Center for Building a Culture of Empathy

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Join the International Conference on: How Might We Build a Culture of Empathy and Compassion?

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Empathic Design Conference
Empathic Design Magazine

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HCD Warm-Up Activities






Empathy and HCD  > 8 Videos




Design & Thinking Official Trailer


What is Design Thinking?


David Kelley - 60 Minutes Interview -  How to design breakthrough inventions 
(at 60 minutes - David M. Kelley, Design Thinker IDEO Featured on 60 Minutes )


 Developing empathic leaders through design: Sami Nerenberg at TEDxIndianapoli
 Good first video to watch of Human Centered Design by About Design for America.
"Currently the Director of Operations for Design for America (DFA) and a lecturer at the Segal Design Institute at
Northwestern University, Sami Nerenberg, a San Francisco native, is passionate about the intersection of
design education and local/social impact. "


What is Design Thinking?




Macromedia MOOC Design Thinking
"What exactly is Design Thinking? The term Design Thinking seems to indicate that design has moved on from being mainly concerned about the surface of things and it seems to emphasize the thinking behind the design process. However, design has already used the Design Thinking approach for example by using human-centered design methods, in order create designs, which incorporate deep understanding of the needs, aspirations and hopes of users and customers. So why do currently so many people talk about Design Thinking? "


How to Cultivate Creativity Using Design Thinking

 HPI School of Design Thinking Germany -
The HPI School of Design Thinking in Potsdam is the first school for innovation in
 Europe, which is designed according to the famous at the Stanford University.





Design Thinking: Training Yourself to Be More Creative
In this webinar Professor Bill Burnett gives you a taste of what will be taught during the Innovation Masters Series course being held this June 19 -21, 2013 and December 11 - 13, 2013 at Stanford University.Presented by the Innovation Masters Series: Design Thinking and  the Art of Innovation course:
INNOVATION MASTERS SERIESDesign Thinking and the Art of Innovation
Stanford University, December 11-13, 2013


Design & Thinking Official Trailer 2
Design & Thinking



color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-position: initial 50%; background-repeat: initial initial" align="left"> How can leaders balance bold leadership and crowdsourcing?





ABC Nightline - IDEO Shopping Cart



David Kelley: How to build your creative confidence


  • baby steps to dealing with phobia

  • guided mastery in dealing with fear

  • **dealing with fear of creativity



Stanford - case study


Stanford Open Office Hours:, Part 1




George Kembel - Stanford

George Kembel: Awakening Creativity - Chautauqua

07. How Empathy Can Inform Problem Definition
How Empathy Can Lead to Large Reframes of Problem Statements


David Kelley: On 'Design Thinking'




Design Thinking Teacher Training Video // Part 1 of 2




Design Thinking. Bringing Empathy and Collaboration to Your Designs


Tim Brown: CEO of the "innovation and design" firm IDEO - Tales of creativity and play






Design Thinking





Extreme By Design
"At a time of unprecedented global challenges, the under-30 “millennial” generation has every reason to be disengaged. Yet plenty of millennials are engaged. Call it the empathy revolution. Extreme By Design, an hour-long documentary film, brings this revolution to life by following three Stanford University students as they design and build products to meet basic needs of the world’s poor."



Design Thinking is Dead - Vimeo
Many in the design community appear to be ready to call game over on Design Thinking.


Design Thinking workshop with Justin Ferrell of Stanford d. School at The Irish Times