Center for Building a Culture of Empathy

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Culture of Empathy Builder:  Melanie Sears   

Melanie Sears and Edwin Rutsch: How to Build a Culture of Empathy

Melanie Sears has been a trainer for the Center of Nonviolent Communications since 1991. She works with businesses, hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, individuals, couples and parents in transforming their usual way of operations, interpersonal interactions and dealing with conflict to one which is more compassionate, conscious and effective.

 Melanie presents Nonviolent Communication at conventions, at universities, and at churches.  She has been interviewed on the radio and on TV and is the author of several books including: Humanizing Health Care with Nonviolent Communication.
Sub Conference: NVC and Health Care

 Empathic Listening Demonstration: Melanie Sears Offers Edwin Rutsch Empathy for an Inner Conflict

Melanie Sears is a trainer in Compassionate Communication. She is author of several books including: Choose Your Words: Harnessing the Power of Compassionate Communication to Heal and Connect.  In this second interview with Edwin Rutsch, Melanie offers empathic listening to Edwin for a problematic past experience he had.
Sub Conference: NVC and Health Care



Empathy Demonstration: Melanie Sears Offers Edwin Rutsch Empathy



(Video Transcriptions: If you would like to take empathic action and create a transcription of this video, check the volunteers page.  The transcriptions will make it easier for other viewers to quickly see the content of this video.)




Empathy Works Better Than Drugs - Melanie Sears - Nonviolent Communication


  • drugs work quickly but long term have negative effects

  • drugs you don't connect with your feelings

  • Story of anxious patient

  • I gave her empathy and it helped



Empathy & Honesty by Melanie Sears - Nonviolent Communication


  • every emotion has a biochemical expression

  • empathy and honesty are the most important tools in NVC

  • we are taught to hide feelings in the culture and it creates all kinds of problems.





Benefits of Empathy

All: The Many, Many Benefits of Empathy - Melanie Sears  


Empathy helps people connect with their creative self.
 It helps people connect and accept themselves. It allows for creativity to emerge. It helps someone find the joy beneath the pain. Empathy allows you to enter into the inner world of another person. This allows them to be heard and seen and gives you a sense of connection.


Empathy feels like unconditional love.
When someone receives empathy, there is nothing to defend against so you are more likely to be seen as a friend. When you can empathize with anything they say, it gives them unconditional acceptance. This feels freeing to people and allows them to explore parts of themselves that they usually keep hidden.


Empathy deescalates someone who is distressed.
 If they see you as the enemy and you empathize with them, their enemy images tend to disappear.


Empathy begins to transform habitual patterns of reacting, speaking and listening.


Empathy prevents you from taking things personally.
You can either empathize with yourself or with someone else. Once you realize that people are always expressing feelings and needs even when they are attacking you, it is easier to have compassion for them. The more you empathize with people, the less judgments you make. Judgments are the opposite of understanding.

Empathy can unblock someone who has difficulty communicating.
When you empathize with the blocks they tend to dissolve. This allows for deeper connection.



Empathy helps people connect and accept themselves. It allows for creativity to emerge. It helps someone find the joy beneath the pain. Empathy allows you to enter into the inner world of another person. This allows them to be heard and seen and gives you a sense of connection.
When someone receives empathy, there is nothing to defend against so you are more likely to be seen as a friend. When you can empathize with anything they say, it gives them unconditional acceptance. This feels freeing to people and allows them to explore parts of themselves that they usually keep hidden.
 If they see you as the enemy and you empathize with them, their enemy images tend to disappear.
 If they see you as the enemy and you empathize with them, their enemy images tend to disappear.
When you empathize with the blocks they tend to dissolve. This allows for deeper connection.