How to Build a Culture of Empathy?
(under development)
We're asking
people to share their stories, thoughts, feelings and insights about
how we can build a culture of empathy. We'd like to come up with a
blueprint for building a culture of empathy and compassion.
How we can Build a Culture of Empathy?
Create the Vision
Create a Vision for what a world with a high empathy
level would look like?
What's the problem with the world we live in now?
What will the world look like as the empathy level
What will be some obstacles to our vision?
How will we overcome them?
Set the Intention
Have the intention to build a culture of
how do we get the intention?
how does empathy or a culture of empathy improve peoples lives?
why would we want to even deepen empathy?
it feels
our lives
Dialog about it
Network and connect with others who value empathy
Build a movement for cultural transformation
Study Empathy: Be able to talk about empathy
be informed about empathy stories, science, arts,
Read articles, books, etc., watch videos about empathy
be able to respond to different arguments and
be able to address objections to empathy
Be able to empathize with the people your talking
Understand how empathy works
Clear Definition
Have people experience the visceral 'feel and
'taste' of it.
Empathy, Practice
Empathy, Practice
Empathy, Practice
Fill your empathy batteries
the more empathy you receive, the more space you have
to give it.
we all need
Parents need support, - parenting leave, etc
empathic people to the top of social institutions
Develop training that deepens the individual components of empathy
Remove blocks to empathy
Empathy Rapid Response team
Change all social institutions to actively support
Government, Education, Media, Justice System,
Commence, Healthcare, etc etc.
go to the
pain, suffering, fear, alienation with awareness, presence and empathy
create a
online curriculum
Videos |
How we can Build a Culture of Empathy? |
Sura Hart
Modeling it is the key to education
Parents need support, - parenting leave, etc
Give teachers education on empathy
Have TV moderators using empathy to bring people together
More movies and cartoons that model empathic connection
I have more ideas, I'm thinking about it all the time
I appreciate what your doing.
I take heart that there are many people bringing forward empathy
More politicians talking about empathy.
local level with skilled moderators, who want to get people heard
Mutima Imani
Social Justice Minister East Bay Church or Religious Science,
Faces of the East Bay
How to build a Culture of Empathy?
Forgiveness is at the heart of empathy. I forgive you on the fear
based on color removes victim-hood. Democracy that includes all of us,
it brings empathetic listening.
Katy Dawson
Working with parents and giving them the tools
Schools can become centers of empathy
letters to the editor, are full of blame
want to talk with peoples who's letters confused me
get people who are on the other side of the fence to have dialog
a forum for conversations
for creating connection and understanding
so enemies are not enemies anymore
We're brought up in a culture of whose right and who's wrong
the opposite of what happens on tv now.
We are naturally empathic
Some skill development can be useful
Building awareness of what is not empathy can help
advice, story it reminds them of, questions
catching ourselves and bringing the awareness back
a practice of what the mind is doing
brain attaches, tries to help, organize
all those practices help
noticing and eliminating them
Elouise D Oliver
Senior Minister East Bay Church or Religious Science
How to build a Culture of Empathy? Allow people to cry. Crying
we are human and will feel what the other feels. When crying they
are feeling their own pain. Now real empathy is happening. Just
watching that person in pain, they are starting to empathize now and
we don't want to do that. If you can remember your own pain and your
own suffering, your own feelings. I can empathize with anyone
because I'm a mother. What I know is that every person has a mother. |
Aaron Voldman
need it in every facet of our life
it's hard
lessons learned in the BePeace Program
I'm thrilled there's a documentary being
made on empathy
Mike Robins
talk about it more
talk about it and teaching it
studying it more
how to increase emotional intelligence
to expand empathy
continue working to the ideal
Empathy Interview
that's beyond our reach
creating a culture of sympathy and
empathy is that you feel it, that you
are it
you feel that person, their pain and joy
Empathy Interview
Empathy Interview
why can't the other be someone we want
to be with
the other is someone, since I was born,
is someone I've wanted to know
every culture is interesting and we can
take the good instead of what we do
I don't understand this lack of empathy
around the world.
Interview 4
disposes the ruling class
create democratic socialist system
need a new social structure
need a system the perpetuates empathy?
This group used
reflective listening to deepen empathy for each person. People
reflected what they heard the speaker say until they felt fully heard,
before moving on to the next speaker.
Facilitator: Edwin Rutsch,
Lenel de Emma
Participants: David Hartsough, Jan Hartsough,
Sherri Maurin, Lenny Reiter
Living in the consciousness that “we
are all one family.”
Create connection rather than
Respect/allow for differences, be
nonjudgmental, and celebrate differences.
Embrace and Engage the Other
Visit Tea Parties, Sarah Palin,
George Bush, etc.
Edwin told story of visiting Tea
Party and Republican State convention to talk with participants
about the role of empathy in their lives.
Find the truth in everyone, every day,
all the time.
Use the language of connection.
Explanation of How Empathy Works
Child Development
Roots of Empathy
Teaching Empathy Skills
active listening
reflective listening
Circle Processes
In Personal Relationships
Circle Processes
Foreign Policy
Community Development
Empathy Buddies
Being Heard
With Crime?