Center for Building a Culture of Empathy

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Join the International Conference on: How Might We Build a Culture of Empathy and Compassion?

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Culture of Empathy Builder:  Susan Stillman

Emotional Intelligence: Going On An Empathy Adventure
Susan Stillman and Edwin Rutsch

Susan Stillman is Director of Education at Six Seconds, The Emotional Intelligence Network, Institute for Social Innovation. Through the Six Seconds website, she is hosting the Empathy Adventure over a six weeks period.

Susan writes, "Empathy is one of the vital competencies of the 21st century. Empathy is related to collaboration, building trust, problem solving, health, and peaceful resolution of conflict. It is an essential component of leadership and critical to success in business and education. Empathy and compassion may even be key to the survival of the human race.

Formation Skydiving (Wikipedia)

" Empathy and compassion may even be key
to the survival of the human race."

Empathy can be viewed even more broadly as compassionate action. So we’re inviting you to this Empathy Adventure — where we’ll come together online to discuss the many types of empathy and then perform a few simple acts of empathy that will ripple out to many others. Through personal stories of group members and empathy “experts,” the group will develop a deep awareness of empathy. We’ll observe what happens when we invite empathy to be more present in our lives, and document the way it affects us and our interaction with others. Over approximately six weeks, the project will follow these three stages..."
Sub Conference: Education



Emotional Intelligence: Going On An Empathy Adventure: Susan Stillman and Edwin Rutsch


(Video Transcriptions: If you would like to take empathic action and create a transcription of this video, check the volunteers page.  The transcriptions will make it easier for other viewers to quickly see the content of this video.)



Are We Wired for Empathy? JANUARY 16, 2012
"What do mirror neurons teach about us about our empathy? This week, leading neuroscientist Marco Iacoboni visited with Six Seconds’ Master Class in Pajaro Dunes, California, for an oceanside chat on mirror neurons and their relationship to empathy and learning. A few of us collected some of the takeaways:"

Empathy Adventure
"Empathy is one of the vital competencies of the 21st century. Empathy is related to collaboration, building trust, problem solving, health, and peaceful resolution of conflict. It is an essential component of leadership and critical to success in business and education. Empathy and compassion may even be key to the survival of the human race.

Empathy can be viewed even more broadly as compassionate action. So we’re inviting you to this Empathy Adventure — where we’ll come together online to discuss the many types of empathy and then perform a few simple acts of empathy that will ripple out to many others. Through personal stories of group members and empathy “experts,” the group will develop a deep awareness of empathy. We’ll observe what happens when we invite empathy to be more present in our lives, and document the way it affects us and our interaction with others. Over approximately six weeks, the project will follow these three stages –"

What is Empathy? Q&A with Dr. Susan Stillman 


Connected and Disconnected: Technology, Empathy, and Loneliness
By Joshua Freedman
"Can Technology Increase Empathy?
At the same time, any of us who parent teens can see that their social lives are dramatically different than “back in the day.” While some of us might wish to go back in time, a Pandora’s Box of Apps has been opened, and some educators are looking to this problem as an opportunity."