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T-group - wikipedia
A T-group or training group (sometimes also referred to as sensitivity-training group, human relations training group or encounter group) is a form of group psychotherapy where participants themselves (typically, between eight and 15 people) learn about themselves (and about small group processes in general) through their interaction with each other. They use feedback, problem solving, and role play to gain insights into themselves, others, and groups.

"This type of training is controversial as the behaviors it encourages are often self-disclosure and openness, which many people believe some organizations ultimately punish."...  "Carl Rogers has reportedly described the T-group as "the most significant social invention of the century"".


Empathic Listening Circles  -
"Empathic listening circles use a very simple form of feedback that is used in Focusing and Non-violent Communication. We will teach you this and then help you practice and apply it through various kinds of role plays and experiential exercises in the Empathic Listening Circles."

Empathy Circle  -
The Empathy Circle is not a training, but rather an occasion to experience Presence, synergised with that of others. The content of the Circle is not structured; it emerges from an inner movement within the people in the Circle. This movement takes root in a profound self-connection and connection to others. This allows for self-inquiry from a space of stillness, a devotion to the life within ourselves. The Empathy Circle is a different experience every time, it is an occasion to settle with ourselves in a climate of embrace and acceptance.

Listening Circle Facilitator’s Guide
"As stated on our website listening circles are a highly structured form of dialogue. In
order to use the structure that follows, you will need the following:"


Listening Circles   -
"I believe the most basic unit of co-intelligent social life is people sitting in a circle listening deeply and speaking from the heart."

Wisdom Circles  -
"Usually one or two people initiate a circle. Make your intentions and hopes for the group, and the fact that you will be using this format, clear to everyone invited to participate. We recommend a circle of 3-12 people, meeting monthly or more often. Length of meeting is affected by the number present (1-3 hours)."

"Those initially reticent to speak find their voice. Those facile with words discover a deeper, more authentic source to speak from. You learn how to listen non judgmental. Tears come as you recognize yourself in another person's story. healing occurs when you laugh at yourself. You body deeply relaxes when you dare to speak your truth and you feel truly heard. There is relief in knowing that you are not alone in crisis or in marking a rite of passage."


Institute for Circlework
The Institute for Circlework supports the use of Circlework as a tool for fostering inner and outer peace. The intention of Circlework is to heal individuals and communities, awaken us to our oneness, and empower us to co-create a world governed not by greed and violence but by kindness and compassion


Encounter and sensitivity groups - (religious view)
But dangerous fallacies lie within the encounter-group philosophy. Here are six.

  • 1. Naively

  • 2. emphasis is upon doing that which is natural and that which is free

  • 3. An emotionally disturbed individual cannot accept the frankness of other members of the group.

  • 4. There is emphasis upon ex pressing emotions, including the aggressive emotion of anger

  • 5. Encounter and sensitivity theory places self at the center of the issue; one's own feelings, needs, and body become the pivot around which this therapy revolves. *** (major problem!)

  • 6. Encounter and sensitivity group psychology encourages participants to express their innermost feelings and situations

Videos - different types of counseling therapies

Becoming a Reflective Practitioner  -
In this course you will learn: The content includes:

  • What is reflective practice;

  • Evaluating your performance (Self evaluation, Client feedback, Peer review);

  •  Professional supervision;

  • Developing self-awareness;

  • the reflective practice cycle; R

  • reflective writing or journaling;

  • Monitoring potential for burnout (The effects of stress);

  • Ensuring adequate self-care (Relaxation strategies).

  • Reflection of Feeling;

  • Reflection of meaning (Interpretation/Reframing, Information Giving).

Other Types of Circles

Circles Campaign
"The Circles Campaign is a transformational approach that partners volunteers and community leaders with families wanting to make the journey out of poverty. Operating in communities around the country, each Circles initiative consists of families working to get out of poverty and several middle and upper income Allies who befriend them and lend support. " [could it be it is the empathic connection that is the main force for this process and helps people get out of poverty?]


Learning circle - Wikipedia
The Four Steps The four steps in the Learning Circle are Reflection, Learning, Planning, and Action, and are followed one after another, over and over. It is possible to begin an endeavour with any of the four steps. The diagram below shows the Learning Circle Model:

  • Reflection - The Reflection step is a pause in our activities where we gather data, impressions, history, stories, and any other observations about what we have done. In order to do this effectively, we must develop and exercise the capacity for Detachment – detachment from preconceived notions.

  • Learning - In the Learning step we carefully examine the observations made in the Reflection step and "discover" new insights, skills, relationships, structures, failures or any other conceptual changes. We search for the principles involved in our work. In order to do this effectively, we must develop and exercise the capacity of Search – search for the underlying principles.

  • Planning - In the Planning Step we apply the conceptual understandings we have developed. We use these newly discovered principles to systematically to create a plan of action. We should directly reflect in our planning each insight or principle we have learned. In order to do this step effectively, we must develop and exercise the capacity for Love – love for the act of learning.

  • Action - In the Action Step, as an individual, team, or organization we carry out the plans we have created. We do our work. In order to do this effectively, we must have Courage – courage to plunge into the unknown."


Structured Dialogues Processes

Public Conversations Project  -
"The Public Conversations Project prevents and transforms conflicts driven by deep differences in identity, beliefs, or values...The Public Conversations Project's unique, experiential workshops equip people from all fields with knowledge, skills and tools for preventing and transforming deep conflict. This fall, we are offering a series of workshops in Milwaukee, Minneapolis, and our hometown of Boston. Whether you’re experiencing this approach for the first time or adding to your skill set as a seasoned professional, our workshops offer powerful learning opportunities."

Dialogue facilitation Virtual Workshop - Public Conversations Project

Engaging Differences: A Guide for Structured Dialogues  - CERRU
A guide to the small and large group dialogue techniques CERRU uses to promote understanding, develop leadership, transform conflicts, and organize for change. The resource includes the foundations, key operating principles, types of dialogue groups, uses, and many examples of dialogues we have offered. There are also sections on learning how to facilitate dialogues with sample workshop designs.   Download PDF


Compassionate Listening

Compassionate Listening
"Compassionate Listening is a process rather than a product. It is healing precisely because it does not pretend to “have the answers.” Rather, it engages the participants in processes that have each side seeing the humanity of the other, even when they disagree". Rabbi David Zaslow


"The goal of our trainings is to support participants to embody the Five Core Practices of Compassionate Listening:

  • Cultivating Compassion for ourselves and others;

  • Developing the Fair Witness by remaining open in conflict situations;

  • Respecting Self and Others by developing boundaries which protect yet include;

  • Listening with the Heart – allow divergence and find a deeper point of connection;

  • Speaking from the Heart with language which reflects a healing intention."

non adversarial 
individual. ” 

The power of listening  
By Brian Muldoon
Of all the tools available to us in dealing with conflict, none is more important than attentive, intentional listening. Listening helps reduce resistance and opens our thinking to creative solutions. Listening not only clarifies the message but changes both the messenger and the listener. Listening makes it possible for both sides to have a change of heart.

5 - Designing Good Process: The Circle Process 


Good Conversation Trailer