Center for Building a Culture of Empathy

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Join the International Conference on: How Might We Build a Culture of Empathy and Compassion?

Empathic Design
Empathy Circles

  Restorative Empathy Circles
Empathy Tent

Expert Interviews
Obama on Empathy


    Empathy Tests


Questions about Empathy





Facebook Questions: Activity Log

What is personally your most important Value?


When talking with people, what are the blocks and obstacles to Empathic Listening?


What does empathy feel like as a physical sensation, emotion, affect or feeling in your body? 


What is the underlying value the Golden Rule is based on?  

Is empathy a sign of weakness or strength? 

What are some panel topic questions you would like to pose for the Building a Culture of Empathy & Compassion Conference?  


Is it true? "You don't need religion to have morals. If you can't determine right from wrong then you lack empathy, not religion?"

We're ready to deploy the Occupy Empathy Tent! and I'm asking my friends, What should the signs say that we place on the Occupy Empathy Tent?


What is a culture of empathy?

What does a culture of empathy look like to you?

What is the definition of empathy?
Definitions of Empathy

What are the benefits of empathy?


How to develop or foster empathy?



Are human beings fundamentally empathic and compassionate or selfish?


Can empathy be used for either good, bad or  unempathic purposes?

What does the 'lack' or 'absence' of empathy feel like as a sensation in your body?




Questions to ask on Facebook?



I'm asking my friends, What do you see as the benefits of giving and having empathy?

Are human beings fundamentally empathic and compassionate or selfish?


Can empathy be used for either good, bad or  unempathic purposes?


 What does the 'lack' or 'absence' of empathy feel like as a sensation in your body?

  • pain

  • lonely

  • alienated

  • frustration

  • fear

  • a coldness

  • happy

  • joyfull

What is your personal metaphor of Empathy? (explain in the comments section and see 
Empathy is like;

  • Standing in someone else's shoes

  • Looking through someone else's eyes

  • Walking a mile in someone else's moccasins

  • Like a cornucopia

  • A puppy dog pile

  • Like water that can take on any shape
