Center for Building a Culture of Empathy

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Culture of Empathy Builder:  Sarah Lloyd-Hughes



Public Speaking - Inspire through Empathy: Sarah Lloyd-Hughes and Edwin Rutsch

Sarah Lloyd-Hughes is a popular speaker on confidence and inspiration, an award winning social entrepreneur, founder of Ginger Training & Coaching and author of “How to Be Brilliant at Public Speaking: Any Audience. Any Situation.” In her speaking and courses, Sarah teaches that to become a more influential communicator doesn’t involve pretending to be someone you’re not – instead you must understand and unleash the six qualities of an inspiring speaker that already live inside you.


Sarah wrote an article titled, Inspire through Empathy (part 1) about the role of empathy in public speaking and Getting to know your audience (part 2) Sarah writes, "One of the biggest problems speakers face is focusing too much on themselves and not enough on their audience. Developing an empathetic approach to public speaking will help your speaking in more ways than one…

Empathy is one of the six qualities of an inspiring speaker, that I write about it my book “How to be Brilliant at Public Speaking”.  So many presenters fail to realize how important empathy truly is, focusing on their ever growing list of information they wish to impart.  They think more about what they want to say versus what the audience wants to hear. Ever hear a speaker begin with, “Hello. My name is (fill in the blank) and I’m here to speak to you today about… blah blah blah yadda yadda”? That’s the very LAST thing that will get your audience engaged. Why not try empathy instead?"



(Video Transcriptions: If you would like to take empathic action and create a transcription of this video, check the volunteers page.  The transcriptions will make it easier for other viewers to quickly see the content of this video.)



Inspire through Empathy: part 1
One of the biggest problems speakers face is focusing too much on themselves and not enough on their audience. Developing an empathetic approach to public speaking will help your speaking in more ways than one…
Empathy is one of the six qualities of an inspiring speaker, that I write about it my book “How to be Brilliant at Public Speaking” So many presenters fail to realize how important empathy truly is, focusing on their ever growing list of information they wish to impart.  They think more about what they want to say versus what the audience wants to hear. Ever hear a speaker begin with, “Hello. My name is (fill in the blank) and I’m here to speak to you today about… blah blah blah yadda yadda”? That’s the very LAST thing that will get your audience engaged. Why not try empathy instead?"

"Inspire through Empathy part 2 : Get to know your audience
As we learned in part one in our discussion of Empathy, one of the biggest problems speakers face is focusing too much on themselves and not enough on their audience. In this segment we will focus on learning about your audience. Because let’s face it… knowing exactly to whom you’re presenting and HOW you’re presenting matters more than you may think...
Empathy is about questioning yourself about the needs of the audience; their hopes and expectations of what they will “get” out of your speech. Time and energy invested into this step will help you create an empathetic talk that your audience wants to hear."