Culture of Empathy
Carolyn Calloway-Thomas
Pending - in development
Carolyn Calloway-Thomas studies intercultural communication,
African American communication, intersections between empathy and conflict,
and pedagogy and civic engagement. She is currently president of the World
Communication Association and president of the Bloomington Faculty Council
at Indiana University. She is author of
Empathy in the
Global World: An Intercultural Perspective. |
Empathy is the moral glue
that holds civil society together; unless humans have robust habits of
mind and reciprocal behaviors that lead to empathy, society as we know
it will crumble”
About Dr. Carolyn Calloway-Thomas PH.D - Feature Piece
"Professor & Director of Preparing Future Faculty Program
Professor & Director of Preparing Future Faculty Program
President of Indiana University Faculty Council
Department of Communication and Culture, Indiana University Bloomington,
She is author of Empathy in the Global World: an Intercultural
Perspective (2010), coauthor of Intercultural Communication: a Text with
Readings (2007) and Intercultural Communication: Roots and Routes
(1999), as well as coeditor of Dr.. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the
Sermonic Power of Public Discourse (1993)."
Empathy in the
Global World: An Intercultural Perspective. |
"The first book to examine the nature, practices, and
potential of empathy for understanding and addressing human problems on a
global scale
Violence and acts of hatred worldwide—from the bombing of the World Trade
Center on September 11, 2001 to wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri
Lanka, Darfur, and Palestine—call attention to the critical importance of
empathy in human affairs. Empathy in the
Global World examines the role of compassion in decision making, how it is
communicated via the media, and how it affects global problems such as
poverty and environmental disasters. Ideal for undergraduate and graduate
students, politicians, and reformers, this important work helps readers
understand the workings of empathy—the bedrock of intercultural
communication—as it demonstrates the importance of understanding the role
of compassion in addressing international challenges."
Sage Pub |
1. A Global Imperative: The Unveiling of Empathy
2. The Creation of Empathy: From Ancients to Moderns
3. Geopolitics: The Spoils of Empathy
4. Immigration: Empathy’s Flickering Flames?
5. Crafting Images: Media and Empathy
6. Catastrophes, Tsunamis, and Katrinas
7. “I Didn’t Do It for You:” Organizations, Class, and Poverty
8. Empathetic Literacy: Come, Shout About It?
Book reviews
Schmidt, Empathy in the Global World: An Intercultural
"As any good trainer knows, empathy is deeply embedded in, and
inseparable from, intercultural
sensitivity. And it’s no surprise that an increasing number of books on
the subject have been
published in recent years. But Empathy in the Global World goes beyond
the usual examination of
“the cultural other” by touching on geopolitics, class issues,
international NGOs and national
disasters. Simply put, it’s an excellent distillation of the historical,
political and psychological
aspects of empathy. "