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Culture of Empathy Builder:  Brian Goldman

Why a Culture of Empathy is Essential

Brain Goldman


For more than thirty years, Dr. Brian Goldman has been an active participant in and keen observer of the culture of modern medicine. Since 2007, he has hosted White Coat, Black Art, a multi-award-winning show on CBC Radio that reveals what goes on behind a hospital's sliding doors. Goldman is author of: The Power of Kindness: Why Empathy Is Essential in Everyday Life.


As a veteran emergency room physician, Dr. Brian Goldman has a successful career setting broken bones, curing pneumonia, and otherwise pulling people back from the brink of medical emergency. He always believed that caring came naturally to physicians. But time, stress, errors, and heavy expectations left him wondering if he might not be the same caring doctor he thought he was at the beginning of his career. He wondered what kindness truly looks like - in himself and in others.

How can empathy transform health care?
Empathy is the way that we establish human connections. Without it, relationships between people are just transactions and devoid of the emotional warmth and meaning that I think is inherent in the human condition. If we could put more empathy into health care, it would mean that patients are more likely to follow the instructions of physicians and to feel assured that the best is being done for them.


Sub Conference: Health Care


Why Empathy is Essential In Everyday Life: Brian Goldman and Edwin Rutsch
(Video on Facebook)




The Power of Kindness: Why Empathy Is Essential in Everyday Life
by Brian Goldman

About the Book
As a veteran emergency room physician, Dr. Brian Goldman has a successful career setting broken bones, curing pneumonia, and otherwise pulling people back from the brink of medical emergency. He always believed that caring came naturally to physicians. But time, stress, errors, and heavy expectations left him wondering if he might not be the same caring doctor he thought he was at the beginning of his career. He wondered what kindness truly looks like—in himself and in others.



1. A Questions of Kindness

2. Hard-Wired

3. Psychopaths, Narcissists, and Machiavellians - The Dark Triad

4. The Donut Shop

5. The Bar at Ground Zero

6. Games of Empathy

7. Homeless in Brazil

8. The Kindest Robots

9. Teach Me

10. Soul Whisperers

11.  Epiphany






By Susan Minuk - July 27, 2018

"How can empathy transform health care?

Empathy is the way that we establish human connections. Without it, relationships between people are just transactions and devoid of the emotional warmth and meaning that I think is inherent in the human condition. If we could put more empathy into health care, it would mean that patients are more likely to follow the instructions of physicians and to feel assured that the best is being done for them. Family members would feel included in the plans, which means they would be more energized to help out and pitch in and take the instructions from the health-care team and use them to take care of their loved one when they take that person home. Health professionals themselves would feel better about the work that they do, more satisfied and less likely to be burned out."


NSB Speaker Dr. Brian Goldman on Empathy


Dr. Brian Goldman on his book, "The Power of Kindness"
Dr. Brian Goldman shares empowering findings from his worldwide search for kindness that are documented in his book, now available for purchase.



Empathy in health care - Dr Saul Green Memorial Lecture 2013


Dr. Brian Goldman in the IMAGINE Project: The empathy gap and problems in healthcare
It’s a culture of defensiveness, a system that beats the empathy out of people, and simple lack of training, that destroys patient experience and leads to bad outcomes.



Book Notes: The Power of Kindness:
Why Empathy Is Essential in Everyday Life


1. A Questions of Kindness

  • Am I a kind soul?

  • Definition: Empathy.. is the ability to use your imagination to see things from  the point of view of another person and to use that perspective to guide your behavior.

    • affective empathy

    • emotional-affective empathy

  • Synchronicity - connection and kindness

  • A quest to learn what it means to be kind.

2. Hard-Wired

  • Author is Tested for Empathy in fMRI

  • Mathieu Gregory - Neuroscientist

  • Jean Decety - Neuroscientist

  • Christian Keysers - Neuroscientist

    • disgust

    • touch

  • Jamil Zaki

  • Daryl Cameron

  • Marco Iacoboni - Neuroscientist

  • EEVEE: the Empathy-Enhancing Virtual Evolving Environment 

3. Psychopaths, Narcissists, and Machiavellians - The Dark Triad

  • The Dark Triad

    • Psychopaths -  

    • Narcissists -

    • Machiavellians -

  • Derek Mitchell  - Neuroscientist -

    • Psychopathic Personality Inventory

    • Autism Spectrum Quotient by Simon Baron-Cohen

  • Joana Barbaosa Vieira - psychologist

  • Scott Lilenfeild - study Psychopaths

4. The Donut Shop

  • Stories: Looking for Caring People

5. The Bar at Ground Zero

  • Stories:  Bartenders read the energy -mood,, feelings in the room

6. Games of Empathy

  • VR - syria

  • Van Jones - Project Empathy in prisons

  • Stanford -Empathy at scale - VR

  • Bloom - Against Empathy

  • Me; Slater - U Barcelona - VR

  • Struan Sinclair Embodying Empathy:

7. Homeless in Brazil

  • search for empathy

8. The Kindest Robots

  • search for empathy

  • Japan - empathic robots

  • Wilson, the soccer ball in Cast Away

9. Teach Me

  • Roots of Empathy

  • Grit Hein  German

10. Soul Whisperers

  • Alzheimer's - Validation

11.  Epiphany

  • gets empathy test results

  • test - ask  people close to you if you are empathic

  • Asks his wife if he is empathic. she says he is.. He say she it the most empathic woman he knows.