Culture of Empathy
Builder :
Leslie S. Greenberg
Pending - in development
and Edwin Rutsch: Dialogs on How to Build a Culture of Empathy
Transcriptions : If you would like to take empathic action
and create a transcription of this video, check
the volunteers page. The transcriptions will make it easier for
other viewers to quickly see the content of this video.)
EFT Distinctive
Features and Influence - Part I
Robert Elliott is, with Leslie Greenberg and others, co-originator of
Emotion-focused Therapy.
Greenberg Intvu New Therapist video
Here are some questions we can explore during the interview.
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How can we build a culture of empathy?
i.e. raise the level of empathy in
Value? What's your most important personal value?
How did you develop it?
Do you have a story of when you
learned an insight into it?
Defining empathy
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What is your metaphor of what empathy is like? Explain?
( ) What is a physical metaphor. (make a body movement)
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What does that feel like in your body?
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What is your metaphor of what the
opposite of empathy is like? Explain?
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What does that feel like in your body?
( )
What would a culture of empathy look like?
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What's the metaphor for a
culture of empathy?
Empathy Story
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"When did you first discover the power of empathy?"
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Create a dialog between the two.
( ) How can we build a culture of empathy?
( )
What are the obstacles to deepening empathy?
( ) How to overcome the obstacle? ( )
Are there questions that you would like me to ask you