Center for Building a Culture of Empathy

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Culture of Empathy Builder:  Jason Marsh

How to Build a Culture of Empathy? Jason Marsh & Edwin Rutsch

Jason Marsh is editor in chief of Greater Good magazine and website at U.C. Berkeley. Jason is  a graduate of the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism and a co-editor of The Compassionate Instinct: The Science of Human Goodness.

How to Build a Culture of Empathy?

First, promote personal contact across different groups. Do this in places like the workplace, schools and so on.  Second, encourage cross-group contact and perspective taking among kids and in schools. Create a curriculum of empathy within schools.

Third, inequality creates a negative spiral, it reduces empathy which creates more inequality, which reduces empathy further, which creates more inequality, etc.  We need to create a positive spiral of more empathy, more equality, more empathy, more equality.

Sub Conferences: Science and Journalism-Media





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2013-05-21 - Empathizing with Paul Bloom and his Case Against Empathy, Jason Marsh and Edwin Rutsch  
Jason Marsh is the founding editor in chief of Greater Good Magazine at U.C. Berkeley. 
Paul Bloom
article - The Baby in the Well - The case against empathy.




March 29, 2012 - Do Mirror Neurons Give Us Empathy?
"This week Greater Good editor-in-chief Jason Marsh is reporting on highlights from the recent Being Human conference in San Francisco, including a round-up of some of the key themes and speakers, and an interview on the evolutionary roots of altruism with Yale psychologist Laurie Santos. Today, we present an interview with neuroscientist V.S. Ramachandran on mirror neurons, the subject of his Being Human talk."

October 4, 201 - The Limits of David Brooks’ “Limits of Empathy”
"Over the last few days, a lot of people have asked me about David Brooks’ Friday op-ed column in The New York Times on the “limits of empathy.” In it, Brooks argues that empathy is a “sideshow” to moral action. Considering the glut of recent books on empathy—such as Frans de Waal’s The Age of Empathy and Jeremy Rifkin’s The Empathic Civilization—Brooks writes that empathy “has become a way to experience delicious moral emotions without confronting the weaknesses in our nature that prevent us from actually acting upon them.”"


July 25, 2012  - Can Science Make Facebook More Compassionate?
Facebook is confronting cyberbullying and online conflict. Can a team of researchers help boost kindness among the site's 900 million users?