(Empathy Experts)
of Empathy Builders
This is a growing list of 'empathy experts'
and people contributing to building a culture of empathy. I would like to interview as many of these experts as possible for
my documentary. These are people that are doing academic, social and scientific
work or have written books, etc. on the theme. The real experts are, of course,
the people in every day life that manifest empathy in their personal lives.
Let me
know if there's someone I should add. Also, who is the most empathic person
you know, I'd like to interview them.
Scientists, Mirror
Neurons, Psychology
Environment and Nature
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) -
Compassionate Communication
Humanities - Politics
Law - Justice
Anti Empathy
or Personality Disorders: Narcissism, Sociopathy, Psychopathy, etv
Self-Empathy and Self-Compassion
In History
Others -
- Empathy research interest
Interview Series
Scientists, Mirror Neurons,
Mark Davis |
Empathy Builder Page |
Psychology, Eckerd College
Multidimensional approach to empathy
Studying empathy, helping behavior, and interpersonal conflict.
Articles |
Adrian Raine |
Empathy Builder Page |
Professor of
Psychology in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Program,
University of Southern California.
Was interviewed in documentary on the Brain on psychopaths having no
empathy |
Kent A. Kiehl |
Empathy Builder Page |
Faculty, University of New Mexico
Was interviewed in documentary on the Brain on psychopaths having no
Clinical neuroscience of major mental illnesses, with special focus on
criminal psychopathy. |
Emile Bruneau |
Empathy Builder Page |
AT MIT, Research on the psychological biases that exist between members of
conflict groups using behavioral measures and functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI). |
Arthur P.
Empathy Builder Page |
Clinical Psychologist
Author: Power of Empathy
Power of Empathy shows how people can use empathy as an assessment tool in
all their relationships. |
Oxytocin receptor
genetic variation relates to empathy and stress
Sciencedaily -
Proceedings National Academy of Sciences
Laura R. Saslow |
Empathy Builder Page |
Graduate student in the Social/Personality
Psychology -
Greater Good Science Center
Oxytocin Study |
Rodrigues |
Empathy Builder Page |
Professor, Oregon State, Psychology Dept.
Oxytocin Study
Greater Good Science Center
Oliver P. John |
Empathy Builder Page
Greater Good Science Center
Oxytocin Study |
Natalia Garcia |
Empathy Builder Page |
UC Berkeley
Greater Good Science Center
Oxytocin Study |
Ward |
Builder Page |
The Empathy Effect: Build Your Business-and Your Wealth- By Putting
Yourself in Other People’s Shoes
The ability to put yourself in other people's shoes is an extremely
valuable resource. Empathy minimizes conflict and promotes prosperity. In
business, it creates a better experience for everyone involved --
customers, employees, and management. Customers feel taken care of.
Employees feel appreciated and become more loyal and efficient,
strengthening the company and making it more profitable. Empathy improves
every situation it touches, setting off a chain reaction of positive
events that Tom Ward calls The Empathy Effect. |
Helen Riess
Empathy Builder Page
Helen Riess, M.D. is Associate Clinical Professor of
Harvard Medical School and Director of the Empathy and Relational Science
Program at Massachusetts General Hospital.
The mission of the Program is to enhance empathy and
interpersonal relationships in healthcare.
Francis V. Adams |
Builder Page |
Pulmonologist in
private practice in New York City
Dr. Adams describes the role of empathy in this vital relationship and
illustrates how a physician's emotional response to his patient's illness
may educate him rather than blur his thinking. |
Environment and Nature
R. Ehrlich |
Builder Page |
Biologist and educator, Professor of Population Studies in
Biological Sciences at Stanford University and president of Stanford's
Center for Conservation Biology.
The Population Bomb.
Author: Humanity on a Tightrope: Thoughts on Empathy, Family, and
Big Changes for a Viable Future,
Biology And Ecology
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) -
Compassionate Communication
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Trainers
There are many trainers for the NVC process that have deep insights
and stories into lived and applied empathy. We will be interviewing as
many of the trainers as we can.
Barters - Restorative Circles
of the things I experience when empathy is present, is that the blocks to
action, which does not exclude are removed. So one of the ways that I can
identify that empathy is present, is that whatever is impeding action is
gone, and that the quality that that action has is that it tends to
include, it connects, it brings pieces together, it resolve what appears
to be knotted and bond. |
Inbal Kashtan
Bay Area Nonviolent Communication |
Miki Kashtan
Bay Area Nonviolent Communication |
Ike Lasater |
Jean Morrison
Empathy is a quiet place.
Santa Cruz Nonviolent Communication |
John Kinyon |
Katy Dawson
Story of dealing with angry child with empathy.
Kathy Simon |
Lynda Smith |
Newt Bailey
Bay Area Nonviolent Communication |
Meganwind Eoyang
Bay Area Nonviolent Communication
Rita Marie Johnson,
Founder of the Rasur Foundation and BePeace, talking about the nature and
importance of empathy. Empathy is like traveling down a beautiful
path to a friends house, I arrive at my finds house and we go into a hot
tub. |
Scott Catamas
I try to have compassion and not
I’ve recently finished my book on
empathy ‘Empathy: the art of compassionate presence’ and I’m
currently negotiating with a US publisher. In the meantime, over
the summer I was keen to get on the road and share what I’d
learned in writing it. So I gave a talk in several locations
called ‘Empathy: what, why and how?’ |
Sura Hart
Teachers and parents need empathy.
more: |
Christy Michaels
Desiree Banzhaf
Kit Miller
Nora Hoffman
Nancy Kahn
Oren J Sofer |
Education -
Conference: Education)
Zoe Weil |
Empathy Builder Page |
President of the
Institute for Humane Education.
Interviewed on the relationship between Humane Education and empathy.
To build a culture of empathy, we have to
make sure the systems in place, food systems, transportation systems,
clothing, product systems are humane and sustainable. |
Carolyn Zahn-Waxler |
Empathy Builder Page |
Child Development
"Throughout her career Carolyn has studied the origins and development of
empathy and caring behaviors beginning in the first years of life. These
longitudinal studies have focused on the role of genes, temperament,
family life and socialization experiences that foster or impede compassion
and altruism in children. She has also conducted longitudinal studies on
(a) the role of emotion in the development of psychopathology in
adolescents and (b) risk and protective factors in the development of
conduct problems."
Center for Investigating Healthy Minds
Empathy TED Talk |
Elizabeth Segal |
Empathy Builder Page |
Dr. Elizabeth A. Segal is a social policy analyst with a
background in professional social work. She currently holds the position
of Professor in the School of Social Work at Arizona State University.
Dr. Segal’s current research is on social empathy, the application of
empathic insights into creating better social welfare policies and
Humanities - Politics
Martha Nussbaum |
Empathy Builder Page |
Philosopher -
Professor of Law and Ethics at the University of Chicago
suggest that novel reading cultivates readers' empathy |
Jakob Eklund
Empathy Builder Page |
page and Centre seems defunct
Director of The Swedish Empathy
Sweden, Stockholm University
the phenomenon of Empathy
Eklund received his Ph.D. on empathy for Henry Montgomery at Department of
Psychology, Stockholm University, 2003. Jakob then did Post-doc research
with Dan Batson in Kansas. Is currently doing research about empathy and
teaches psychology at Mälardalen University. |
List of People in the
Empathy field from Swedish Empathy Center
People in Philosophy
Evan Thompson, York
University, Canada

Kathleen Haney, University of Houston, Downtown, U.S.A
Susan Verducci, San
Jose State University, U.S.A.

Paul Ekman |
Empathy Builder Page |
Psychologist worked at UCSF
Author or many books.
Studies emotion and facial expressions
Says there's 3 types of empathy:
- cognitive
- emotional
- compassionate empathy. |
Richard B. Miller |
Empathy Builder Page |
Professor of religious studies
and director of the the Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics and
American Institutions,
An interdisciplinary team of
Indiana University researchers from the humanities, life sciences,
information sciences, and social sciences has received a $199,617 grant
from the University of Chicago to study the virtue of empathy.
The Participants List |
Ervin Laszlo |
Empathy Builder Page |
philosopher, integral theorist, and classical pianist.
Video: Do We Have The
Ability To Feel Others?
That's the mark of a higher
consciousness, to have empathy. To actually enter into another personas
feelings, another persons mind. Not to invade it, but to feel empathy. To
feel that we are indeed one, together. We are not separate."
Conference: Justice)
Gabel |
Empathy Builder Page |
Empathy and Restorative Justice "A
co-founder of the Network of Spiritual Progressives, Peter was
instrumental in creating the Project for Integrating Spirituality, Law,
and Politics, a nationwide group that seeks to bring together law
teachers, lawyers, and law students who seek to connect the inner and the
outer in a fundamental transformation of legal culture. "
An editor
at Tikkun Magazine |
Emily Gould |
Empathy Builder Page |
Article: Empathic Mediation and Empathic Communication
Beneath the positions and strategies of people in conflict lies a magnetic
field of possibility, our common humanity, ready to invite resolution.
Empathic Mediation is a structure for resolving conflict that taps into
this rich source of resolution with empathy. |
Empaths - On Being an Empath
Who are artists working with a great deal of empathy or explore the topic?
Meryl Streep |
Empathy Builder Page
* The great gift of human beings is that we have the power
of empathy.
* I’ve thought a lot about the power of empathy. In my work, it’s the
current that connects me and my actual pulse to a fictional character in a
made up story.
* empathy is the engine that powers all the best in us. It is what
civilizes us. |
Oliver Stone |
Empathy Builder Page
Film Maker
"I'm a dramatist who is interested in people, and I have empathy for Bush
as a human being, much the same as I did for Castro, Nixon, Jim Morrison,
Jim Garrison and Alexander the Great. "
"I think there's a confusion between sympathy and empathy. Empathy means
understanding, and as a dramatist it's my job to understand, to walk in
the shoes of George W. Bush as best as I can."
"You cannot approach history unless you have empathy for the person you
may hate" |
Susan Sarandon |
Empathy Builder Page
- When you start to develop your powers of empathy and
imagination, the whole world opens up to you.
- I think I'm an actor because I have very strong
imagination and empathy. I never studied acting, but those two qualities are
exactly the qualities that make for an activist.
About her children, “I hope they're present in their lives and feel
some kind of empathy. I think a lot of the mistakes that have been made in the
world have been through a lack of empathy. If you can identify with someone else
and empathise with someone else, then activism is a short step away,”
Arianna Huffington
Empathy Builder Page |
President and editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post Media
Group. "..we need a dramatic increase in empathy.
There is a race against time at the moment, between the forces and voices
of fear mongering that are appealing to our worst parts, to our lizard
brains, and the forces of empathy. And we've seen here so many people here
who are all about empathy."
“Empathy is the one quality we most need if we’re going to
survive and flourish in the twenty-first century.”
"..to summon our better angels, there are two essential
ingredients we’ll need: innovation nurtured by an entrepreneurial spirit,
and empathy nurtured by a strong civil society." |
Empathy or
Disorders: Narcissism,
Sociopathy, Psychopathy
Abigail Marsh |
Builder Page |
Abigail Marsh is a
professor at Georgetown University. Her area of
expertise includes social and affective neuroscience, particularly
understanding emotions such as empathy and how they relate to aggression,
altruism, violence and psychopathy. Her
research is aimed at understanding aspects of human social interactions,
emotional functioning, and empathy using cognitive neuroscience methods,
with a particular focus on emotion and nonverbal communication.
Vaknin |
Empathy Builder
Page |
Sam writes and speaks about
psychopathy & narcissism. He's the author of
Malignant Self
Love: Narcissism Revisited. He describes himself as a person devoid of empathy.
"I do not possess empathy: I am a thrice-diagnosed psychopathic
Narcissists and psychopaths lack empathy. This deficiency renders
them emotionally and cognitively crippled. They exploit, manipulate, and abuse
other people because they are unable to relate to them otherwise.
Matthieu Ricard |
Empathy Builder Page
Buddhist monk who went from a scientific
career as a molecular biologist to the study of Buddhism in the Himalayas.
He has been the French interpreter for the Dalai Lama since 1989. |
Thich Nhat Hanh |
Builder Page |
Buddhist Monk & Author of many
books on peace.
Answers from the Heart: Compassionate and Practical Responses to Life's
Burning Questions
The essence of love and compassion is understanding,
the ability to recognize the physical, material, and psychological
suffering of others, to put ourselves "inside the skin" of the other.
We "go inside" their body, feelings, and mental formations, and witness
for ourselves their suffering. Shallow observation as an outsider is not
enough to see their suffering. We must become one with the subject of our
observation. When we are in contact with another's suffering, a feeling of
compassion is born in us. Compassion means, literally, "to suffer with." |
Self-Empathy and Self-Compassion
Neff |
Builder Page
Associate Professor in Human Development and Culture at the
University of Texas at Austin.
Book: Self-Compassion:
Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind
Kelly McGonigal |
Empathy Builder Page |
health psychologist at Stanford University and a leading expert on the
mind-body relationship.
Stanford Continuing
Studies Spring 2011 course
"The Science of the Compassionate Mind" |
Conference: Interfaith
To Sort
Bruce D. Perry |
Empathy Builder Page |
M.D., Ph.D. is
the Senior Fellow of The ChildTrauma Academy
adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
at Northwestern University School of Medicine in Chicago.
Coauthor: Maia Szalavitz and Bruce D. Perry, MD, PhD
Born for Love Empathy, the
Brain, and Human Connection |
Robert Reich |
Empathy Builder Page |
Public lecture, "Social Justice
and Social Empathy: Where Did They Go? How Can We Regain Them?"
Reich: The new economy depends upon relational skills and
empathy. I hate to generalize, but women clearly have the edge.
Boyden: Would you say women have an advantage because of their empathy,
relationship skills, and better instincts?
Reich: Absolutely. |
Lidewij Niezink |
Empathy Builder Page |
Dissertation: Considering others in need. On altruism, empathy and
perspective taking
My research is on empathy in relation to altruism, on the definition of
what empathy really is and how it differs from sympathy,
tenderheartedness, compassion and distress. and on the role of different
type of relationships and their influence on emotional perception. I am a
hardcore empathy researcher in all possible ways. Not only through science
but also through training, advising, speaking and the like.
facebook -
linkedin |
Claus Lamm |
Head of the
Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Unit |
A major research focus is social cognition and behavior. In this domain,
the SCAN-Unit has made substantial contributions to further our
understanding of the neural underpinnings of empathy and understanding
others, and their link to prosocial behavior, cooperation, and
competition. |
Marti Kheel |
Empathy Expert Page |
Marti Kheel
is a prominent writer and activist in the areas of ecofeminism,
animal advocacy, and environmental ethics and author of the recently
Nature Ethics: An Ecofeminist Perspective.
"By shedding light on the root causes of social problems,
ecofeminism can help us to deepen our capacity for empathy for all
living beings, thereby helping to bring about a world of peace and
respect for all living beings." |
Kathleen Barry |
Expert Page |
Feminist activist
and sociologist, Professor Emerita of Penn State University
REMAKING MEN: How Empathy Can Reshape Our Politics, Our Soldiers and
She explores soldiers' experiences through
a politics of empathy - probes the psychopathy |
Brown |
Empathy Expert Page |
Discusses the destructive nature of shame and the healing power of
A research professor at the University of Houston
College of Social Work. She has spent the past ten years studying
vulnerability, courage, authenticity, and shame. Brene spent the first
five years of her decade-long study focusing on shame and empathy,
Video: Shame &
Empathy |
Daniel H. Pink |
Empathy Expert Page |
Author of four
provocative books about the changing world of work.
A Whole New
Mind: Why Right
Brainers Will Rule The Future
Chapter Seven: Empathy
is the ability to imagine yourself in some else's position and to intuit what
that person is feeling. It is the ability to stand in others' shoes, to see with
their eyes, and to feel with their hearts.
W. Kaszniak
Empathy Builder Page
Professor and Head, Department of Psychology,
University of
Arizona. My research program is aimed at increasing
our understanding of human brain systems involved in both cognition and
emotion. Specifically, my laboratory and clinic research currently involves
four different, although related, domains of interest: Slide show and presentation: Empathy & Compassion:
Contemplative and Neuroscience Perspectives |
Interview Series (sort)