Vivian Bohl is an Estonian philosopher at Tartu University.
She is a PhD student and her doctoral work is in the field of social
We talked about the
definitions of Empathy. "Defining
empathy has always been a tricky issue and up to now, the conceptual
issues surrounding 'empathy' are causing more and more confusion in
scientific and philosophical literature. It's about time someone did
something to solve these complex conceptual issues. I see that in your
project, you are also interested in compassion. This is a very important
empathy-related topic, in my opinion.
For me, the best definition of compassion is a Buddhist
definition: it is the wish to alleviate the suffering of others and to
eliminate the causes for suffering. Since I'm quite happy with that
definition, we could discuss what this definition exactly means and also
talk about how to become a more compassionate person." Sub Conference:
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