Books on Empathy
Directories of Books on Empathy.
Books List
A Rumor of Empathy
Resistance, narrative and
recovery in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy
by Lou Agosta
Routledge, 2015,
243 pages,
Empathy is an essential component of the psychoanalyst’s ability
to listen and treat their patients. It is key to the achievement
of therapeutic understanding and change. A
Rumor of Empathy explores
the psychodynamic resistances to empathy, from the analyst
themselves, the patient, from wider culture, and seeks to explore
those factors which represent resistance to empathic engagement,
and to show how these can be overcome in the psychoanalytic
context. |
A Way of Being
Carl Rogers
Mariner Books; 1980, 416 pages,
Over the years, however, the research evidence keeps piling up,
and it points strongly to the conclusion that a high degree of
empathy in a relationship is possibly the most potent and
certainly one of the most potent factors in bringing about change
and learning.
An Epidemic of Empathy in
How to Deliver Compassionate, Connected Patient Care That
Creates a Competitive Advantage
by Thomas H. Lee
McGraw-Hill Education, 2015, 224 pages,
Born for Love
Why Empathy Is Essential--and Endangered
Bruce D. Perry and
Maia Szalavitz
William Morrow, 2010, 384 pages,
Empathy might seem like a squishy, vaguely liberal word—a
sentimental virtue of minor importance. But the more we
learn from neuroscience and psychology, the more it appears
that much of human social and economic life, not to mention
individual health, fundamentally relies on it. |
Buddha's Brain
The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom
Rick Hanson
New Harbinger Publications, 2009, 251 pages,
Empathy is unusual in the animal kingdom. So empathy must have had
some major survival benefits for it to have evolved. What might
those benefits have been? Empathy seems to have evolved in three
major steps. First, among vertebrates, birds and mammals developed
ways of rearing their young, plus forms of pair bonding –
sometimes for life. |
Design for an Empathic
Reconnecting People, Nature, and Self
by Sim Van der Ryn
Island Press, 2013, 192 pages,
He advocates for “empathic design”, in which a designer not only works in
concert with nature, but with an understanding of and empathy for
the end user and for ones self. It is not just one of these
connections, but all three that are necessary to design for a
future that is more humane, equitable, and resilient. |
Don't Be Nice, Be Real:
Balancing Passion for Self with Compassion for Others
by Kelly Bryson
Elite Books, 2010, 320 pages,
When I empathize with someone, I become a strong and gentle wind,
filling the sailboat of the other's inner exploration. As the
Wind, I have no control over the steering of the boat. That is
left up to the captain of the ship, the person I am being present
to. I do not try to direct, only connect with where the other is
in this very present moment. |
Why It Can Matter More Than IQ
Daniel Goleman
Bantam, 1995, 384 pages,
“Self-absorption in all its forms kills empathy, let alone
compassion. When we focus on ourselves, our world contracts as our
problems and preoccupations loom large. But when we focus on
others, our world expands. Our own problems drift to the periphery
of the mind and so seem smaller, and we increase our capacity for
connection—or compassionate action.” |
The Empathic Civilization:
The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis
by Jeremy Rifkin
TarcherPerigee; First Edition edition, 2009, 688 pages,
As the forces of globalization accelerate, deepen, and
become ever more complex, the older faith-based and rational forms
of consciousness are likely to become stressed, and even
dangerous, as they attempt to navigate a world increasingly beyond
their reach and control. Indeed, the emergence of this empathetic
consciousness has implications for the future that will likely be
as profound and far-reaching as when Enlightenment philosophers
upended faith-based consciousness with the canon of reason. |
Empathetic Marketing
How to Satisfy the 6 Core Emotional Needs of Your Customers
M. Ingwer
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 252 pages,
A business that invests in empathy devotes itself to understanding
the emotional needs and motivations of its customers, and aligns
itself to meet them. Companies have increasingly embraced the role
of emotion in selling products and services, but often merely pay
lip service to its importance without understanding how to harness
it. |
The Empath's Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive
Life Strategies for Sensitive People
Judith Orloff
Sounds True, 2017,
245 pages,
What is the
difference between having empathy and being an empath? “Having
empathy means our heart goes out to another person in joy or
pain,” says Dr. Judith Orloff. “But for empaths it goes much
farther. We actually feel others’ emotions, energy, and
physical symptoms in our own bodies, without the usual defenses
that most people have.” |
(HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Harvard Business Review Press (May 9, 2017), 144 pages
Empathy is credited as a factor in improved relationships and
even better product development. But while it’s easy to say "just
put yourself in someone else’s shoes," the reality is that
understanding the motivations and emotions of others often proves
elusive. This book helps you understand what empathy is, why it’s
important, how to surmount the hurdles that make you less
empathetic―and when too much empathy is just too much. This
volume includes the work of: Daniel Goleman, Annie McKee,
Adam Waytz, etc. |
From Bench to Bedside (Social Neuroscience)
Jean Decety (Editor) The MIT Press, 2011, 336
The experience of empathy is a powerful interpersonal
phenomenon and a necessary means of everyday social
communication. It facilitates parental care of offspring.
It enables us to live in groups and socialize. It paves
the way for the development of moral reasoning and
motivates prosocial behavior. |
Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives
By Amy Coplan and Peter Goldie (co-editors)
Jesse Prinz, Marco
Iacoboni, Martin Hoffman,
Jean Decety.....
Oxford University Press, 2011, 464 pages,
This collect, which draws together eighteen chapters on empathy,
follow in a long tradition of work on empathy in philosophy and
psychology. Empathy has, since at least the seminal work of David
Hume and Adam Smith, been seen as centrally important in at least
tow respects. First, it has been seen as important in relation to
our capacity to gain a grasp on the content of other people's
minds, and to predict and explain what they will thin, feel, and
do. |
What it is and why it matters
by David
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 248 pages,
David Howe's fascinating new book examines what empathy is, why we
have it and how it develops. He explores the important part
empathy plays in child development and therapeutic work as well as
its significance for how society organizes itself.
Why It Matters, and How to Get It
Roman Krznaric
Perigee Books,
2015, 272 pages,
I believe that empathy – the imaginative act of stepping into
another person’s shoes and viewing the world from their
perspective – is a radical tool for social change and should be a
guiding light for the art of living. |
Empathy and Democracy
Feeling, Thinking, and Deliberation
Michael E. Morrell
Penn State University Press, 2010, 232 pages,
Today's democracies are still struggling to fulfill
democracy's promise of equal consideration, and the claim I will
defend is that they can do so most fully by giving
empathy a central role in democratic decision-making. |
Empathy and Moral
Implications for Caring and Justice
Martin L. Hoffman
Cambridge University Press, 2001, 342 pages,
The book's focus is empathy's contribution to altruism and
compassion for others in physical, psychological, or economic
distress; feelings of guilt over harming someone; feelings of
anger at others who do harm; feelings of injustice when others do
not receive their due. |
Empathy and the Practice
of Medicine
Beyond Pills and the Scalpel
by Howard Spiro
Yale University Press, 1996, 222 pages,
Amazon |
Empathy Imperiled
Capitalism, Culture, and the Brain
by Gary
Springer, 2012, 110 pages,
Empathy is putting oneself in another’s emotional and cognitive
shoes and then acting appropriately. The evolutionary process has
given rise to a hard-wired neural system, described as “the most
radical of human emotions, that equips us to connect with one
another. |
Empathy in Conflict
The Key to Successful NVC Mediation
by Richard
D Bowers, Nelle Moffett
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012, 188 pages,
What empathy provides for the mediator is a way to create an
unbiased connection with each client without reverting to a cold
aloofness that is sometimes taught in mediation training. |
Empathy in Education
Engagement, Values and Achievement
Bridget Cooper
Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, 296 pages,
A thorough exploration of the role empathy plays in learning
throughout all levels of education and its crucial relationship to
motivation, values development and achievement. |
Empathy in Patient Care
Antecedents, Development, Measurement, and Outcomes
Mohammadreza Hojat
Springer; 2010, 296 pages,
Empathic engagement is the pillar of the patient-doctor
relationship, which is not only beneficial to the patient, but
also to the doctor. |
Empathy in the Context of
Renewing Philosophy
by Lou Agosta
work begins from our Socratic ignorance of empathy. It applies
four philosophical methods – phenomenology, self psychology,
language analysis, and interpretive suspicion (hermeneutics) to
generating a clearing for empathy as authentic being with one
another in community. In philosophical empathy, the other
individual humanizes the one who, in turn, give humanity back to
the other in everyday empathy. |
Empathy Lessons
Lou Agosta
CreateSpace Independent Publishing; 2018, 394 pages, Amazon
Breezy yet brainy, Empathy Lessons provides 30
compelling and actionable lessons in restoring and expanding
empathy in relationships and emotional well-being, at home and at
work, in parenting and in business, at school and in the private
consulting room, in the corporate jungle and in the empathy
desert, in the public market and in the intimacy of the bedroom.
Empathy is oxygen for the soul. |
Empathy Magic: Insides Out
by Marian
Brickner, Anne Paris
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013, 42 pages,
Through empathic encounters, immersive connections can ultimately
diminish feelings of aloneness while strengthening the persons
core... I believe one of your major tasks in moving through the
creative process is finding a way to be more empathic with your
own experience. |
Empathy Reconsidered
New Directions in Psychotherapy
by Arthur Bohart
(Editor), Leslie
S. Greenberg (Editor)
Maureen O'Hara,.....
American Psychological Association, 1997, 477 pages,
Empathy - the sense of being "in feeling" with another - has long
been acknowledged as an important part of the therapist-patient
bond. But with the advent of managed-care approaches, short-term
psychotherapy, and the growing popularity of manualized
approaches, empathy has started to take on a diminished role seen
as a useful but not vital element in therapy, good to have but not
necessary for the therapy's success. |
Empathy Stories
Heart, Connection,
& Inspiration
Edited by Mary Goyer
CreateSpace Independent
Publishing Platform 2016,
204 pages,
Empathy Stories is a collection of uplifting stories and anecdotes
highlighting empathy-in-action in real conversations. These
stories show what’s possible when compassion comes first between
family, co-workers, and perfect strangers in difficult – even life
threatening – interactions.
Empowered by Empathy
25 Ways to Fly in Spirit
by Rose Rosetree
Women's Intuition Worldwide, 2000, 342 pages,
Amazon |
Entangled Empathy
An Alternative Ethic for Our Relationships with Animals
Lori Gruen
Lantern Books 2015, 144 pages,
Empathy is also something we are taught to "get over" or grow out
of. We learn to quash our caring reactions for others, and our
busy lives and immediate preoccupations provide excuses for not
developing empathy. |
Detached Concern to Empathy
Humanizing Medical Practice
Jodi Halpern
Oxford University Press, 2001, 115 pages,
As a psychiatrist as well as a faculty member in bioethics at UC
Berkeley for almost two decades, I’ve investigated what happens to
patients when their doctors show a lack of empathy. Doctors were
trained to believe that emotional detachment from patients is
personally and professionally necessary, but experience shows that
patients don’t trust doctors who are aloof or superficially
friendly. Yet, only recently have studies proven just how harmful
detachment and how beneficial empathy is for healing.... |
Humanity on a Tightrope
Thoughts on Empathy, Family, and Big Changes for a Viable Future
by Paul
R. Ehrlich, Robert E. Ornstein
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 2012, 210 pages,
The feelings of empathy and semblance is to be cultivated and are
extremely important in order to avert the collapsing civilization.
It is high time that we educate ourselves with the basics of
empathy that we have lost while being focused on catering to our
individual needs. We all need to renew our knowledge of this one
indispensable trait which can help all of us in thinking about our
common life-planet. |
Humanizing Health Care
Creating Cultures of Compassion With Nonviolent Communication
Melanie Sears
Puddledancer Press, 2010, 112 pages,
Using the Nonviolent Communication process in healthcare.
When someone receives empathy, there is nothing to defend against
so you are more likely to be seen as a friend. When you can
empathize with anything they say, it gives them unconditional
acceptance. This feels freeing to people and allows them to
explore parts of themselves that they usually keep hidden. |
I Am Your Mirror
Mirror Neurons and Empathy
by Matteo
Blossoming Books, 2014, 122 page,
Mirror neurons are one of the most extraordinary discoveries of
contemporary neuroscience. They explain, on a scientific level,
why we understand other people’s behavior to a deep degree. They
were discovered by Professor Giacomo Rizzolatti, who wrote the
preface to this book. |
I Feel You
The Surprising Power of Extreme Empathy
Chris Beam
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2018, 272 pages,
A cogent, gorgeous examination of empathy, illuminating the myths,
the science, and the power behind this transformative emotion
Empathy has become a gaping fault line in American culture.
Pioneering programs aim to infuse our legal and educational
systems with more empathic thinking, even as pundits argue over
whether we should bother empathizing with our political opposites
at all. Meanwhile, we are inundated with the buzzily termed
“empathic marketing”—which may very well be a contradiction in
terms. |
If I Understood You, Would I Have
This Look on My Face?
My Adventures in the Art and Science
of Relating and Communicating
by Alan
Random House 2017,
240 page,
Award-winning actor Alan Alda tells the fascinating story of his
quest to learn how to communicate better, and to teach others to
do the same. With his trademark humor and candor, he explores how
to develop empathy as the key factor. |
Kinesthetic Empathy in Creative and Cultural Practices
Dee Reynolds (Editor), Matthew Reason (Editor)
Intellect Ltd 2012, 334 pages,
Amazon |
Listening Well
The Art of Empathic Understanding
By William R Miller
Wipf and Stock 2018, 114 pages
Are you a good listener? How well do you really know the people
around you? A capacity for empathic understanding is hard-wired in
our brains, but its full expression involves particular listening
skills that are seldom learned through ordinary experience.
Through clear explanation, specific examples, and practical
exercises, Dr. Miller offers a step-by-step process for developing
your skillfulness in empathic listening. With a solid basis in
sixty years of scientific research, these communication skills are
not limited to professionals, and can be learned and applied in
your everyday life. |
Mirroring People
The Science of Empathy and How We Connect
Marco Iacoboni
Picador, 2009, 336 pages,
Empathy plays a fundamental role in our social lives. It
allows us to share emotions, experiences, needs, and goals.
Not surprisingly, there is much empirical evidence
suggesting a strong link between between mirror neurons (or
some general forms of neuronal mirroring) and empathy. |
Nonviolent Communication
A Language of Life, Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships
Marshall B. Rosenberg
Puddledancer Press, 2015, 280 pages,
Empathy is a respectful understanding of what others are
experiencing. Instead of offering empathy, we often have a strong
urge to give advice or reassurance and to explain our own position
or feeling. Empathy, however, calls upon us to empty our mind and
listen to others with our whole being. |
Organizing through Empathy
by Kathryn
Pavlovich (Editor), Keiko
Krahnke (Editor)
Routledge, 2013, 248 pages,
This book challenges the existing paradigm of capitalism by
providing scientific evidence and empirical data that empathy is
the most important organizing mechanism. The book is unique in
that it provides a comprehensive review of the transformational
qualities of empathy in personal, organizational and local
contexts |
Practical Empathy
For Collaboration and Creativity in Your Work
Indi Young
Rosenfeld Media, 2015, 200 pages,
Empathy in human-centered design.
Conventional product development focuses on the solution.
Empathy is a mindset that focuses on people, helping you to
understand their thinking patterns and perspectives. |
Practicing the Art of
Compassionate Listening
S. COHEN, Leah
Green, Susan
The Compassionate Listening Project, 2011, 84 pages,
Training, How to do empathic listening.
How to build a culture of empathy?
Listen with the heart and teach people specific conflict
resolution skills they can use in the heat of conflict when they
might tend to lose their ability to stay centered in the heart. |
Roots of Empathy
Changing the World Child by Child
Mary Gordon
The Experiment, 2009, 312 pages,
Gordon, Mary (2009) Roots of Empathy: Changing the World Child
by Child (The Experiment)
Your quest for an empathic culture, or a Culture of Empathy as you
call it, I think is a great quest. I don't think it's ever to late
to develop empathy. It starts so naturally... I think we should do
everything that we can to cultivate empathy and we can do it at
every level. So why would we not. |
The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself
By Kristin Neff
William Morrow, 2011, 320 pages,
Neff, Kristin (2011) Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of
Being Kind to Yourself (William Morrow)
More and more, psychologists are turning away from an emphasis on
self-esteem and moving toward self-compassion in the
treatment of their patients.
Stand in My Shoes
Kids Learning About Empathy
Bob Sornson
Love and Logic Press, 2013, 30 pages,
Amazon |
The Age of Empathy
Nature's Lessons for a Kinder Society
Frans de Waal
Crown, 2009, 304 pages,
Humans overestimate the complexity of empathy. If you tell
the average psychologist there's empathy in animals, they
will say that's not possible. They think empathy means you
consciously put yourself in the shoes of somebody else. We
now know from human research that there’s a lot of empathy
in automatic responses.
De Waal, Frans (2010)
The Age of Empathy: Natures Lessons for a Kinder Society
(London, Souvenir Press) |
The Art of Empathy
A Complete Guide to Life's Most Essential Skill
Karla McLaren
Sounds True, 2013, 392 pages,
Empathy is possibly the most important social skill you possess,
yet it can be very fragile. It is common to get triggered and lose
the capacity to empathize in the presence of conflict, anger,
fear, or anxiety. You may attack or withdraw, or become unable to
think or feel your way to a more useful response. |
The Empathic Brain
How the Discovery of Mirror Neurons Changes our Understanding of
Human Nature
Christian Keysers
Social Brain Press, 2011, 248 pages,
A brain imaging study in the Netherlands shows individuals with
psychopathy have reduced empathy while witnessing the pains of
others. When asked to empathize, however, they can activate their
Empathic Civilization The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis
Jeremy Rifkin Tarcher, 2009, 688 page,
When one empathizes with another, the experience is an
affirmation of his or her existence and a celebration of his
or her life. Empathetic moments are the most intensively
alive experiences we ever have. |
The Empathic Practitioner
Empathy, Gender, and Medicine
by Ellen More
Rutgers University Press, 1994, 276 pages,
The Empathy Effect
Seven Neuroscience-Based Keys for
Transforming the Way We Live, Love, Work, and Connect Across
by Helen Riess
Sounds True, 2018, 240 pages
Empathy is undergoing a new evolution. In a global and
interconnected culture, we can no longer afford to identify only
with people who seem to be a part of our “tribe.” As Dr. Helen
Riess of Harvard Medical School has learned, our capacity for
empathy is not just an innate trait—it is also a skill that we can
learn and expand. With The Empathy Effect, the leading researcher
presents a groundbreaking teaching book to help us learn essential
skills for transforming the way we relate to others in any
situation. |
The Empathy Exams
Leslie Jamison
Graywolf, 2014, 256 pages,
Empathy isn't just something that happens to us - a meteor shower
of synapses firing across the brain - it's also a choice we make:
to pay attention, to extend ourselves |
The Empathy
Building Bridges to the Good Life and the Good Society
By J.D. Trout
Viking Adult, 2009, 320 pages,
People agree that empathy is a good thing. We usually like the
people who display it, and take its absence as a sign of
pathology. |
The Empathy Factor
Your Competitive Advantage for Personal, Team, and Business
Marie R. Miyashiro
Puddledancer Press, 2011, 256 pages,
Nonviolent Communication in Business.
I believe there are two ways to nourish a culture of empathy. One
is simply one person at a time. The connection I have with you in
this moment. |
The Empathy Trap
Understanding Antisocial Personalities
Jane McGregor, Tim McGregor
Sheldon Press, 2013 128 pages,
Sociopathy affects an estimated 1-4% of the population, but not
all sociopaths are cold-blooded murderers. They're best described
as people without a conscience, who prey on those with high levels
of empathy, but themselves lack any concern for others' feelings
and show no remorse for their actions. |
The Ethics of Care and Empathy
Michael Slote
Routledge, 2007 152 pages,
Care ethicists often speak about empathy and its role in caring
attitudes and relationships, but they haven't stressed empathy to
anything like the extent that I shall be doing here. I shall, for
example, be making use of the recent literature of psychology to
argue that empathy is the primary mechanism of caring,
benevolence, compassion, etc. |
The Moral
The Source of Love and Prosperity
By Paul J. Zak
Dutton Adult, 2012, 256 pages,
The role of Oxytocin in empathy.
The Moral Molecule is a first-hand account of the discovery of a
molecule that makes us moral. It reveals that compassion [and
empathy] is part of our human nature, why loneliness can kill you,
and why your neighbor may be a psychopath.
Zak, Paul J. (2012) The Moral Molecule: The Source of Love and
Prosperity (Dutton Adult) |
The Power of Empathy
A Practical Guide to Creating Intimacy, Self-understanding, and
Lasting Love in Your Life
by Arthur Ciaramicoli, Katherine Ketcham
Dutton Adult, 2000 288 pages,
Empathy is the bridge spanning the chasm that separates us from
each other. With empathy as our guide we can extend our
boundaries, reaching into unexplored territory to create deep,
heartfelt relationships. |
The Science
of Evil
On Empathy and the Origins of Cruelty
Simon Baron-Cohen
Basic Books, 2011, 256 pages,
Baron-Cohen, Simon (2011)
Zero Degrees of Empathy: A New Theory of Human Cruelty
(London, Allen Lane).
Including research, this title presents a way of understanding
what it is that leads individuals down negative paths, and
challenges us to consider replacing the idea of evil with the idea
of empathy-starvation. |
Social Neuroscience of Empathy
Jean Decety and William Ickes (Co-Editors) The MIT Press, 2011, 272 pages,
Social neuroscience has begun to examine the neurobiological
mechanisms that instantiate empathy, especially in response to
signals of distress and pain, and how certain dispositional
and contextual moderators modulate its experience.
The Stress Solution
Using Empathy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Reduce
Anxiety and Develop Resilience
by Arthur Ciaramicoli
New World Library, 2016, 232 pages,
“We work too much, sleep too little, love with half a heart, and
wonder why we are unhappy and unhealthy,” writes clinical
psychologist Arthur Ciaramicoli. In The Stress Solution,
Ciaramicoli provides readers with simple, realistic, powerful
techniques for using empathy and cognitive behavioral therapy to
perceive situations accurately, correct distorted thinking, and
trigger our own neurochemistry to produce calm, focused energy. |
Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life
Karen Armstrong
Anchor, 2011, 240 pages,
Karen Armstrong believes that while compassion is intrinsic in all
human beings, each of us needs to work diligently to cultivate and
expand our capacity for compassion. |
Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our
All-About-Me World
Michele Borba
Touchstone, 2016, 288 pages,
Bestselling author Michele Borba offers a 9-step program to help
parents cultivate empathy in children, from birth to young
adulthood—and explains why developing a healthy sense of empathy
is a key predictor of which kids will thrive and succeed in the
future. |
Well-Designed How to Use Empathy to Create Products People Love
by Jon Kolko Harvard Business Review Press, 224 pages,
Amazon Empathy in human-centered design.
The key, says Kolko, is empathy. You need to deeply understand
customer needs and feelings, and this understanding must be
reflected in the product. In successive chapters of the book, we
see how leading companies use a design process of storytelling
and iteration that evokes positive emotions, changes behavior,
and creates deep engagement. |
Wired to
Care How Companies Prosper When They Create Widespread Empathy
Dev Patnaik, FT Press, 2009, 266 pages,
Empathy in business
How can you create new value if your company doesn't have a gut
sense for what people outside its walls actually value? The
challenge facing business today isn't a lack of innovation, it's
lack of empathy. |