Center for Building a Culture of Empathy

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Culture of Empathy Builder:  Daniel Bassill


Daniel Bassill & Edwin Rutsch: Dialogs on How to Build a Culture of Empathy

Daniel Bassill is founder of Tutor/Mentor Connection and CEO of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC

Sympathy = random acts of kindness. The philanthropic systems of support for charity are built more on sympathy than empathy, thus they are not consistent streams of support that are required to solve
complex problems in many places.  How to build a culture of empathy?
a) information collection. b) advertising/public awareness to increase number looking at info. c) facilitation/building understanding = like what happens in faith groups every week. d) action – people using ideas in many places, where they provide time, talent, dollars, leadership, advocacy, etc. to help kids to careers.
Sub Conference: Education




Daniel Bassil & Edwin Rutsch: Dialogs on How to Build a Culture of Empathy



  • 00:00 Introduction

  • (transcription pending)

  • (Video Transcriptions: If you would like to take empathic action and create a transcription of this video, check the volunteers page.  The transcriptions will make it easier for other viewers to quickly see the content of this video.)

What is the opposite of empathy and what is your metaphor for that?

Sympathy = random acts of kindness. The philanthropic systems of support for charity are built more on sympathy than empathy, thus they are not consistent streams of support that are required to solve
complex problems in many places.

How to build a culture of empathy?

a) information collection
b) advertising/public awareness to increase number looking at info
c) facilitation/building understanding = like what happens in faith groups every week
d) action – people using ideas in many places, where they provide time, talent, dollars, leadership, advocacy, etc. to help kids to careers

What are the obstacles to deepening empathy?

Most people are not personally connected to poverty or other issues which require empathetic people to be involved in solving problems. Thus, strategies that build and support on-going and long-term personal connections so they grow into empathetic connections would be needed. This animation illustrates how volunteers who are well supported in tutor/mentor programs become leaders. It was not created to demonstrate “empathy”
yet that is what is happening as bonds are formed and volunteers stay involved longer.