Center for Building a Culture of Empathy

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Culture of Empathy Builder:  Ervin Laszlo

Do We Have The Ability To Feel Others?
Talks with Rav Laitman about how feeling others is the mark of a higher consciousness that we need to achieve.

That's the mark of a higher consciousness, to have empathy. To actually enter into another personas feelings, another  persons mind. Not to invade it, but to feel empathy. To feel that we are indeed one, together. We are not separate.

Empathy and Oneness
In the video, Do We Have the Ability to Feel Others?, Prof. Ervin Laszlo talks with Rav Michael Laitman, PhD about how feeling others - empathy - is the mark of a higher consciousness that we need to achieve. He mentions how modern science is approaching the phenomenon of oneness,
Quantum consciousness is a consciousness of directly intuited, felt connection to the world. It inspires empathy with people and with nature; it brings an experience of oneness and belonging.

Quantum Consciousness — our evolution, our salvation
Quantum consciousness—QC—could perhaps be the next stage in the evolution of the mind of humanity, but why would it be our salvation?

The answer is simple commonsense: because QC is a consciousness of directly intuited, felt connection to the world. It inspires empathy with people and with nature; it brings an experience of oneness and belonging. Quantum consciousness makes us realize that, being one with others and with nature, what we do to them we do to ourselves.