Culture of Empathy Builder: 
Huston Smith
Huston Smith talks about the importance of empathy
Video taped on May 3, 2010 at his home in Berkeley, California.

Initial Interview Outline
Introduce yourself?
I'm a seeker after truth,
truth about the big picture
the qualitative understanding of who we
humans and I am
What was your experience with learning
Going through your life story of what you
learned about empathy?
For me empathy is at the heart of love
we humans are empathetic creatures
in England Ion Seti- researched infants
Freud said human drive is sex and
but the fist need is bonding
looking into the adoring eyes parent
Baby will drop the nipples
I see empathy at work both ways
for a relationship there have to be 2
empathy is encouraging this relationship
Empathy is the Well Spring of human life
tragically - like wells and springs,
they can be clogged
in a normal healthy life
toddlers and on up they know empathy is
at arms reach
if they fall, there will be someone that
will empathize with their sorrow
the tears will quickly be replaced with
a smile
all of that I experienced in my
My father was a missionary in China
I had a Chinese nanny -Ama
As I grew older -Friendships
friendships are build on empathy
friendships don't work if we don't know
where each other are coming from
Empathy powers our lives - in normal
if no empathy something sours
Apex of this is marriage
the bedrock of our relationship is
recognizing and validating the feelings of the other
problems are often a misunderstanding
that blocked the capacity of empathy
I did not recognize the pain I was
causing - I did not empathize
Playmates have to know about the other -
recognize the feeling of others
We're you empathetic as a child?
I was the favorite child of my parents
and I sought that
that is a confession
good for the soul and bad for the
the empathic relationship was palpable
with the parents
had a close relationship
wish it had been evenly divided with
Part 2

This assignment has me ponder the subject
of empathy
Kindra, my wife told me a story
a friend (Sharon) was studying under a
mediation teacher
meditation allows an opportunity for
stuff to come up
if you do not recognize the negative
impulses they are sure to come out
deal with them reflectively
she worked in hospital
man came in with a battered infant
Sharon told father you are not the only
one to have negative impulse
the man relaxed
it is a paradigm example of empathy -
the nurse empathized with the father who
battered the child
I tried to extract with a definition of
This leads me to Daniel Goldman who
introduced Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
EQ is emotional intelligent
A group occasion I attended
A definition
the capacity to experience the feelings
of others as if they are your own
feeling what they are feeling
without rating as good or bad
Love involves empathy - but empathy does
not necessarily involve love
How to build a culture of empathy?
you could dream no little dream
if would could increase empathy a Pico
meter it would increase the happiness of our culture
Two steps to rasie empathy and
1. slow down - go slower
2. Listen - more than you speak
Meditation as a way of slowing down
Stop, Look and Listen - not bad advice
Did you follow the Obama Campaign?
Build recognition of empathy into the
education system
I don't think legislation is he answer
Noise it about and get the topic into
the public conversation
you are a pioneer in my this your life
Are there questions you have about
A metaphor of empathy?
do unto others
a well and spring
What is the opposite of empathy?
A metaphor for selfishness?
that fountain ever on - gushing forth
What is the relationship between empathy
and justice?
need to empathize with the victims of
the foundation of justice
to feel the impact of the law in
question on all that it will affect
Empathy as bias in justice?
when it's accurately in place - EQ
brings into view the consequence for everybody
empathy does not mean approval
empathy is always in order - it is
enlarging our understanding of the situation
Who do you know that's very empathic?
35 year friendship with Aldus Huxley
he was remarkable
an encyclopedic intelligence
he was an empathic human being
had humility
the human condition - only advice is to
just be a little kinder
To live empathically is to live wisely
I commend you for raising the empathy
quotient with this documentary project
