Center for Building a Culture of Empathy

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Culture of Empathy Builder:  David Weinstock

David Weinstock: How to Build a Culture of Empathy with Aikido

David Weinstock is a certified International Nonviolent Communication Trainer, a Somatic Coach, Aikido Instructor (30 yrs.) and originator of Somatic Consensus. He leads community workshops in schools, prisons, businesses, intentional communities & organizations around the world.

David and his family live in an intentional community in Washington State that they helped found and where consensus has been practiced for over 20 years. To learn more you can go to his website.

 How to build a culture of empathy?




David Weinstock and Edwin Rutsch - How to Build a Culture of Empathy with Aikido




Panel 17: How to Build a Culture of Empathy with Aikido?
Jerry Green
Nick Walker
Quentin Cooke
David Weinstock
Edwin Rutsch
Representatives of Aiki-Extensions, Inc from California, Washington State, England and the Center for Building a Culture if Empathy discuss and demonstrate how principles of Aikido entrain compassion and embody empathy around the world.

Bringing somatic attunement (embodied presence) to conflicted situations. Finding ground and center under pressure. Learning to listen to the different languages of the head, the heart and the wisdom of the belly.
Sub Conference: Aikido & Empathy




  • 00:00 Introduction

  • (transcription pending)

  • (Video Transcriptions: If you would like to take empathic action and create a transcription of this video, check the volunteers page.  The transcriptions will make it easier for other viewers to quickly see the content of this video.)