Empathy Team >
Oakland Oscar Grant/Mehserle Trial
Verdict Protest
Article that mentions the Empathy Team:
City, community groups express pride following protests
The strategy, explained Katz, helps get to
the bottom of people’s anger and prevent them from lashing out. “It’s a
reflection process where people feel heard,” said Katz, “and it reduces
Article on Tikkun blog:
Nonviolent Conflict and Communication — at
Street Level
Edwin Rutsch is videotaping all kinds of people in
political hotspots and asking them for their views about and experience
of empathy. Today he is at a pro-Johannes Mehserle demonstration in
Walnut Creek, an outlying Bay Area suburb.....
July 8, 2010
- Initial Report by
(Images and image comments - Edwin)
(see 40 video
interviews on empathy from the event)
The Empathy Team and others from BayNVC just returned from downtown
Oakland and everyone is OK. Edwin stayed to nearly the bitter end,
filming people, asking them what empathy meant to them, while they were
getting poked by police batons in their backs.

Empathy Team in front of the
Police Line: Honey Bear, Edwin, Lea, Judith, Floyd
We talked to many people on many sides and had some friendly,
meaningful, deep conversations. There were some angry people there early
on, expressing what I heard as a vehement need to be heard and for
safety. Then around 6:00 the protest at 14th and Broadway got going,
blocking off the street, putting up the stage and hooking up the
microphone with the speakers. People started on the mic right away.
People of Oscar's age were invited to speak first, then others came up.

People facing the stage on
14th and Broadway
Later I talked to a 30ish white man talking about his mistrust of the
system and intimating that he had attachment to a particular strategy
about how to resolve the problem. After that I talked with some people
expressing humor in an ironic tone, saying "shoot me officer" and
turning their backs to the line of police right in front of them. There
was also a vibrant artistic presence at the event, with people
pantomiming Oscar dead on the ground, wearing paper masks of Oscar's
iconic smile. Later, I talked with a police officer who was about to get
laid off. He was expressing an unmet need for predictability.

Honey Bear talks to a woman
about empathy, she felt Obama was not showing it
The Mayor's office provided team members orange vests for safety. You
will see our people wearing them in the attached video. Present were:
Itzel, Joanie, Lea, Gail, Bob, Honey Bear, Annie, Edwin, Floyd, and
others associated with groups like Restorative Justice for Oakland
Youth, religious organizations, legal observers, media organizations,
mayoral candidates, band musicians, and families. I was interviewed live
by Channel 5 and many of us were seen by others on TV.

Judith being interviewed on
Channel 5, "We're not saying things to people, We're here to listen"
Our Mayor's office
contact, Isaac Taggart, suggested we leave when the sun started to set,
as it got near 9:00. Everyone took the advice except Edwin. It turned
out to be good advice because police were closing their circle around
the protests at that point.

After the Team left,
Police started arresting protesters that were throwing things

"Empathy-Schemmempathy, The police are not here to be
It's all about control, it's not about empathy."
he told me as the police were poking him in the back.
Also more people were
starting to wear bandanas over their faces. After a little while, police
outnumbered the remaining protesters (and Edwin).

"As far as empathy goes, I'm
just not feeling it right now."

"We're having empathy for
the person who got shot. I have a 3 year old black son."
It turns out we got
one of the last few trains from downtown. A couple trains went by us on
the platform without stopping. Then a train stopped finally all the way
down at the very end of the platform and a phalanx of police officers
with riot helmets came out of it. We ended up going home on that train.

"I wish people would have empathy
on both sides. Not throw bottles at the
which almost hit me and I wish the police would calm down. "