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Culture of Empathy Builder:  Anne Gro Tvedt


Anne Gro Tvedt


 Anne Gro is a Gestalt therapeut, midwife and health visitor. We have worked together for many years and she has among other things given a lot of courses in empathic communication for teachers and health workers, lectured on empathic communication in different part of Norway and supervising employers by using the method. S











  • 00:00 Introduction

  • (transcription pending)

  • (Video Transcriptions: If you would like to take empathic action and create a transcription of this video, check the volunteers page.  The transcriptions will make it easier for other viewers to quickly see the content of this video.)



Anne Gro Tvedt

1 hour dialog. Start 7 pm in Oslo. In my office.
Anne Gro is a Gestalt therapeut, midwife and health visitor. We have worked together for many years and she has among other things given a lot of courses in empathic communication for teachers and health workers, lectured on empathic communication in different part of Norway and supervising employers by using the method. She looks forward to talk to you and ask you to send her questions in beforehand.

Anne Gro is a Gestalt therapeut, midwife and health visitor. We have worked together for many years and she has among other things given a lot of courses in empathic communication for teachers and health workers, lectured on empathic communication in different part of Norway and supervising employers by using the method. She looks forward to talk to you and ask you to send her questions in beforehand.


1.        How  long have you worked with empathic communication?

2.       In what way have you worked with the method? Examples. Courses etc.

3.       Approximately how many persons have learned about empathic communication by you the 3 last years?

4.       Can you give an overview over the main results from the evaluation of the method?

5.    What are your plans for working with the method in the future?