Design Academy Eindhoven:
Our Way Conference
On the 7th of September, the opening of a new
academic year, we will discuss how empathy can play a role in the future
of design education with lectures, debates, more then 10 workshops and
by sharing good food!
Workshop: Empathy 2.0
With a focus on where compassionate communication and
mediation are headed as they pertain to the current and future states of
the online world, Darci Shaver and Edwin Rutsch explore concepts of
connecting with others in cutting edge and empathic ways. This workshop
will delve into current comprehensions of apathy, anonymity,
empathy, compassion, and altruism as they apply to online living. Expect
a short story or two, some Q &A, a few interesting empathy ʻtestsʼ to
participate in and lots of interesting discussion.

Edwin Skyped in from California
Rutsch is founder and director of the
Center For Building a Culture of
Empathy, located in the San Francisco Bay Area. The Culture of
Empathy website contains the largest collection of Internet
resources about empathy.
Darci Shaver
is co-founder of tethr, an up-and-coming organization which develops
technical tools and compassionate communication services for those
needing connectivity in places affected by manmade and natural
disasters. Tethrʼs future website will be found here:http://www.tethr.org
Presentation Links