Conferences on the Topic of Empathy
Empathy: The Development and Disintegration of
Human Connection
2013-01-17 -
Empathy: The Development and
Disintegration of Human Connection
Symposium by the
Center for Law, Brain, and Behavior - Massachusetts General Hospital
00: Empathy can not be over emphasized
We have a world empathy problem
going from micro to the macro
Can empathy be taught? 50%/50%
Testing of empathy by Marci
Person masking of pain
4:45 The empathy problem
6:00 did study of empathy training
7:30 - Defining empathy
confusions with
empathy - Em (in) Pathos ( Suffering)
understating emotions and thoughts
sympathy - Sym (same) sharing emotions, liking,
antipathy - Anti (against/avoid) disregard for
another's suffering
a capacity to infer - can be positive or negative
9:45 - four components of empathy
10:15 Evolutionary role of empathy
social context
understanding others
others actions
11:00 cutting finger off - What do you feel?
12:00 - parts of empathy in the brain
15:00 - mirror empathy of faces
triggering and losing empathy
E.M.P.A.T.H.Y. acronym
Training - Rating of empathy
Cultivate Emotional Intelligence
12 month old children feel distress
when they see distress in others
Three Perspectives on Empathy
my journey through of empathy
2:00 - (1). laughter and psychology
skin conductance (measuring empathy)
measurable effects
we don't experience emotions in our
embodiment of emotions
Measure the doctor-patient
laughter is showing affect
laughing at the same time
Physiologic Concordance >get a window
on empathy
empathy is incredibly fast - no real
lag - almost instant - 50milsec
comparing the simultaneous scan of
the patient and therapist
(can measure and compare the physical
15:00 (2). neurobiology of empathy
laughter brain circuitry
mirror neuron network
19:00 (3). media
about nonempathy
Intervention -> Empathy
Stereotype: surgeon - >
action oriented - > don't do -
sit there
more time pressure - > long
goal of care are clear - >
patients goals not MDs
2:00 How to preach empathy to the
3:00 Why do some doctors resist
4:40 Money: why is empathy not
5:45 Empathic imagination can mislead
7:40 Empathy vs Sympathy
empathy = art jargon
applied to imaginary beings
useful for psychoanalysts
alienates interventionalist
postcolonial cultural critics
9:50 Postcolonial critiques of empathy
observer's suffering replaces
sufferer's emotions (sympathy)
false, smug sense of understanding
acts as placebo for real action
10:00 Empathy for pain is painful
empathy is emotional work
(Larson 2005)
reverberating mirrors (Flor
1995, Lang 2008)
affect tolerance not taught
11:45 - Treatments for empathic pain
habituation (get used to it)
dispassion as defense (calm
manner but patients cannot mirror doctor)
empowerment through action
15:30 prosocial action eases empathic
(feel more empowered in action)
(empathy is a form of action)
prosocial action in medicine
Action decreases physician distress
Action eases patients pain
acting and method acting - will burn
you out.
17:24 Empathy action link is
18:00 Teaching empathic expression
Dr House as representative of patent
18:30 Social sensors for bedside
Din Mirrors
Come from the world of extreme lack of
Pure empathy
What does American Violence look like?
Why so many homicides?
America worships violence
American social fabric disintegrating
many guns
promotion of violent video games and
8:00 myth busting - links to violence
substance abuse
psychotic disorder
11:00 What causes extreme lack of
empathy? violence
**1. societal lack of empathy. no
safety net, torn social fabric
2. familial lack of empathy
contributes to violent propensities -substance abuse, etc.
3. individual lack of empathy is a
salient characterize of some violent criminal
12:00 typologies of perpetrators: the
lens of empathy
poor impulse control?
poor reality testing?
deficient empathy?
deficient empathy?
Psychopathy- definition and about
16:00 Psychopathy a patient example
nature, nurture
hard to treat
what are we doing wrong and what
could we do right?
teaching of empathic behaviour
forums like this help
we're in the early days of empathy
rational models that don't work
we're noticing this way to late in life
Helen: need to lean it in kindergarten
need a relationship relationship
emotional circles in schools
have to teach it at all stages =-
Alice Flaherty: Instill empathy before
it is to late - difficult to treat psychopathy.. keep it from
Is the empathic response
Q and A
Doom and Gloom of Empathy? But
Expanding Circle of Empathy expanding?
yes, things are getting better
better than what? lots of science
world of crime and violence
inequality in society
we are at the forfront of change
we have just scrached the surface of
what can be done - need more research
20:00 - How to stear students with
their personalities toward approprient direction.
29:00 If empathy is a fatigable
trait, is large population attributing to the empathy fatigue?
encouage converstations - in the
home, education, etc,
embed in our own communities