, you're seeing that. |
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2016-05-07 - Obama at Howard University commencement ceremony |
But we must expand our moral imaginations to understand and
empathize with all people who are struggling,
not just black folks who are struggling -- the refugee, the immigrant, the
rural poor, the transgender person, and yes, the middle-aged white guy who
you may think has all the advantages, but over the last several decades has
seen his world upended by economic and cultural and technological change,
and feels powerless to stop it. You got to get in his head, too. |
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2016-08-06 -
Olympic games, as it "builds a sense of empathy |
While the Rio Games won't end world poverty, President Obama sees value in
the Olympic games, as it "builds a sense of empathy" to the worl |
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-President Obama 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly |
But we have to follow through, even when the
politics are hard. Because in the eyes of innocent men and women and
children who, through no fault of their own, have had to flee everything
that they know, everything that they love, we have to have the empathy to
see ourselves. We have to imagine what it would be like for our
family, for our children, if the unspeakable happened to us.
And we should all understand that,
ultimately, our world will be more secure if we are prepared to help those
in need and the nations who are carrying the largest burden with respect to
accommodating these refugees....
And during the course of these eight years, as I've traveled to many of your
nations, I have seen that spirit in our young people, who are more educated
and more tolerant, and more inclusive and more diverse, and more creative
than our generation; who are more empathetic and compassionate towards their
fellow human beings than previous generations.
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2016-09-12 - Statement by the President on the Occasion of
Eid al-Adha |
As we mark Eid al-Adha this year, we are reminded of the
millions of refugees around the globe who are spending this sacred holiday
separated from their families, unsure of their future, but still hoping for
a brighter tomorrow. And as a Nation, we remain committed to welcoming the
stranger with empathy and an open heart—from the refugee who flees war-torn
lands to the immigrant who leaves home in search of a better life. |
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2017-01-10 - Obama
Farewell |
But laws alone won't be enough. Hearts must change. It won't
change overnight. Social attitudes oftentimes take generations to change.
But if our democracy is to work in this increasingly diverse nation, then
each one of us need to try to heed the advice of a great character in
American fiction — Atticus Finch — who said “You never really understand
a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb
into his skin and walk around in it.”
For blacks and other minority groups, it means tying our own very real
struggles for justice to the challenges that a lot of people in this country
face — not only the refugee, or the immigrant, or the rural poor, or the
transgender American, but also the middle-aged white guy who, from the
outside, may seem like he's got advantages, but has seen his world upended
by economic and cultural and technological change. We have to pay attention,
and listen. (Applause.) |
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"History really doesn't follow a straight line. It zigs and zags, but the
trend lines ultimately will be in the direction of a less violent, more
more generous world. And that requires individuals fighting for that
future," |
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2021-06-29 -
President Barack Obama calls libraries “citadels of knowledge and empathy” |
President Barack
Obama was the closing speaker at the 2021 ALA Annual Conference and
Exhibition |
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Lists and Sources for Barack Obama's Speeches