25/05/2012 - Empathy Download
If we really want to care about online influences and
behaviour and stem the tide of casual cruelty, anti-social behaviour and
glamorisation of violence, we can't simply blame the tools or new
interactive social media and games. No, what we need is to start to
creatively rekindle our understanding of empathy for a connected
e-world. You can't download this as a plug-in, or a patch, Just as a
programme like "Roots of Empathy" introduced a live baby to help
children re-connect and gain an empathetic understanding and connect
with their feelings so we now need a new understanding, a new "e-pathy"
to remind us of our humanity and curb the actions of many internet users
who risk becoming "comfortably numb."
19/07/2012 - Online Empathy - Erosion or Evolution?
What picture, or metaphor comes to mind, when you think of Empathy? A
waiting outstretched hand, a mother stooping down to kiss a child's
scraped knee, a silent long embrace at the end of a funeral service?
It's different for different people because empathy by its very nature
is uniquely personal. Indeed it requires a courageous leap of compassion
to enter into another's personal world and imaginatively experience what
that person is going through. Little wonder many of us are reluctant to
go further than the sympathetic smile; true empathy involves
I would like a few
more questions specifically on how technology and social media in
particular can help promote empathy but can also make us “comfortably
numb” !
If you can have a quick look at some of the films at
that would be great as in part this project has sought to help YP
re-connect with their feelings and express how they feel when things go
wrong online. – please note that this project is specifically focussed
on young people who are excluded from school or are particularly
vulnerable. There’s a powerpoint I produced on this project if you see
the slides at
Slide 19 is particularly important.