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Culture of Empathy Builder: Dev Patnaik

Dev Patnaik    


Author and Website: Wired to Care
Promotes using empathy in business.


Grant Making and Philanthropy

Standing in Their Shoes: How Widespread Empathy Leads to Better Decisions
 (Executive summary)

Dev Patnaik, author of Wired to Care, shared his innovative ideas on how grantmakers can build empathy for the communities they serve, bring stakeholders into the center of their work and shape more effective collaborations.




1. Make it about others, not about you
2. Get out of the office
3. Bring the outside in
4. Invest in what it takes
5. Lead from the top


By: Grantmakers for Effective Organizations On: May 29, 2014
"Empathy is one of the main reasons individual and institutional philanthropy exist. Grantmakers in communities across the country and around the world are mission-bound to try and help people and communities overcome challenges in order to thrive. Implicit in most grantmaker missions is the message: “We care, and we want to help.” "

Widespread Empathy by Dev Patnaik

Dev Patnaik, CEO of Jump Associates, talks about the exciting new publication, Widespread Empathy, created jointly with Grantmakers for Effective Organizations.



Standing in Their Shoes: How Widespread Empathy Leads to Better Decisions (Part 1)


Standing in Their Shoes: How Widespread Empathy Leads to Better Decisions (Part 2)



Innovation Starts with Empathy
"The importance of developing deep connections with the people you serve.

A few years ago, my publisher asked me to write a book about innovation. They’d read some of the articles I’ve written on the subject over the years, and they wanted more. And although I was flattered, I had to tell them no. The world didn’t need another book on innovation — there are too many as it is. I instead made them a counter-offer: Maybe what the world needed was a book about empathy.

At Jump Associates, my colleagues and I have had the chance to collaborate with some of the world’s most amazing companies. And if there’s one thing that we’ve learned in all that time, it’s that companies prosper when they’re able to create widespread empathy for the world around them. That’s why I ended up writing Wired to Care, which shows how great companies around the world, from Nike to IBM, benefit from building a culture of widespread empathy for the people they serve."


Widespread Empathy: 5 Steps to Achieving Greater Impact in Philanthropy
The newest publication from GEO and Jump Associates argues that having an organizational commitment to widespread empathy allows grantmakers to base their decisions on an authentic, firsthand understanding of the perspectives of grantees, community members and other stakeholders.


Widespread Empathy: 5 Steps to Achieving Greater Impact in Philanthropy - GEO





Creating Widespread Empathy - Download.pdf
Ten ways to create widespread empathy.

Getting everyone in a large organization to share a sense of empathy for the people they serve

won’t happen overnight. But you need to start somewhere.

1. Start at the Top. Lead by example and turn senior leadership into Chief Empathy Officers.

2. Gather Your Guides. Use customer insights professionals as coaches, not gurus.

3. Hire Your Customers. Recruit some of the folks you want to connect with to be part of the team.

4. Get Outside. Skip the next focus group and go hang out where customers actually live and breathe.

5. Cover the Walls. Plaster your cubicles and hallways with constant reminders of the outside world.

6. Look the Part. Stop dressing to impress and start dressing like your customers.

7. Talk the Talk. Trade in your shoptalk and insider lingo for the language that your customers speak.

8. Use the Same Stuff. Whenever possible, use the products that your customers use,

whether they’re your company’s products or not.

9. Ditch the PowerPoint. Replace flat descriptions with rich experiential media about real world people.

10. Build It Into Your Bonus. Forge an unholy alliance between customer insights and

human resources.


Dev Patnaik at Chautauqua Institution
Dev Patnaik, CEO of Jump Associates, talks about how companies become more innovative when they have widespread empathy for the people they serve.



Dev Patnaik: Empathy immensely important to innovation

Dev Patnaik: Empathy immensely important to innovation | Empathy in the Workplace |

Patnaik is CEO and founder of Jump Associates, a growth strategy firm. He also is the author of Wired to Care: How Companies Prosper When They Create Widespread Empathy, which analyzes the use of empathy in business growth.He said humans have three parts in their brains. The reptilian section is the part that developed first; it holds instinct and autonomic bodily functions.


CLICK ON CHAPTER titles to view short excerpts from the book: Wired to Care

How to Get Empathy in the Workplace
Dev Patnaik, founder and CEO of Jump Associates, maintains that the ability to understand the feelings of your work colleagues is key to innovation and success.






Sep 22, 2010 - Channeling Optimism, Empathy, and Kindness to Business Benefit
by Sustainable Brands 

Dialogue session with Jurriaan Kamp of Ode Magazine, Dev Patnaik of Jump Associates, John Marshall Roberts, and Dacher Keltner of UC Berekeley Greater Good Science Center, on better understanding the human condition including desires, kindness, empathy and more. This conversation dives into what makes us tick and how we might innovate our brands and campaigns in ways that can connect deeper to the human spirit, help create needed behavior change and lend themselves to stronger brand loyalty.






Wired to Care by Dev Patnaik - Book Brief

  • Wired to Care asserts companies prosper when they reach outside of themselves

  • Target, Nike, Virgin, etc are special because they have more empathy

    • Nike has culture of sports

  • Creating widespread empathy -

    • We're born with empathy

    • Companies beat the empathy out of people

      • focus on rational and fact based

      • just business not personal

      • business is not bullet points it's in the world, homes, stores, etc,

    • How can you do it?

      • 1. get outside

        • talk to people who buy your services

        • you will spot opportunities

      • 2. bring outside world back in

        • Harley Davidson as example

      • 3. make it a habit. ongoing conversation

        • stay in touch with customers

      • Empathy gives employees reason to come to work each day

2010-06-24 - Reframing Your Worldview
(video and transcripts)

How do businesses create new markets?
Dev Patnaik: Creating new markets comes from seeing the world through new eyes. It’s about having a fundamentally different perspective on the way the world works."

2010-05-21 - TEDxSoMa - How Companies Prosper When They Create Widespread Empathy

 TEDxSoma - Interactivity and the Digital Future by TEDxSoMa  TEDxSoma - Interactivity and the Digital Future by TEDxSoMa  TEDxSoma - Interactivity and the Digital Future by TEDxSoMa

  • Wants to talk about empathy

  • We are born with it

  • Is not sympathy or pity

  • Means we intuitively get where people are coming from

  • companies beat it out of people

  • Companies that do well have empathy

    • Nike

      • employees tend to be runners - can empathize with other runners

    • Harley Davidson

      • connect with riders

      • we are them and they are us

  • companies need to get out of board room into the world

  • Places that have empathy,

    • Feel things in gut

    • Take risk on new things

    • Less time in conference room

    • Connect with ordinary people

  • High and low companies

  • How empathy actually works?

  • The brain - 3 parts

    • Reptilian brain

      • fight - flight

    • Rational

    • Limbic System

      • memories

      • emotions

      • dogs - cats have it

      • lizards don't have it.

  • Many companies have reptilian brain

    • it's not personal, it's business

  • Need to get back to empathy, personal, emotional

2010-02-25 -
Dev Patnaik talks about 'Wired To Care' (Part 1)
Heather Fraser from Rotman Designworks interviews Dev Patnaik   

Dev Patnaik talks about 'Wired To Care' (Part 2)

  • Q: You believe empathy is most importance element in business success, why?

  • A: Why are companies successful, we find it's companies that have empathy.

    • it's getting to understand in others, i.e. like Nike

    • gut sense, versus power point

  • Q: Why are companies disconnecting?

  • A: Over indexed, over fact based

    • we all have empathy, companies beat it out of us.

    • check half your brain (emotions) at the door

  • Q: What can you teach companies? What can they do to connect?

  • A: Little things, experiential things

    • example of Harley Davidson - they stay connected to customers

  • Q: Teaching - more connected - how exercise empathy muscle.

  • A: Get out in the world

    • Moccasin project - walk in someone else's eyes

    • Study others

    • Dev studied person in wheel chair -by putting himself in wheelchair

      • story of the experience

  • Q: Playdough exercise in your class?

  • A: hand out Playdough - create tool for your eating

    • 'need' finding

  • Q: Neurology and mirror neurons?

  • A:  It's a cool thing. story of the studies

    • can get better at doing things just by watching - basketball example

  • Q:  Reciprocal altruism

  • A:  When you have empathy for others - how you treat them directly effects you

    • also called, golden rule


2009-08-07 - Video:  Workplace Empathy: Rewiring Your Company's Care Factor
Question: What is workplace empathy?
Dev Patnaik: Every single one of us understands what empathy is on a personal level, and that’s because we are blessed with the ability to connect with other people, right? We’re born with this biological power to connect with other folks, to step outside of ourselves and walk in someone else’s shoes, to intuitively get where the person is coming from and get their feelings and their point of view.

2009-01-20 - Authors@Google: Dev Patnaik
Dev Patnaik visits Google's Mountain View, CA headquarters to discuss his book "Wired to Care: How Companies Prosper When They Create Widespread Empathy." This event took place ...


2009-05-19 - FEI 2009 Opening Keynote: How Companies Prosper When They Create Widespread Empathy

Article: Keynote Session: How Companies Prosper When They Create Widespread Empathy

2009-05-31 - Sustainable Brands Conference -
Empathy in Business & Brands: Wired to Care, with Dev Patnaik

"Recent history has seen the rise of innovation as a key mandate for driving top-line growth in business across multiple sectors. But as organizations have devoted increasing resources and attention to innovation, a critical issue has been ignored in the process. How can you create new value if your company doesn't have a gut sense for what people outside its walls actually value? The challenge facing business today isn't a lack of innovation, it's lack of empathy."



2008-06-11 - Open Empathy - Dev Patnaik speaks at DMI's SYNERGY Brand Design Conference


2008-10-23 -Dev Patnaik, "Wired to Care"
"Dev Patnaik, founder of Jump Associates delivers a keynote on his new book, "Wired to Care," at General Mills for its global speaking series First Wednesday"

1 Wired to Care


2 Wired to Care

3. Wired to Care